MCP LLMS.txt Explorer

by thedaviddias

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.


No arguments



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client

ActivepiecesOpen source no-code business automation tool
AI SquaredAI integration platform for enterprise applications
Answer.AIAI-powered answering and automation platform
AnthropicAI research company developing safe and reliable AI systems for humanity's benefit
AporiaML observability and monitoring platform
AptibleSecurity and compliance platform for cloud infrastructure
Argil AIAI development and deployment platform
AxiomCloud-native observability and log management platform
AxleInsurance technology platform
BaseHubDatabase and data infrastructure platform
Better AuthThe most comprehensive authentication library for TypeScript.
BucketWelcome to Bucket, a feature flag management tool purpose-built for B2B SaaS.
CampsiteOrganized team communication platform that replaces chaotic chat with structured discussions
Clever CloudCloud platform for application deployment and hosting
CloudflareMake employees, applications and networks faster and more secure everywhere, while reducing complexity and cost.
CoboDigital asset custody and management platform
CodeiumFree AI-powered code autocomplete and context-aware coding assistant
ConductorReal-time API integration for QuickBooks Desktop with multi-language support
ConvexThe missing half of your React app: Convex is the open-source reactive database for app developers.
CrewAIAI-powered team collaboration platform
CursorAI-powered code editor and development environment
DatafoldData reliability and testing platform
Demo TimeScript your coding demos to perfection with this VS Code extension - no typos, no missteps, just flawless, stress-free presentations every time.
DevHub'DevHub's location-focused enterprise marketing platform is easy to use and configured specifically for your brand's unique needs.'
Dopp FinanceDecentralized finance and trading platform
dotenvxEnvironment variable management tool
Drizzle ORM"Headless TypeScript ORM with a head. Runs on Node, Bun and Deno. Lives on the Edge and yes, it's a JavaScript ORM too"
DubLink management and URL shortening platform
DuckDBIn-process SQL OLAP database management system
DynamicWeb3 authentication and authorization platform
ElevenLabsAI-powered voice synthesis platform
EmailgicEmail automation and management platform
EmbedChainAI embedding and chain management platform
EnvoyerZero downtime PHP deployment platform
Evan BoehsPersonal website and development portfolio
FabricE-commerce platform and infrastructure
FastHTMLHigh-performance HTML templating engine
FinchUniversal API for employment systems
Fireworks AIAI model deployment and inference platform
FlatfileData onboarding and import platform
FlowXBusiness process automation platform
FractalPayModern payment processing platform
FrigadeUser onboarding and product adoption platform
Front Matter CMS - a CMS in your VS Code editorFront Matter CMS - a CMS running in Visual Studio Code that helps managing your static sites. Supports Hugo, Jekyll, Docusaurus, NextJs, Gatsby, and more.
GalileoAI-powered data quality and monitoring platform
GoodyCorporate gifting and rewards platform
HeliconeLLM observability and monitoring platform
Hugging Face AccelerateLibrary for training and optimizing machine learning models
Hugging Face DiffusersState-of-the-art diffusion models for image and audio generation
Hugging Face HubPlatform for sharing and discovering machine learning models
Hugging Face Hub Python LibraryPython library for interacting with the Hugging Face Hub
Hugging Face TransformersState-of-the-art Natural Language Processing library
HyperlineData pipeline and integration platform
HypermodeHigh-performance application development platform
InfisicalSecure secrets management platform
InkeepAI-powered documentation and knowledge base platform
IntunedProduct analytics and user behavior platform
IonQQuantum computing platform and infrastructure
LagoOpen-source metering and usage-based billing platform
LangfuseLLM observability and analytics platform
llms.txtDocumentation standard for LLM-powered applications
LoopsCustomer communication and engagement platform
Lots of CSVsCSV data management and processing platform
LuxAlgoAdvanced trading algorithms and analysis platform
MangopayPayment infrastructure and marketplace solutions
MeshConnectIntegration and connectivity platform
Method FinancialFinancial data and payment solutions platform
MintlifyModern documentation platform and tools
Mystery-o-maticInteractive mystery and game generation platform
OpenPhoneModern business phone system and communication platform
OpenPipeAI model fine-tuning and optimization platform
OpenRouterA unified interface for LLMs. Find the best models & prices for your prompts.
OxlaData processing and analytics platform
PerplexityAI-powered search and discovery platform
PinataSimple API platform for IPFS storage and decentralized file management
PlainCustomer support and communication platform
POPSMASHSocial gaming and community platform
PrimeVCloud infrastructure and virtualization platform
PrismaTypeScript ORM and hosted PostgreSQL database platform
ProjectDiscoverySecurity and vulnerability scanning platform
QuillSQL query builder and database management platform
RainbowKitWeb3 wallet integration toolkit
raincampAI-powered development and deployment platform
RaycastA collection of powerful productivity tools all within an extendable launcher.
RememberizerMemory and knowledge management platform
ResendModern email delivery platform
RocFast and safe programming language
SalesbricksSales automation and management platform
SardineFraud prevention and compliance platform
ScreenshotOneSimple API for automated website screenshots without browser management complexity
SkyDeck.aiAI-powered business intelligence platform
SmartcarConnected car API platform
SolidBanking and financial infrastructure platform
SourcegraphCode intelligence and search platform
StediB2B data integration and EDI platform
SupabaseBuild production-grade applications with a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Realtime, Functions, Storage and Vector embeddings. Start for free.
SvelteModern web application framework
TavusAI-powered video personalization platform
The Data Driven MarketerData-driven marketing insights and tools
TheirStackTechnology stack discovery platform
TinybirdReal-time analytics and data processing platform
TrackingplanAnalytics monitoring and validation platform
Trail of BitsSecurity research and consulting platform
Trigger.devBackground job and workflow automation platform
TurboTurbo is an incremental bundler and build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust.
TursoEdge database platform
UnifyGTMGo-to-market strategy and execution platform
UnkeyAPI key management and authentication platform
UnstructuredDocument processing and data extraction platform
UpstashServerless database and caching platform
UX Patterns for DevsA collection of UX patterns for developers to build effective, accessible, and usable UI components.
VeltReal-time collaboration platform
Vercel's AI SDKFrom the creators of Next.js, the AI SDK is a free open-source library that gives you the tools you need to build AI-powered products.
viemBuild reliable Ethereum apps & libraries with lightweight, composable, & type-safe modules from viem - a modern, efficient alternative to ethers.js.
VitalHealth data integration platform
WarpModern terminal and development environment
WebrecorderWeb archiving and preservation platform
WordLiftAI-powered SEO platform that optimizes content visibility and search performance
WorkflowDesign and workflow automation platform
ZapierWorkflow automation and integration platform


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions


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