
examples: api404ErrorNotFound: value: type: instanceNotFoundError title: We could not find the API you are looking for detail: We could not find the API you are looking for. api403ErrorForbidden: value: title: You are not permitted to perform the action. detail: Please ensure that you have required permissions type: ForbiddenError api403ErrorLimitReached: value: type: limitReachedError title: You've reached the API limit message: You can create up to 3 APIs on your current plan. detail: model: api action: create message: You can create up to 3 APIs on your current plan. featureUnavailable403Error: value: type: https://api.postman.com/problems/forbidden title: Forbidden detail: This feature isn't available in your region. status: 403 v10HeaderMissing: value: name: instanceNotFoundError message: API not found. For v10 and later APIs, ensure that your request sends the "application/vnd.api.v10+json" Accept header. apiSchema403ErrorForbidden: value: title: You are not permitted to perform the action. detail: You do not have access to perform this operation. type: ForbiddenError api400ErrorVersionIdMissing: value: title: Invalid request body type: invalidParamError detail: Missing field 'versionId' in the request body apiCollection404ErrorNotFound: value: error: type: instanceNotFoundError title: Collection not found detail: The API does not contain the collection you are looking for commentCreate: value: body: This is an example. commentCreateReply: value: body: This is an example. threadId: 12345 commentTagUser: value: body: This is an example. @alex-cruz tags: '@alex-cruz': type: user id: '87654321' apiCollection400InvalidParam: value: type: invalidParamsError title: The specified parameter is in an invalid format detail: Parameter, collectionId is in an invalid format. apiSchema404ErrorNotFound: value: type: instanceNotFoundError title: Schema not found detail: We could not find a schema linked to this API comment403Error: value: type: https://api.postman.com/problems/forbidden title: Forbidden detail: Forbidden status: 403 createJsonSchema: value: type: openapi:3 files: - path: index.json content: |- { "openapi": "3.0.0", "info": { "version": "1.0.0", "title": "Sample API", "description": "Buy or rent spacecrafts" }, "paths": { "/spacecrafts/{spacecraftId}": { "parameters": [ { "name": "spacecraftId", "description": "The unique identifier of the spacecraft", "in": "path", "required": true, "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" } } ], "get": { "summary": "Read a spacecraft", "responses": { "200": { "description": "The spacecraft corresponding to the provided `spacecraftId`", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Spacecraft" } } } }, "404": { "description": "No spacecraft found for the provided `spacecraftId`", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Unexpected error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } } } } } } } }, "components": { "schemas": { "SpacecraftId": { "description": "The unique identifier of a spacecraft", "type": "string" }, "Spacecraft": { "type": "object", "required": [ "id", "name", "type" ], "properties": { "id": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "capsule", "probe", "satellite", "spaceplane", "station" ] }, "description": { "type": "string" } } }, "Error": { "type": "object", "required": [ "message" ], "properties": { "message": { "description": "A human readable error message", "type": "string" } } } }, "securitySchemes": { "ApiKey": { "type": "apiKey", "in": "header", "name": "X-Api-Key" } } }, "security": [ { "ApiKey": [ ] } ] } createYamlSchema: value: type: openapi:3_1 files: - path: index.yaml content: | openapi: "3.1.0" info: version: "1.0.0" title: "Sample API" description: Buy or rent spacecrafts paths: /spacecrafts/{spacecraftId}: parameters: - name: spacecraftId description: The unique identifier of the spacecraft in: path required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" get: summary: Read a spacecraft responses: "200": description: The spacecraft corresponding to the provided `spacecraftId` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Spacecraft" 