
import { ErrorCode, McpError } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { AxiosInstance } from 'axios'; import { ToolCallResponse, ToolDefinition, ToolHandler, } from '../../../types/index.js'; import { BasePostmanTool } from '../base.js'; import { TOOL_DEFINITIONS } from './definitions.js'; /** * Implements Postman API endpoints for managing APIs, schemas, versions, comments, and tags * All API operations require the v10 Accept header */ export class ApiTools extends BasePostmanTool implements ToolHandler { constructor(existingClient: AxiosInstance) { super(null, { acceptHeader: 'application/vnd.api.v10+json' }, existingClient); } getToolDefinitions(): ToolDefinition[] { return TOOL_DEFINITIONS; } private createResponse(data: any): ToolCallResponse { return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }] }; } /** * Handles tool calls for API-related operations * @throws {McpError} With appropriate error code and message */ async handleToolCall(name: string, args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { try { switch (name) { case 'list_apis': return await this.listApis(args); case 'get_api': return await this.getApi(args); case 'create_api': return await this.createApi(args); case 'update_api': return await this.updateApi(args); case 'delete_api': return await this.deleteApi(args.apiId); case 'add_api_collection': return await this.addApiCollection(args); case 'get_api_collection': return await this.getApiCollection(args); case 'create_api_schema': return await this.createApiSchema(args); case 'get_api_schema': return await this.getApiSchema(args); case 'create_api_version': return await this.createApiVersion(args); case 'get_api_versions': return await this.getApiVersions(args); case 'get_api_version': return await this.getApiVersion(args); case 'update_api_version': return await this.updateApiVersion(args); case 'delete_api_version': return await this.deleteApiVersion(args); case 'get_api_comments': return await this.getApiComments(args); case 'create_api_comment': return await this.createApiComment(args); case 'update_api_comment': return await this.updateApiComment(args); case 'delete_api_comment': return await this.deleteApiComment(args); case 'get_api_tags': return await this.getApiTags(args.apiId); case 'update_api_tags': return await this.updateApiTags(args); case 'get_api_schema_files': return await this.getApiSchemaFiles(args); case 'get_schema_file_contents': return await this.getSchemaFileContents(args); case 'create_update_schema_file': return await this.createUpdateSchemaFile(args); case 'delete_schema_file': return await this.deleteSchemaFile(args); case 'sync_collection_with_schema': return await this.syncCollectionWithSchema(args); case 'get_task_status': return await this.getTaskStatus(args); default: throw new McpError(ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Unknown tool: ${name}`); } } catch (error) { // Let base class interceptor handle API errors throw error; } } /** * List all APIs in a workspace * @param params Query parameters including workspaceId (required) */ async listApis(params: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!params.workspaceId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'workspaceId is required'); } const response = await this.client.get('/apis', { params }); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get details of a specific API * @param params Parameters including apiId (required) */ async getApi(params: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!params.apiId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId is required'); } const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${params.apiId}`, { params: { include: params.include?.join(',') } }); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Create a new API * @param data API data including name (required), workspaceId (required) */ async createApi(data: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!data.name || !data.workspaceId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'name and workspaceId are required'); } const response = await this.client.post('/apis', data); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Update an existing API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required) */ async updateApi(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId is required'); } const { apiId, ...data } = args; const response = await this.client.put(`/apis/${apiId}`, data); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Delete an API * @param apiId The ID of the API to delete (required) */ async deleteApi(apiId: string): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!apiId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId is required'); } await this.client.delete(`/apis/${apiId}`); return this.createResponse({ message: 'API deleted successfully' }); } /** * Add a collection to an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), operationType (required) */ async addApiCollection(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.operationType) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and operationType are required'); } const { apiId, ...data } = args; const response = await this.client.post(`/apis/${apiId}/collections`, data); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get a specific collection from an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), collectionId (required) */ async getApiCollection(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.collectionId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and collectionId are required'); } const { apiId, collectionId, ...params } = args; const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${apiId}/collections/${collectionId}`, { params }); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Create a schema for an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), type (required), files (required) */ async createApiSchema(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.type || !args.files) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId, type, and files are required'); } const { apiId, ...data } = args; const response = await this.client.post(`/apis/${apiId}/schemas`, data); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get a specific schema from an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), schemaId (required) */ async getApiSchema(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.schemaId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and schemaId are required'); } const { apiId, schemaId, ...params } = args; const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${apiId}/schemas/${schemaId}`, { params }); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Create a new version of an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), name (required), schemas (required), collections (required) */ async createApiVersion(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.name || !args.schemas || !args.collections) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId, name, schemas, and collections are required'); } const { apiId, ...data } = args; const response = await this.client.post(`/apis/${apiId}/versions`, data); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get