PubMed MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

PubMed MCP Server

An MCP server implementation for accessing PubMed data with focus on open access content.


  • Search PubMed database for research articles
  • Filter for open access content
  • Get detailed article information including abstracts
  • Find free full-text links where available
  • Built-in rate limiting for API compliance


npm install @rikachu225/pubmed-server


import PubMedServer from '@rikachu225/pubmed-server'; // Search for recent open access papers const results = await PubMedServer.getLatestOpenAccess({ topic: 'machine learning', days: 30, maxResults: 10 }); // Basic search with options const searchResults = await{ query: 'cancer treatment', maxResults: 20, sort: 'relevance', filterOpenAccess: true });

API Reference


Search for articles with specified criteria

  • query: Search terms
  • maxResults: Maximum number of results (default: 10)
  • sort: Sort order ('relevance' or 'date')
  • filterOpenAccess: Whether to filter for open access content (default: true)


Get recent open access papers

  • topic: Search topic
  • days: Number of days to look back (default: 30)
  • maxResults: Maximum number of results (default: 10)

Get available free full-text links for an article

  • pmid: PubMed ID of the article

Rate Limiting

The server implements automatic rate limiting to comply with NCBI's guidelines (maximum 3 requests per second).




security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An MCP server implementation that enables searching and retrieving research articles from PubMed with specific focus on open access content filtering and full-text link retrieval.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Usage
        1. API Reference
          1. search(options)
            1. getLatestOpenAccess(options)
              1. getOpenAccessLinks(pmid)
              2. Rate Limiting
                1. License
                  1. mcp-pubmed-server