404: description: No spacecraft found for the provided `spacecraftId` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" 500: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" components: schemas: SpacecraftId: description: The unique identifier of a spacecraft type: string Spacecraft: type: object required: - id - name - type properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" name: type: string type: type: string enum: - capsule - probe - satellite - spaceplane - station description: type: string Error: type: object required: - message properties: message: description: A human readable error message type: string securitySchemes: ApiKey: type: apiKey in: header name: X-Api-Key security: - ApiKey: [] createGraphQlSchema: value: type: graphql files: - path: posts.graphql content: "type Query {\r\n allPosts: [Post]\r\n allUsers: [User]\r\n postById(id: Int!): Post\r\n userById(id: Int!): User\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype Mutation {\r\n createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): CreatePostPayload\r\n createUser(input: CreateUserInput!): CreateUserPayload\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype Post {\r\n id: Int!\r\n title: String\r\n body: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n authorId: Int!\r\n userByAuthorId: User\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype User {\r\n id: Int!\r\n username: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n postsByAuthorId: [Post]\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype CreatePostPayload {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n post: Post\r\n userByAuthorId: User\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput CreatePostInput {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n post: PostInput!\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput PostInput {\r\n id: Int\r\n title: String\r\n body: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n authorId: Int!\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype CreateUserPayload {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n user: User\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput CreateUserInput {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n user: UserInput!\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput UserInput {\r\n id: Int\r\n username: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n}\r\n\r\nscalar Datetime\r\n" createProtoSchema: value: type: proto:2 files: - path: index.proto content: <file contents> root: enabled: true apiSchema400ErrorInvalidParams: value: type: invalidParamsError title: Could not create the resource detail: Schema already exists for this API api404ErrorInstanceNotFound: value: type: instanceNotFoundError title: Resource not found detail: We could not find the API you are looking for apiSchema400ErrorNotLinked: value: type: invalidParamError title: Invalid param error detail: Schema is not linked to the API updateJsonSchema: value: content: |- { "openapi": "3.0.0", "info": { "version": "1.0.0", "title": "Sample API", "description": "Buy or rent spacecrafts" }, "paths": { "/spacecrafts/{spacecraftId}": { "parameters": [ { "name": "spacecraftId", "description": "The unique identifier of the spacecraft", "in": "path", "required": true, "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" } } ], "get": { "summary": "Read a spacecraft", "responses": { "200": { "description": "The spacecraft corresponding to the provided `spacecraftId`", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Spacecraft" } } } }, "404": { "description": "No spacecraft found for the provided `spacecraftId`", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Unexpected error", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } } } } } } } }, "components": { "schemas": { "SpacecraftId": { "description": "The unique identifier of a spacecraft", "type": "string" }, "Spacecraft": { "type": "object", "required": [ "id", "name", "type" ], "properties": { "id": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" }, "name": { "type": "string" }, "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "capsule", "probe", "satellite", "spaceplane", "station" ] }, "description": { "type": "string" } } }, "Error": { "type": "object", "required": [ "message" ], "properties": { "message": { "description": "A human readable error message", "type": "string" } } } }, "securitySchemes": { "ApiKey": { "type": "apiKey", "in": "header", "name": "X-Api-Key" } } }, "security": [ { "ApiKey": [ ] } ] } updateYamlSchema: value: content: | openapi: "3.1.0" info: version: "1.0.0" title: "Sample API" description: Buy or rent spacecrafts paths: /spacecrafts/{spacecraftId}: parameters: - name: spacecraftId description: The unique identifier of the spacecraft in: path required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" get: summary: Read a spacecraft responses: "200": description: The spacecraft corresponding to the provided `spacecraftId` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Spacecraft" 404: description: No spacecraft found for the provided `spacecraftId` content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" 500: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" components: schemas: SpacecraftId: description: The unique identifier of a spacecraft type: string Spacecraft: type: object required: - id - name - type properties: id: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SpacecraftId" name: type: string type: type: string enum: - capsule - probe - satellite - spaceplane - station description: type: string Error: type: object required: - message properties: message: description: A human readable error message type: string securitySchemes: ApiKey: type: apiKey in: header name: X-Api-Key security: - ApiKey: [] updateGraphQlSchema: value: content: "type Query {\r\n allPosts: [Post]\r\n allUsers: [User]\r\n postById(id: Int!): Post\r\n userById(id: Int!): User\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype Mutation {\r\n createPost(input: CreatePostInput!): CreatePostPayload\r\n createUser(input: CreateUserInput!): CreateUserPayload\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype Post {\r\n id: Int!\r\n title: String\r\n body: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n authorId: Int!\r\n userByAuthorId: User\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype User {\r\n id: Int!\r\n username: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n postsByAuthorId: [Post]\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype CreatePostPayload {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n post: Post\r\n userByAuthorId: User\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput CreatePostInput {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n post: PostInput!\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput PostInput {\r\n id: Int\r\n title: String\r\n body: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n authorId: Int!\r\n}\r\n\r\ntype CreateUserPayload {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n user: User\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput CreateUserInput {\r\n clientMutationId: String\r\n user: UserInput!\r\n}\r\n\r\ninput UserInput {\r\n id: Int\r\n username: String\r\n createdDate: Datetime\r\n}\r\n\r\nscalar Datetime\r\n" tag403Error: value: type: https://api.postman.com/problems/forbidden title: Access Denied detail: The tags feature is only available to enterprise teams status: 403 tag400Error: value: title: Bad Request detail: body/tags/0/slug must NOT have more than 64 characters status: 400 apiVersion400ErrorInvalidParam: value: type: invalidParamsError title: The specified parameter is in an invalid format detail: Parameter, taskId is in an invalid format. taskNotFound: value: detail: Parameter, taskId is in an invalid format. title: The specified parameter is in an invalid format type: invalidParamsError apiVersion404ErrorNotFound: value: type: VersionNotFound title: API Version not found. details: We could not find the API Version you are looking for. apiVersion400ErrorInstanceNotFound: value: error: name: instanceNotFoundError message: We could not find the API version you are looking