MCP Server

  • test
import fs from "fs"; import path, { dirname } from "path"; import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from "@jest/globals"; import { ComponentPersonaService } from "@src/service.js"; import { Component } from "@src/component.js"; import { Persona } from "@src/persona.js"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { jest } from "@jest/globals"; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); describe("ComponentPersonaService", () => { let tempDir: string; let service: ComponentPersonaService; beforeEach(() => { tempDir = fs.mkdtempSync("component-persona-service-test-"); console.log("Created temp dir:", tempDir); service = new ComponentPersonaService(); }); afterEach(() => { fs.rmSync(tempDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); }); describe("Component operations", () => { it("should set and get a component", () => { service.setComponent(tempDir, "test", "description", "text", 1); const component = service.getComponent(tempDir, "test"); expect(component).toBeInstanceOf(Component); expect(component?.name).toBe("test"); expect(component?.description).toBe("description"); expect(component?.text).toBe("text"); expect(component?.version).toBe(1); }); it("should return null for non-existent component", () => { const component = service.getComponent(tempDir, "nonexistent"); expect(component).toBeNull(); }); it("should list components", () => { service.setComponent(tempDir, "test1", "desc1", "text1", 1); service.setComponent(tempDir, "test2", "desc2", "text2", 1); const components = service.listComponents(tempDir); expect(components).toEqual(["test1", "test2"]); }); it("should delete a component", () => { service.setComponent(tempDir, "test", "description", "text", 1); service.deleteComponent(tempDir, "test"); const component = service.getComponent(tempDir, "test"); expect(component).toBeNull(); }); it("should handle idempotent delete", () => { service.deleteComponent(tempDir, "nonexistent"); // Should not throw }); }); describe("Persona operations", () => { it("should set and get a persona", () => { service.setPersona(tempDir, "test", "description", "template", 1); const persona = service.getPersona(tempDir, "test"); expect(persona).toBeInstanceOf(Persona); expect(persona?.name).toBe("test"); expect(persona?.description).toBe("description"); expect(persona?.template).toBe("template"); expect(persona?.version).toBe(1); }); it("should return null for non-existent persona", () => { const persona = service.getPersona(tempDir, "nonexistent"); expect(persona).toBeNull(); }); it("should list personas", () => { service.setPersona(tempDir, "test1", "desc1", "template1", 1); service.setPersona(tempDir, "test2", "desc2", "template2", 1); const personas = service.listPersonas(tempDir); expect(personas).toEqual(["test1", "test2"]); }); it("should delete a persona", () => { service.setPersona(tempDir, "test", "description", "template", 1); service.deletePersona(tempDir, "test"); const persona = service.getPersona(tempDir, "test"); expect(persona).toBeNull(); }); it("should handle idempotent delete", () => { service.deletePersona(tempDir, "nonexistent"); // Should not throw }); }); describe("Component deletion validation", () => { it("should prevent deleting a component when personas depend on it", () => { // Create component and persona that depends on it service.setComponent(tempDir, "comp1", "desc", "text", 1); service.setPersona(tempDir, "persona1", "desc", "template with {{comp1}}", 1); expect(() => service.deleteComponent(tempDir, "comp1")).toThrow( /Cannot delete component: required by personas:.*persona1/ ); }); it("should allow deleting a component when no personas depend on it", () => { service.setComponent(tempDir, "comp1", "desc", "text", 1); service.deleteComponent(tempDir, "comp1"); expect(service.getComponent(tempDir, "comp1")).toBeNull(); }); }); describe("Persona validation", () => { it("should prevent saving persona with non-existent component dependencies", () => { expect(() => service.setPersona( tempDir, "persona1", "desc", "template with {{nonexistent}}", 1 ) ).toThrow( "Cannot save persona: depends on non-existent component: nonexistent" ); }); it("should allow saving persona when all dependencies exist", () => { service.setComponent(tempDir, "comp1", "desc", "text", 1); expect(() => service.setPersona(tempDir, "persona1", "desc", "template with {{comp1}}", 1) ).not.toThrow(); }); }); describe("Persona activation", () => { it("should write persona template to .clinerules file", () => { service.setPersona(tempDir, "persona1", "desc", "template content", 1); service.activatePersona(tempDir, "persona1"); let clineRulesPath = path.join(tempDir, ".clinerules"); expect(fs.existsSync(clineRulesPath)).