all versions of an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required) */ async getApiVersions(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId is required'); } const { apiId, ...params } = args; const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${apiId}/versions`, { params }); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get a specific version of an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), versionId (required) */ async getApiVersion(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.versionId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and versionId are required'); } const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${args.apiId}/versions/${args.versionId}`); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Update an API version * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), versionId (required), name (required) */ async updateApiVersion(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.versionId || !args.name) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId, versionId, and name are required'); } const { apiId, versionId, ...data } = args; const response = await this.client.put(`/apis/${apiId}/versions/${versionId}`, data); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Delete an API version * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), versionId (required) */ async deleteApiVersion(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.versionId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and versionId are required'); } await this.client.delete(`/apis/${args.apiId}/versions/${args.versionId}`); return this.createResponse({ message: 'API version deleted successfully' }); } /** * Get comments for an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required) */ async getApiComments(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId is required'); } const { apiId, ...params } = args; const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${apiId}/comments`, { params }); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Create a new comment on an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), content (required) */ async createApiComment(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.content) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and content are required'); } const { apiId, ...data } = args; const response = await this.client.post(`/apis/${apiId}/comments`, data); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Update an existing API comment * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), commentId (required), content (required) */ async updateApiComment(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.commentId || !args.content) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId, commentId, and content are required'); } const response = await this.client.put( `/apis/${args.apiId}/comments/${args.commentId}`, { content: args.content } ); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Delete an API comment * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), commentId (required) */ async deleteApiComment(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.commentId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and commentId are required'); } await this.client.delete(`/apis/${args.apiId}/comments/${args.commentId}`); return this.createResponse({ message: 'Comment deleted successfully' }); } /** * Get tags for an API * @param apiId The ID of the API (required) */ async getApiTags(apiId: string): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!apiId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId is required'); } const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${apiId}/tags`); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Update tags for an API * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), tags (required) */ async updateApiTags(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.tags) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and tags are required'); } const response = await this.client.put( `/apis/${args.apiId}/tags`, { tags: args.tags } ); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get files in an API schema * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), schemaId (required) */ async getApiSchemaFiles(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.schemaId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and schemaId are required'); } const { apiId, schemaId, ...params } = args; const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${apiId}/schemas/${schemaId}/files`, { params }); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get contents of a schema file * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), schemaId (required), filePath (required) */ async getSchemaFileContents(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.schemaId || !args.filePath) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId, schemaId, and filePath are required'); } const { apiId, schemaId, filePath, versionId } = args; const response = await this.client.get( `/apis/${apiId}/schemas/${schemaId}/files/${filePath}`, { params: { versionId } } ); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Create or update a schema file * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), schemaId (required), filePath (required), content (required) */ async createUpdateSchemaFile(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.schemaId || !args.filePath || !args.content) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId, schemaId, filePath, and content are required'); } const { apiId, schemaId, filePath, ...data } = args; const response = await this.client.put( `/apis/${apiId}/schemas/${schemaId}/files/${filePath}`, data ); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Delete a schema file * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), schemaId (required), filePath (required) */ async deleteSchemaFile(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.schemaId || !args.filePath) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId, schemaId, and filePath are required'); } await this.client.delete( `/apis/${args.apiId}/schemas/${args.schemaId}/files/${args.filePath}` ); return this.createResponse({ message: 'Schema file deleted successfully' }); } /** * Sync a collection with its schema * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), collectionId (required) */ async syncCollectionWithSchema(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.collectionId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and collectionId are required'); } const response = await this.client.put( `/apis/${args.apiId}/collections/${args.collectionId}/sync-with-schema-tasks`, {} ); return this.createResponse(response.data); } /** * Get status of an asynchronous task * @param args Parameters including apiId (required), taskId (required) */ async getTaskStatus(args: any): Promise<ToolCallResponse> { if (!args.apiId || !args.taskId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'apiId and taskId are required'); } const response = await this.client.get(`/apis/${args.apiId}/tasks/${args.taskId}`); return this.createResponse(response.data); } }