
"""MySQL MCP server implementation""" from typing import Optional import mcp.types as types import mysql.connector from mysql.connector.pooling import MySQLConnectionPool, PooledMySQLConnection # 获取包信息用于日志命名 from ..base import LOG_NAME, ConnectionServer from ..log import create_logger from .config import MySQLConfig class MySQLServer(ConnectionServer): def __init__(self, config: MySQLConfig, config_path: Optional[str] = None): """初始化MySQL服务器 Args: config: 数据库配置 config_path: 配置文件路径(可选) """ super().__init__(config_path, config.debug) self.config = config self.config_path = config_path self.log = create_logger(f"{LOG_NAME}.db.mysql", config.debug) # 创建连接池 try: conn_params = config.get_connection_params() masked_params = config.get_masked_connection_info() self.log("debug", f"正在连接数据库,参数: {masked_params}") # 测试连接 test_conn = mysql.connector.connect(**conn_params) test_conn.close() self.log("info", "测试连接成功") # 创建连接池配置 pool_config = { 'pool_name': 'mypool', 'pool_size': 5, **conn_params } self.pool = MySQLConnectionPool(**pool_config) self.log("info", "连接池创建成功") except mysql.connector.Error as e: self.log("error", f"连接失败: {str(e)}") raise async def list_resources(self) -> list[types.Resource]: """列出所有表资源""" try: conn = self.pool.get_connection() with conn.cursor(dictionary=True) as cur: # NOSONAR - dictionary参数是正确的,用于返回字典格式的结果 cur.execute(""" SELECT table_name, table_comment as description FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = %s """, (self.config.database,)) tables = cur.fetchall() return [ types.Resource( uri=f"mysql://{}/{table['table_name']}/schema", name=f"{table['table_name']} schema", description=table['description'] if table['description'] else None, mimeType="application/json" ) for table in tables ] except mysql.connector.Error as e: error_msg = f"获取表列表失败: {str(e)}" self.log("error", error_msg) raise finally: conn.close() async def read_resource(self, uri: str) -> str: """读取表结构信息""" try: table_name = uri.split('/')[-2] conn = self.pool.get_connection() with conn.cursor(dictionary=True) as cur: # NOSONAR - dictionary参数是正确的,用于返回字典格式的结果 # 获取列信息 cur.execute(""" SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_comment as description FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %s AND table_name = %s ORDER BY ordinal_position """, (self.config.database, table_name)) columns = cur.fetchall() # 获取约束信息 cur.execute(""" SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_schema = %s AND table_name = %s """, (self.config.database, table_name)) constraints = cur.fetchall() return str({ 'columns': [{ 'name': col['column_name'], 'type': col['data_type'], 'nullable': col['is_nullable'] == 'YES', 'description': col['description'] } for col in columns], 'constraints': [{ 'name': con['constraint_name'], 'type': con['constraint_type'] } for con in constraints] }) except mysql.connector.Error as e: error_msg = f"读取表结构失败: {str(e)}" self.log("error", error_msg) raise finally: conn.close() def get_tools(self) -> list[types.Tool]: """获取可用工具列表""" return [ types.Tool( name="query", description="执行只读SQL查询", inputSchema={ "type": "object", "properties": { "connection": { "type": "string", "description": "数据库连接名称(可选)" }, "sql": { "type": "string", "description": "SQL查询语句(仅支持SELECT)" } }, "required": ["sql"] } ) ] async def call_tool(self, name: str, arguments: dict) -> list[types.TextContent]: """执行工具调用""" if name != "query": raise ValueError(f"未知工具: {name}") sql = arguments.get("sql", "").strip() if not sql: raise ValueError("SQL查询不能为空") # 仅允许SELECT语句 if not sql.lower().startswith("select"): raise ValueError("仅支持SELECT查询") connection = arguments.get("connection") conn = None try: if connection and self.config_path: # 使用指定的数据库连接 config = MySQLConfig.from_yaml(self.config_path, connection) conn_params = config.get_connection_params() masked_params = config.get_masked_connection_info() self.log("info", f"使用配置 {connection} 连接数据库: {masked_params}") conn = mysql.connector.connect(**conn_params) else: # 使用现有连接池 conn = self.pool.get_connection() self.log("info", f"执行查询: {sql}") with conn.cursor(dictionary=True) as cur: # NOSONAR - dictionary参数是正确的,用于返回字典格式的结果 # 设置只读事务 cur.execute("SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY") try: cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() columns = [desc[0] for desc in cur.description] result_text = str({ 'type': 'mysql', 'config_name': connection or 'default', 'query_result': { 'columns': columns, 'rows': results, 'row_count': len(results) } }) self.log("info", f"查询完成,返回{len(results)}行结果") return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=result_text)] finally: cur.execute("ROLLBACK") except Exception as e: error = f"查询执行失败: {str(e)}" error_msg = str({ 'type': 'mysql', 'config_name': connection or 'default', 'error': error }) self.log("error", error_msg) return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=error_msg)] finally: if conn: conn.close() # 关闭连接(连接池会自动处理) async def cleanup(self): """清理资源""" if hasattr(self, 'pool'): self.log("info", "关闭连接池") # MySQL连接池没有直接的closeall方法 # 当对象被销毁时,连接池会自动关闭