for getAuditLogs: value: trails: - id: 12345678 ip: userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 action: user.login_google_success timestamp: '2022-08-31T15:19:32.000Z' message: Taylor Lee successfully logged in using the Google OAuth. data: actor: name: Taylor Lee username: taylor-lee email: taylor.lee@example.com id: 12345678 active: true user: name: Taylor Lee username: taylor-lee email: taylor.lee@example.com id: 12345678 team: name: Test-Team id: 1234 - id: 87654321 ip: userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0 Postman/5.5.4 ChromeApp action: user.login_password_success timestamp: '2022-09-01T06:30:21.000Z' message: Alex Cruz successfully logged in using the Postman password. data: actor: name: Alex Cruz username: alex-cruz email: alex.cruz@example.com id: 87654321 active: true user: name: Alex Cruz username: alex-cruz email: alex.cruz@example.com id: 87654321 team: name: Test-Team id: 1234 getCollections: value: collections: - id: 026fa484-c108-4223-af5e-e97137865143 name: Test API 3.1.0 owner: '892436' createdAt: '2024-09-09T14:16:40.000Z' updatedAt: '2024-09-09T14:16:40.000Z' uid: 892436-026fa484-c108-4223-af5e-e97137865143 isPublic: false - id: 02c5343c-0a8d-4bd9-941c-cd9dadd73770 name: Sanity tests collection changed all values owner: '892436' createdAt: '2024-03-01T23:01:22.000Z' updatedAt: '2024-03-01T23:01:32.000Z' uid: 892436-02c5343c-0a8d-4bd9-941c-cd9dadd73770 isPublic: false - id: 044f35b0-dffe-4ce6-9114-165c720657de name: Sanity tests collection owner: '892436' createdAt: '2023-08-21T15:06:57.000Z' updatedAt: '2023-08-21T15:06:57.000Z' uid: 892436-044f35b0-dffe-4ce6-9114-165c720657de isPublic: false getCollectionsPaginated: value: collections: - id: 026fa484-c108-4223-af5e-e97137865143 name: Test API 3.1.0 owner: '892436' createdAt: '2024-09-09T14:16:40.000Z' updatedAt: '2024-09-09T14:16:40.000Z' uid: 892436-026fa484-c108-4223-af5e-e97137865143 isPublic: false - id: 02c5343c-0a8d-4bd9-941c-cd9dadd73770 name: Sanity tests collection changed all values owner: '892436' createdAt: '2024-03-01T23:01:22.000Z' updatedAt: '2024-03-01T23:01:32.000Z' uid: 892436-02c5343c-0a8d-4bd9-941c-cd9dadd73770 isPublic: false - id: 044f35b0-dffe-4ce6-9114-165c720657de name: Sanity tests collection owner: '892436' createdAt: '2023-08-21T15:06:57.000Z' updatedAt: '2023-08-21T15:06:57.000Z' uid: 892436-044f35b0-dffe-4ce6-9114-165c720657de isPublic: false meta: total: 192 offset: 0 limit: 3 invalidWorkspace: value: collections: [] getCollection: value: collection: info: _postman_id: 12ece9e1-2abf-4edc-8e34-de66e74114d2 name: Test Collection description: This is a sample collection that makes a tiny request to Postman Echo service to get the list of request headers sent by a HTTP client. schema: https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json updatedAt: '2023-10-13T08:14:22.000Z' uid: 12345678-12ece9e1-2abf-4edc-8e34-de66e74114d2 createdAt: '2023-10-08T13:04:28.000Z' lastUpdatedBy: '12345678' item: - name: Example GET Request id: 6d64ff6f-8a48-4442-8109-25b7b4c8dcbf protocolProfileBehavior: disableBodyPruning: true request: method: GET header: [] url: raw: https://postman-echo.com/get protocol: https host: - postman-echo - com path: - get response: [] uid: 12345678-6d64ff6f-8a48-4442-8109-25b7b4c8dcbf getCollectionForked: value: collection: info: _postman_id: 12ece9e1-2abf-4edc-8e34-de66e74114d2 name: Test Collection description: This is a sample collection that makes a tiny request to Postman Echo service to get the list of request headers sent by a HTTP client. fork: label: Collection fork createdAt: '2024-07-17T13:12:43.000Z' from: 87654321-c8142d52-f97d-46a7-bc77-52bb99713o1n schema: https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json updatedAt: '2023-10-13T08:14:22.000Z' uid: 12345678-12ece9e1-2abf-4edc-8e34-de66e74114d2 createdAt: '2023-10-08T13:04:28.000Z' lastUpdatedBy: '12345678' item: - name: Example GET Request id: 6d64ff6f-8a48-4442-8109-25b7b4c8dcbf protocolProfileBehavior: disableBodyPruning: true request: method: GET header: [] url: raw: https://postman-echo.com/get protocol: https host: - postman-echo - com path: - get response: [] uid: 12345678-6d64ff6f-8a48-4442-8109-25b7b4c8dcbf forkCollection400ErrorBadForkRelation: value: type: https://api.postman.com/problems/bad-request title: Bad Request status: 400 detail: Fork relation not found pullRequest400ErrorDuplicate: value: detail: A pull request for this source and destination already exists. status: 400 title: Duplicate pull request type: https://api.postman.com/problems/bad-request detectedSecretsQueries: value: secretTypes: - 1a7ec5d1-dcba-4ec7-8220-3c1ee490416b - 3b6ec9d2-dabc-5e67-1220-6coie490416b resolved: true statuses: - ACCEPTED_RISK - REVOKED workspaceIds: - 0fe6c2f2-022d-48f7-8e7e-3244369445b0 - 80ab14ae-c17d-4fd6-88d5-99bf13f0b7f0 workspaceVisibilities: - team detectedSecretsQueryResource: value: resolved: false secretTypes: - 3fd32ec0-c2ee-45f4-9701-878c90127f79 resources: - type: example ids: - 12345678-400005df-3cad-480c-a027-ea68aed35b60 detectedSecretsQueryResponse: value: meta: limit: 2 nextCursor: MTA4 data: - detectedAt: '2023-05-19T02:45:31.000Z' secretType: Airtable API Key workspaceVisibility: team secretHash: 07afd1f787f3555d441b04870dbe1025db8309fbeb31f25b3a20f2f1241478b3 workspaceId: e361eeb4-00dd-4225-9774-6146a2555999 secretId: OTI3OTYx obfuscatedSecret: keyTF2WAH****** resolution: FALSE_POSITIVE occurrences: 3 - detectedAt: '2023-03-23T19:38:49.000Z' secretType: Slack Access Token workspaceVisibility: team secretHash: 08074c0954fd29d1ee82ab5af9b4ad16f56b0907eca72446e98dc97e10da80a3 workspaceId: e361eeb4-00dd-4225-9774-6146a2555999 secretId: NDcyMjA= obfuscatedSecret: xoxp-25519****** resolution: ACCEPTED_RISK occurrences: 1 detectedSecretsQueryIncludeParam: value: meta: limit: 2 nextCursor: MTA4 total: 10 data: - detectedAt: '2023-05-19T02:45:31.000Z' secretType: Airtable API Key workspaceVisibility: team secretHash: 07afd1f787f3555d441b04870dbe1025db8309fbeb31f25b3a20f2f1241478b3 workspaceId: e361eeb4-00dd-4225-9774-6146a2555999 secretId: OTI3OTYx obfuscatedSecret: keyTF2WAH****** resolution: FALSE_POSITIVE occurrences: 3 - detectedAt: '2023-03-23T19:38:49.000Z' secretType: Slack Access Token workspaceVisibility: team secretHash: 08074c0954fd29d1ee82ab5af9b4ad16f56b0907eca72446e98dc97e10da80a3 workspaceId: e361eeb4-00dd-4225-9774-6146a2555999 secretId: NDcyMjA= obfuscatedSecret: xoxp-25519****** resolution: ACCEPTED_RISK occurrences: 1 detectedSecretsQueryFilterByResource: value: meta: limit: 30 nextCursor: null data: - detectedAt: '2023-03-23T19:30:58.000Z' secretType: Basic Auth workspaceVisibility: team secretHash: 3b4db9cb32935e885468d80744a65194b7abdb18bb91ce6cbc2ad7852057d96e workspaceId: 01cb2666-9e05-47d3-9043-3b4743f42f1a resourceId: 12345678-400005df-3cad-480c-a027-ea68aed35b60 resourceType: example secretId: MTAxOTQ0Mw== obfuscatedSecret: Basic Q2****** resolution: ACTIVE occurrences: 3 secretScanner400Error: value: instance: '' status: 400 title: limit specified is invalid type: BAD_REQUEST detectedSecrets400FilterError: value: type: BAD_REQUEST title: Invalid filters specified instance: '' status: 400 detail: '`workspaceIds` and `resources` filters are exclusive - only one can be applied at a time.' secretScanner403Error: value: instance: '' status: 403 title: Only members with Superadmin, Admin, or Workspace Admin roles can view the detected secrets. type: FORBIDDEN getGroups: value: data: - id: 123 teamId: 321 name: API Test Group summary: API testing group. createdBy: 12345678 createdAt: '2024-03-06T18:00:19.000Z' updatedAt: '2024-03-06T18:01:14.000Z' members: - 12345678 - 87654321 - 56781234 roles: - user - id: 321 teamId: 123 name: Test Group summary: '' createdBy: 12345678 createdAt: '2024-10-03T14:05:05.000Z' updatedAt: '2024-10-03T14:05:05.000Z' members: [] roles: - user - id: 456 teamId: 456 name: Test A Group summary: Group test. createdBy: 12345678 createdAt: '2024-03-06T18:01:14.000Z' updatedAt: '2024-06-08T13:19:30.000Z' members: - 12345678 roles: [] import400ErrorBadRequest: value: error: name: invalidParamsError message: The request body has invalid values for the type parameter. Value must be one of file, string, json details: param: type