Umami Analytics MCP Server

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from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from langchain_community.vectorstores import FAISS from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity import numpy as np from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings # Create a custom embedding class that implements Langchain's Embedding interface class SentenceTransformerEmbeddings(Embeddings): def __init__(self, model_name="all-MiniLM-L6-v2"): self.model = SentenceTransformer(model_name) def embed_documents(self, texts): """Compute embeddings for a list of texts.""" embeddings = self.model.encode(texts) return embeddings.tolist() def embed_query(self, text): """Compute embedding for a single text.""" embedding = self.model.encode([text])[0] return embedding.tolist() # Initialize sentence transformer embeddings embeddings_model = SentenceTransformerEmbeddings() # Initialize FAISS vector store (in-memory) vector_store = FAISS.from_texts(["test"], embeddings_model) vector_store.delete([vector_store.index_to_docstore_id[0]]) def compute_embeddings(texts): """Compute embeddings for a list of texts using Sentence Transformers.""" return embeddings_model.embed_documents(texts) def compute_similarity_matrix(embeddings): """Compute the cosine similarity matrix for the given embeddings.""" return cosine_similarity(embeddings) def semantic_chunking(texts, similarity_threshold=0.7, min_chunk_size=100, max_chunk_size=1000): """ Perform semantic chunking on the given texts. Args: texts (list): List of text strings to chunk. similarity_threshold (float): Threshold for cosine similarity to consider texts as similar. min_chunk_size (int): Minimum number of characters in a chunk. max_chunk_size (int): Maximum number of characters in a chunk. Returns: list: List of semantically chunked texts. """ embeddings = compute_embeddings(texts) similarity_matrix = compute_similarity_matrix(embeddings) chunks = [] current_chunk = [] current_chunk_size = 0 for i, text in enumerate(texts): if current_chunk_size + len(text) > max_chunk_size: chunk = " ".join(current_chunk) chunks.append(chunk) current_chunk = [] current_chunk_size = 0 if not current_chunk: current_chunk.append(text) current_chunk_size += len(text) else: avg_similarity = np.mean([similarity_matrix[i][j] for j in range(i-len(current_chunk), i)]) if avg_similarity >= similarity_threshold: current_chunk.append(text) current_chunk_size += len(text) else: if current_chunk_size >= min_chunk_size: chunk = " ".join(current_chunk) chunks.append(chunk) current_chunk = [text] current_chunk_size = len(text) else: current_chunk.append(text) current_chunk_size += len(text) if current_chunk: chunk = " ".join(current_chunk) chunks.append(chunk) return chunks def second_stage_chunking(text, max_chunk_size=5000): """ Break down a large chunk of text into smaller chunks. """ text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter( separator="\n", chunk_size=max_chunk_size, chunk_overlap=100, length_function=len ) return text_splitter.split_text(text) def smart_chunk_selection(chunks_per_user, max_total_chunks=100): """ Select a balanced representation of chunks from each user's journey. """ total_users = len(chunks_per_user) chunks_per_user_limit = max(1, max_total_chunks // total_users) selected_chunks = [] for user_chunks in chunks_per_user: # Select evenly spaced chunks to represent the user's journey step = max(1, len(user_chunks) // chunks_per_user_limit) selected_chunks.extend(user_chunks[::step][:chunks_per_user_limit]) # If we still have too many chunks, trim evenly while len(selected_chunks) > max_total_chunks: selected_chunks = selected_chunks[::2] return selected_chunks def embed_and_store_data(texts: list[str]): """ Embed the returned data using two-stage chunking and store it in vector store. """ first_stage_chunks = semantic_chunking(texts) second_stage_chunks_per_user = [second_stage_chunking(chunk) for chunk in first_stage_chunks] selected_chunks = smart_chunk_selection(second_stage_chunks_per_user) vector_store.add_texts(selected_chunks) async def get_chunks(user_activity_list, user_question): """ Get relevant documents based on user question and selected events. """ embed_and_store_data(user_activity_list) retriever = vector_store.as_retriever(search_type="mmr", search_kwargs={"k": 20, "fetch_k": 5000}) # Test retrieval test_docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(user_question) return test_docs