mcp-codex-keeperaindreywayAsecurityAlicenseAqualityServes as a guardian of development knowledge, providing AI assistants with curated access to latest documentation and best practices.45439TypeScriptMIT License
mcp-azure-tablestoragedkmakerAsecurityAlicenseAqualityEnables interaction with Azure Table Storage directly through Cline. This tool allows you to query and manage data in Azure Storage Tables.354JavaScriptMIT License
Gemini MCP Serveraliargun-securityAlicense-qualityModel Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that enables Claude Desktop to interact with Google's Gemini AI models.12TypeScriptMIT LicenseAppleLinux
mcp-simple-pubmedandybrandtAsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server that provides access to PubMed articles through the Entrez API.29PythonMIT LicenseApple
mcp-server-neonofficialneondatabase-securityAlicense-qualityLets you use Claude Desktop, or any MCP Client, to use natural language to accomplish things with Neon.2540TypeScriptMIT License