import400ErrorUnsupportedOASVersion: value: error: name: invalidParamsError message: 'Unsupported OpenAPI version: 3.2.0. Postman API only supports versions 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.1.0' monitors400ErrorInvalidCronPattern: value: error: name: cronPatternNotAllowedError message: Invalid cron pattern. Enter a valid cron pattern, such as "0 17 * * *" details: pattern: '* * * * *' monitors400ErrorInvalidTimezone: value: error: name: invalidParamsError message: The request had invalid parameters details: param: schedule.timezone monitors400ErrorInvalidCollectionUid: value: error: name: invalidUidError message: The specified uid is invalid. details: param: collection uid: 12ece9e1-2abf-4edc-8e34-de66e74114d2 monitors400ErrorInvalidEnvironmentUid: value: error: name: invalidUidError message: The specified uid is invalid. details: param: environment uid: 5daabc50-8451-43f6-922d-96b403b4f28e monitors400ErrorMissingParameter: value: error: name: paramMissingError message: Parameter is missing in the request. details: param: - name pullRequestReview400ErrorActionNotAllowed: value: type: https://api.postman.com/problems/bad-request title: Bad Request detail: Given action on current pull request is not allowed status: 400 pullRequestReview400ErrorInvalidAction: value: type: https://api.postman.com/problems/bad-request title: Value must be one of "approve", "unapprove", "decline", "merge" detail: 'POST request body for ''/pull-requests/4e1a6609-1a29-4037-a411-89ecc14c6cd8/tasks'' failed to validate schema. Location: /properties/action/enum' status: 400 schemaSecurityValidationRequest: value: schema: type: openapi3 language: json schema: '{"openapi":"3.0.0","info":{"version":"1","title":"temp","license":{"name":"MIT"}},"servers":[{"url":"https://petstore.swagger.io/v1"}],"paths":{"/user":{"get":{"summary":"Details about a user","operationId":"listUser","tags":["user"],"parameters":[{"name":"id","in":"query","description":"ID of the user","required":true,"schema":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"}}],"responses":{"200":{"description":"Details about a user","headers":{"x-next":{"description":"A link to the next page of responses","schema":{"type":"string"}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{$ref:"#/components/schemas/User"}}}},"default":{"description":"unexpected error","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{$ref:"#/components/schemas/Error"}}}}}}}},"components":{"schemas":{"User":{"type":"object","required":["id","name"],"properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64"},"name":{"type":"string"},"tag":{"type":"string"}}},"Error":{"type":"object","required":["code","message"],"properties":{"code":{"type":"integer","format":"int32"},"message":{"type":"string"}}}},"securitySchemes":{"BasicAuth":{"type":"http","scheme":"basic"}}},"security":[{"BasicAuth":[]}]}' schemaSecurityValidationNoWarnings: value: warnings: [] schemaSecurityValidationGovernanceWarnings: value: warnings: - slug: OPENAPI_SPECTRAL_6_RULE_1027 severity: WARN message: A schema property should have a $ref property referencing a reusable schema location: start: line: 55 column: 26 end: line: 58 column: 17 dataPath: - components - parameters - userId - schema possibleFixUrl: https://go.pstmn.io/openapi3-security-warnings#a-schema-property-should-reference-a-reusable-schema category: name: governance slug: governance vulnerability: name: A schema property should have a $ref property. slug: OPENAPI_SPECTRAL_6_schema_reference_reusable type: governance checksum: 2fc9df0e8ccbcdb610ab1694651bb68731fc5add4ebb44da0e5f15faf634b035 schemaSecurityValidationSecurityWarnings: value: warnings: - slug: POSTMAN_OWASP_GOVERNANCE_RULE_0005 severity: WARN message: Security field is not defined location: start: line: 1 column: 0 end: line: 75 column: 21 dataPath: [] possibleFixUrl: https://go.pstmn.io/openapi3-security-warnings#security-field-is-not-defined category: name: governance slug: governance vulnerability: name: Security field is not defined slug: POSTMAN_OWASP_GOVERNANCE_VULNERABILITY_0005 type: governance checksum: