salesforce_search_objects | Search for Salesforce standard and custom objects by name pattern. Examples: 'Account' will find Account, AccountHistory; 'Order' will find WorkOrder, ServiceOrder__c etc. |
salesforce_describe_object | Get detailed schema metadata including all fields, relationships, and field properties of any Salesforce object. Examples: 'Account' shows all Account fields including custom fields; 'Case' shows all Case fields including relationships to Account, Contact etc. |
salesforce_query_records | Query records from any Salesforce object using SOQL, including relationship queries. Examples: - Parent-to-child query (e.g., Account with Contacts):
- objectName: "Account"
- fields: ["Name", "(SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts)"]
- Child-to-parent query (e.g., Contact with Account details):
- objectName: "Contact"
- fields: ["FirstName", "LastName", "Account.Name", "Account.Industry"]
- Multiple level query (e.g., Contact -> Account -> Owner):
- objectName: "Contact"
- fields: ["Name", "Account.Name", "Account.Owner.Name"]
- Related object filtering:
- objectName: "Contact"
- fields: ["Name", "Account.Name"]
- whereClause: "Account.Industry = 'Technology'"
Note: When using relationship fields: - Use dot notation for parent relationships (e.g., "Account.Name")
- Use subqueries in parentheses for child relationships (e.g., "(SELECT Id FROM Contacts)")
- Custom relationship fields end in "__r" (e.g., "CustomObject__r.Name")
salesforce_dml_records | Perform data manipulation operations on Salesforce records: - insert: Create new records
- update: Modify existing records (requires Id)
- delete: Remove records (requires Id)
- upsert: Insert or update based on external ID field
Examples: Insert new Accounts, Update Case status, Delete old records, Upsert based on custom external ID
salesforce_manage_object | Create new custom objects or modify existing ones in Salesforce: - Create: New custom objects with fields, relationships, and settings
- Update: Modify existing object settings, labels, sharing model
Examples: Create Customer_Feedback__c object, Update object sharing settings
Note: Changes affect metadata and require proper permissions
salesforce_manage_field | Create new custom fields or modify existing fields on any Salesforce object: - Field Types: Text, Number, Date, Lookup, Master-Detail, Picklist etc.
- Properties: Required, Unique, External ID, Length, Scale etc.
- Relationships: Create lookups and master-detail relationships
Examples: Add Rating__c picklist to Account, Create Account lookup on Custom Object
Note: Changes affect metadata and require proper permissions
salesforce_search_all | Search across multiple Salesforce objects using SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language). Examples: - Basic search across all objects:
"searchTerm": "John",
"objects": [
{ "name": "Account", "fields": ["Name"], "limit": 10 },
{ "name": "Contact", "fields": ["FirstName", "LastName", "Email"] }
- Advanced search with filters:
"searchTerm": "Cloud*",
"searchIn": "NAME FIELDS",
"objects": [
"name": "Account",
"fields": ["Name", "Industry"],
"orderBy": "Name DESC",
"where": "Industry = 'Technology'"
"withClauses": [
{ "type": "NETWORK", "value": "ALL NETWORKS" },
{ "type": "SNIPPET", "fields": ["Description"] }
Notes: - Use * and ? for wildcards in search terms
- Each object can have its own WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT clauses
- "updateable" and "viewable" options control record access filtering