MCP Server

  • test
import { Persona } from "@src/persona.js"; import fs from "fs"; import path, { dirname } from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { jest } from "@jest/globals"; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); describe("Persona", () => { let tempDir: string; let testFilePath: string; beforeAll(() => { tempDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(__dirname, "persona-test-")); testFilePath = path.join(tempDir, "test-persona.json"); }); afterEach(() => { if (fs.existsSync(testFilePath)) { fs.unlinkSync(testFilePath); } }); afterAll(() => { if (fs.existsSync(tempDir)) { fs.rmSync(tempDir, { recursive: true }); } }); describe("constructor", () => { it("should create a persona with all fields", () => { const persona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 1); expect("Test"); expect(persona.description).toBe("Description"); expect(persona.template).toBe("Template"); expect(persona.version).toBe(1); }); }); describe("saveToFile", () => { it("should save persona as JSON file", () => { const persona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 1); persona.saveToFile(testFilePath); expect(fs.existsSync(testFilePath)).toBe(true); const fileContent = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(testFilePath, "utf-8")); expect(fileContent).toEqual({ name: "Test", description: "Description", template: "Template", version: 1, }); }); it("should throw error for invalid path", () => { const persona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 1); expect(() => persona.saveToFile("/invalid/path/test.json")).toThrow(); }); it("should throw error when trying to write to read-only file", () => { const mockWrite = jest .spyOn(fs, "writeFileSync") .mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error("EPERM: operation not permitted, open"); }); const persona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 1); expect(() => persona.saveToFile(testFilePath)).toThrow( "Failed to save persona: EPERM: operation not permitted, open" ); mockWrite.mockRestore(); }); }); describe("loadFromFile", () => { it("should load persona from JSON file", () => { const originalPersona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 1); originalPersona.saveToFile(testFilePath); const loadedPersona = Persona.loadFromFile(testFilePath); expect(loadedPersona).toBeInstanceOf(Persona); expect(loadedPersona).toEqual(originalPersona); }); it("should throw error for non-existent file", () => { expect(() => Persona.loadFromFile("/nonexistent/file.json")).toThrow(); }); it("should throw error for invalid JSON", () => { fs.writeFileSync(testFilePath, "invalid json"); expect(() => Persona.loadFromFile(testFilePath)).toThrow(); }); it("should throw error when trying to read from write-only file", () => { const originalRead = fs.readFileSync; const originalExists = fs.existsSync; try { fs.readFileSync = jest.fn<typeof fs.readFileSync>().mockImplementation((path: fs.PathOrFileDescriptor, options?: { encoding?: BufferEncoding | null; flag?: string } | null | BufferEncoding) => { throw new Error("EACCES: permission denied, open"); }) as jest.MockedFunction<typeof fs.readFileSync>; fs.existsSync = jest.fn<typeof fs.existsSync>().mockReturnValue(true); expect(() => Persona.loadFromFile(testFilePath)).toThrow( "Failed to load persona: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open" ); } finally { fs.readFileSync = originalRead; fs.existsSync = originalExists; } }); it("should throw error for JSON missing required fields", () => { const invalidData = { name: "Test", description: "Description", // Missing template and version }; fs.writeFileSync(testFilePath, JSON.stringify(invalidData)); expect(() => Persona.loadFromFile(testFilePath)).toThrow( "Invalid persona data in file" ); }); }); describe("render", () => { let persona: Persona; beforeEach(() => { persona = new Persona( "Test", "Description", "{{ greeting }} {{ name }}!", 1 ); }); it("should replace single variable", () => { const result = persona.render({ greeting: "Hello" }); expect(result).toBe("Hello {{ name }}!"); }); it("should replace multiple variables", () => { const result = persona.render({ greeting: "Hi", name: "Alice" }); expect(result).toBe("Hi Alice!"); }); it("should handle case insensitive variable names", () => { const result = persona.render({ GREETING: "Hey", NAME: "Bob" }); expect(result).toBe("Hey Bob!"); }); it("should leave unmatched variables as-is", () => { const result = persona.render({ name: "Charlie" }); expect(result).toBe("{{ greeting }} Charlie!"); }); it("should handle complex templates", () => { const complexPersona = new Persona( "Test", "Description", "{{ header }}\n{{ body }}\n{{ footer }}", 1 ); const result = complexPersona.render({ header: "Welcome", body: "This is the content", footer: "Goodbye", }); expect(result).toBe("Welcome\nThis is the content\nGoodbye"); }); }); describe("requiredComponents", () => { it("should return single variable name", () => { const persona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "{{ name }}", 1); expect(persona.requiredComponents()).toEqual(["name"]); }); it("should return multiple variable names", () => { const persona = new Persona( "Test", "Description", "{{ greeting }} {{ name }}!", 1 ); expect(persona.requiredComponents()).toEqual(["greeting", "name"]); }); it("should return variable names case insensitive", () => { const persona = new Persona( "Test", "Description", "{{ GREETING }} {{ NAME }}", 1 ); expect(persona.requiredComponents()).toEqual(["greeting", "name"]); }); it("should handle malformed templates", () => { const persona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "{{ {greeting} }}", 1); expect(persona.requiredComponents()).toEqual([]); }); }); describe("equals", () => { let persona: Persona; beforeEach(() => { persona = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 1); }); it("should return true for identical personas", () => { const other = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 1); expect(persona.equals(other)).toBe(true); }); it("should return false for different names", () => { const other = new Persona("Different", "Description", "Template", 1); expect(persona.equals(other)).toBe(false); }); it("should return false for different descriptions", () => { const other = new Persona("Test", "Different", "Template", 1); expect(persona.equals(other)).toBe(false); }); it("should return false for different template", () => { const other = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Different", 1); expect(persona.equals(other)).toBe(false); }); it("should return false for different versions", () => { const other = new Persona("Test", "Description", "Template", 2); expect(persona.equals(other)).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when comparing with null", () => { expect(persona.equals(null)).toBe(false); }); it("should return false when comparing with undefined", () => { expect(persona.equals(undefined)).toBe(false); }); }); });