ff10236473b8bc137ecdb94c282de9375503772beffffd02eb7aa957e1a3e873 - slug: POSTMAN_OWASP_GOVERNANCE_RULE_0017 severity: WARN message: Operation does not enforce any security scheme. location: start: line: 16 column: 8 end: line: 36 column: 50 dataPath: - paths - /spacecrafts/{spacecraftId} - get possibleFixUrl: https://go.pstmn.io/openapi3-security-warnings#operation-does-not-enforce-any-security-scheme category: name: governance slug: governance vulnerability: name: Operation does not enforce any security scheme. slug: POSTMAN_OWASP_GOVERNANCE_VULNERABILITY_0017 type: governance checksum: 7760d7354c85b925141d708e14ecaef6512ef20a5b89ba8c722d1fc16c1e5b02 schemaSecurityValidation400Error: value: error: name: name: Invalid Schema reason: Provided schema type is not supported. getScimUserResources: value: schemas: - urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse totalResults: 2 startIndex: 1 itemsPerPage: 2 Resources: - schemas: - urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User id: 405775fe15ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c99 userName: taylor.lee@example.com name: givenName: Taylor familyName: Lee externalId: '12345678' active: true meta: resourceType: User created: '2021-02-22T04:24:13.000Z' lastModified: '2021-02-22T04:24:13.000Z' - schemas: - urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User id: 123775fe15ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c99 userName: alex.cruz@example.com name: givenName: Alex familyName: Cruz externalId: '87654321' active: false meta: resourceType: User created: '2021-02-22T04:24:13.000Z' lastModified: '2021-02-22T04:24:13.000Z' getInactiveScimUserResources: value: schemas: - urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse totalResults: 1 startIndex: 1 itemsPerPage: 2 Resources: - schemas: - urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User id: 123775fe15ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c99 userName: alex.cruz@example.com name: givenName: Alex familyName: Cruz externalId: '87654321' active: false meta: resourceType: User created: '2021-02-22T04:24:13.000Z' lastModified: '2021-02-22T04:24:13.000Z' getTeamUsers: value: data: - id: 1 name: Taylor Lee email: taylor.lee@example.com roles: - admin - user joinedAt: '2022-11-23T14:38:25.000Z' - id: 2 name: Alex Cruz email: alex.cruz@example.com roles: - user joinedAt: '2022-11-24T10:18:11.000Z' workspaceRoles: value: roles: - id: '3' displayName: Admin user: - '12345678' group: - '123' workspaceRolesScimIds: value: roles: - id: '3' displayName: Admin user: - 405775fe15ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c99 group: - 561631fq14ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c00 updateUserRole: value: roles: - op: add path: /user value: - id: '12345678' role: '1' - id: '87654321' role: '2' - op: remove path: /user value: - id: '87612345' role: '1' - op: add path: /usergroup value: - id: '123' role: '2' - op: remove path: /usergroup value: - id: '312' role: '3' updateRoleSCIMId: value: roles: - op: add path: /user value: - id: 405775fe15ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c99 role: '1' updateRoleGroupSCIMId: value: roles: - op: add path: /user value: - id: 405775fe15ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c99 role: '3' - op: add path: /usergroup value: - id: 561631fq14ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c00 role: '3' addWorkspaceGroupRole: value: roles: - op: add path: /usergroup value: - id: '1234' role: '3' removeWorkspaceGroupRole: value: roles: - op: remove path: /usergroup value: - id: '1234' role: '3' userRoleUpdated: value: roles: - id: '1' displayName: Viewer user: - '12345678' group: - '123' - id: '2' displayName: Editor user: - '87654321' group: - '123' - id: '3' displayName: Admin user: - '13428756' group: - '132' userRoleUpdatedSCIMId: value: roles: - id: '1' displayName: Viewer user: - 405775fe15ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c99 userRoleGroupUpdatedSCIMId: value: roles: - id: '3' displayName: Admin user: - e982929dadd02cf627e8c111925fc37a93dbc86f510840db group: - 561631fq14ed41872a8eea4c8aa2b38cda9749812cc55c00