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.readFileSync(clineRulesPath, "utf-8")).toBe("template content"); }); it("should throw when activating non-existent persona", () => { expect(() => service.activatePersona(tempDir, "nonexistent")).toThrow( "Persona not found: nonexistent" ); }); it("should get active persona name from .clinerules file", () => { service.setPersona(tempDir, "persona1", "desc", "template content", 1); service.activatePersona(tempDir, "persona1"); const activePersona = service.getActivePersona(tempDir); expect(activePersona).toBe("persona1"); }); it("should return null when no persona is active", () => { expect(service.getActivePersona(tempDir)).toBeNull(); }); it("should return null when .clinerules file is empty", () => { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tempDir, ".clinerules"), ""); expect(service.getActivePersona(tempDir)).toBeNull(); }); }); describe("Directory handling", () => { it("should create component directory if not exists", () => { const dir = path.join(tempDir, "new-components"); const newService = new ComponentPersonaService(); newService.listComponents(dir); expect(fs.existsSync(dir)).toBeTruthy(); }); it("should create persona directory if not exists", () => { const dir = path.join(tempDir, "new-personas"); const newService = new ComponentPersonaService(); newService.listPersonas(dir); expect(fs.existsSync(dir)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("renderPersona", () => { it("should render persona with component texts", () => { // Setup components service.setComponent(tempDir, "comp1", "desc1", "text1", 1); service.setComponent(tempDir, "comp2", "desc2", "text2", 1); // Setup persona with template const template = "Component 1: {{comp1}}\nComponent 2: {{comp2}}"; service.setPersona(tempDir, "test", "description", template, 1); // Render persona const result = service.renderPersona(tempDir, "test"); // Verify output expect(result).toBe("Component 1: text1\nComponent 2: text2"); }); it("should throw when persona does not exist", () => { expect(() => service.renderPersona(tempDir, "nonexistent")).toThrow( "Persona not found: nonexistent" ); }); it("should handle missing components in template", () => { // Create a component that isn't referenced by any persona service.setComponent(tempDir, "unusedComp", "desc", "text", 1); // Create persona that depends on a different component service.setPersona( tempDir, "test", "description", "Template with {{unusedComp}}", 1 ); // Delete the unused component to simulate it being missing service.deleteComponent(tempDir, "unusedComp"); // Verify error is thrown when trying to render expect(() => service.renderPersona(tempDir, "test")).toThrow( "Cannot render persona: missing required component: unusedcomp" ); }); }); describe("describePersonas", () => { it("should return empty map when no personas exist", () => { const result = service.describePersonas(tempDir); expect(result.size).toBe(0); }); it("should return correct name-description mappings", () => { service.setPersona(tempDir, "persona1", "description1", "template1", 1); service.setPersona(tempDir, "persona2", "description2", "template2", 1); const result = service.describePersonas(tempDir); expect(result.size).toBe(2); expect(result.get("persona1")).toBe("description1"); expect(result.get("persona2")).toBe("description2"); }); }); describe("describeComponents", () => { it("should return empty map when no components exist", () => { const result = service.describeComponents(tempDir); expect(result.size).toBe(0); }); it("should return correct name-description mappings", () => { service.setComponent(tempDir, "comp1", "description1", "text1", 1); service.setComponent(tempDir, "comp2", "description2", "text2", 1); const result = service.describeComponents(tempDir); expect(result.size).toBe(2); expect(result.get("comp1")).toBe("description1"); expect(result.get("comp2")).toBe("description2"); }); }); });