import { Tool } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
import { SalesforceField, SalesforceDescribeResponse } from "../types/salesforce";
export const DESCRIBE_OBJECT: Tool = {
name: "salesforce_describe_object",
description: "Get detailed schema metadata including all fields, relationships, and field properties of any Salesforce object. Examples: 'Account' shows all Account fields including custom fields; 'Case' shows all Case fields including relationships to Account, Contact etc.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
objectName: {
type: "string",
description: "API name of the object (e.g., 'Account', 'Contact', 'Custom_Object__c')"
required: ["objectName"]
export async function handleDescribeObject(conn: any, objectName: string) {
const describe = await conn.describe(objectName) as SalesforceDescribeResponse;
// Format the output
const formattedDescription = `
Object: ${} (${describe.label})${describe.custom ? ' (Custom Object)' : ''}
${ SalesforceField) => ` - ${} (${field.label})
Type: ${field.type}${field.length ? `, Length: ${field.length}` : ''}
Required: ${!field.nillable}
${field.referenceTo && field.referenceTo.length > 0 ? `References: ${field.referenceTo.join(', ')}` : ''}
${field.picklistValues && field.picklistValues.length > 0 ? `Picklist Values: ${ { value: string }) => v.value).join(', ')}` : ''}`
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: formattedDescription
isError: false,