
by severity1

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Supports loading Terraform Cloud API tokens from .env files for easier authentication configuration

  • Integrates with Terraform Cloud API, enabling workspace management (create, read, update, delete, lock/unlock) and authentication capabilities

Terraform Cloud MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that integrates Claude with the Terraform Cloud API, allowing Claude to manage your Terraform infrastructure through natural conversation.


  • Authentication - Validate tokens and get user information
  • Workspace Management - Create, read, update, delete, lock/unlock workspaces
  • Run Management - Create runs, list runs, get run details, apply/discard/cancel runs
  • Future Features - State management, variables management, and more

Quick Start


# Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/yourusername/terraform-cloud-mcp.git cd terraform-cloud-mcp # Create and activate virtual environment python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate # Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting the Server

The server supports multiple ways to provide your Terraform Cloud API token:

# Using MCP development tools (recommended for development) mcp dev server.py # Using standard Python python server.py # With token via environment variable export TFC_TOKEN=YOUR_TF_TOKEN python server.py # Using a .env file echo "TFC_TOKEN=YOUR_TF_TOKEN" > .env python server.py # Run in background python server.py > server.log 2>&1 & echo $! > server.pid

When a token is provided, Claude can use it without you having to specify it in every command.

Connecting with Claude

Using Claude Code CLI

# Add the MCP server claude mcp add terraform-cloud-mcp "$(pwd)/server.py" # With token claude mcp add terraform-cloud-mcp -e TFC_TOKEN=YOUR_TF_TOKEN -- "$(pwd)/server.py" # Verify it was added claude mcp list # For testing, you can use the MCP Inspector # This automatically opens when running `mcp dev server.py` # MCP Inspector runs at http://localhost:5173

Available Tools

Authentication Tools

The following tools help validate and work with Terraform Cloud API tokens:

  • validate_token()
    Validates a Terraform Cloud API token
  • get_terraform_user_info()
    Gets user information for the provided token

Workspace Management Tools

Tools for finding and inspecting workspaces:

  • list_workspaces(organization, ...)
    List and filter workspaces with comprehensive optionsRequired: organization - Organization name
    Optional: Filtering by name, tags, pagination, sorting and more
  • get_workspace_details(organization, workspace_name)
    Get detailed information about a specific workspaceRequired: organization, workspace_name

Create & Update

Tools for creating and modifying workspaces:

  • create_workspace(organization, name, ...)
    Create a new workspace with various configuration optionsRequired: organization, name
    Optional: Configure Terraform version, VCS settings, execution mode, etc.
  • update_workspace(organization, workspace_name, ...)
    Update an existing workspace's configurationRequired: organization, workspace_name
    Optional: Update name, description, settings, VCS connections, etc.


Tools for removing workspaces:

  • delete_workspace(organization, workspace_name)
    Delete a workspace and all its contentRequired: organization, workspace_name
  • safe_delete_workspace(organization, workspace_name)
    Delete only if the workspace isn't managing any resourcesRequired: organization, workspace_name

Lock & Unlock

Tools for controlling workspace access:

  • lock_workspace(organization, workspace_name, reason)
    Lock a workspace to prevent runsRequired: organization, workspace_name
    Optional: reason - Explanation for the lock
  • unlock_workspace(organization, workspace_name)
    Unlock a workspace to allow runsRequired: organization, workspace_name
  • force_unlock_workspace(organization, workspace_name)
    Force unlock a workspace locked by another userRequired: organization, workspace_name

Run Management Tools

Tools for managing Terraform runs (plan, apply, and other operations):

  • create_run(organization, workspace_name, ...)
    Create and queue a Terraform run in a workspaceRequired: organization, workspace_name
    Optional: message, auto_apply, is_destroy, refresh, refresh_only, plan_only, target_addrs, replace_addrs, variables, and more configuration options
  • list_runs_in_workspace(organization, workspace_name, ...)
    List and filter runs in a specific workspace with comprehensive optionsRequired: organization, workspace_name
    Optional: Pagination, filtering by status/operation/source, searching by user/commit
  • list_runs_in_organization(organization, ...)
    List and filter runs across an entire organizationRequired: organization
    Optional: Pagination, filtering by workspace/status/operation/source, searching by user/commit
  • get_run_details(run_id)
    Get detailed information about a specific runRequired: run_id
  • apply_run(run_id, comment)
    Apply a run that is paused waiting for confirmation after a planRequired: run_id
    Optional: comment
  • discard_run(run_id, comment)
    Discard a run that is waiting for confirmation or priorityRequired: run_id
    Optional: comment
  • cancel_run(run_id, comment)
    Cancel a run that is currently planning or applyingRequired: run_id
    Optional: comment
  • force_cancel_run(run_id, comment)
    Forcefully cancel a run immediately (after a normal cancel)Required: run_id
    Optional: comment
  • force_execute_run(run_id)
    Forcefully execute a pending run by canceling prior runsRequired: run_id

Example Conversations

Authentication & Listing

# Using explicit token User: Can you validate this Terraform Cloud API token: my-tf-token-value Claude: [Validates token and confirms it's working] # Using default token (if server started with TFC_TOKEN) User: Can you validate my Terraform Cloud API token? Claude: [Validates token and confirms it's working] User: List all my workspaces in "example-org" Claude: [Lists all workspaces in the organization] User: Find all workspaces in "example-org" with names containing "prod" Claude: [Lists matching workspaces with "prod" in their names] User: List workspaces in "example-org" with the "environment:production" tag Claude: [Lists workspaces with that specific tag]

Workspace Management

User: Get details for the "production" workspace in "example-org" Claude: [Shows detailed information about the workspace] User: Create a new workspace in "example-org" called "staging" with auto-apply enabled Claude: [Creates the requested workspace] User: Update my "staging" workspace to use Terraform version 1.5.0 Claude: [Updates the workspace with the specified version] User: Delete my "dev-test" workspace in "example-org" Claude: [Deletes the workspace] User: Delete my "staging" workspace but only if it's not managing any resources Claude: [Uses safe_delete_workspace to safely delete the workspace]

Locking Workspaces

User: Lock my "production" workspace while we do maintenance Claude: [Locks the workspace with the provided reason] User: The maintenance is complete, unlock "production" now Claude: [Unlocks the workspace] User: Someone left "staging" locked and they're out today. Can you force unlock it? Claude: [Force unlocks the workspace]

Run Management

User: Create a plan for my "production" workspace Claude: [Creates a plan-only run in the workspace] User: Create a destroy plan for "dev-test" workspace Claude: [Creates a destroy plan run in the workspace] User: Run a targeted plan in "staging" that only affects the database resources Claude: [Creates a plan with target_addrs for database resources] User: Create a plan with custom variables in the "development" workspace Claude: [Creates a run with custom variable values for that specific run] User: Create a run in "sandbox" workspace with auto-apply enabled Claude: [Creates a run with auto_apply=True to automatically apply after planning] User: List all runs in my "production" workspace Claude: [Lists all runs in the workspace with details] User: Show me runs in "example-org" that have errored in the last month Claude: [Lists runs with error status in the organization] User: Find all destroy plan runs in my organization Claude: [Lists runs with is_destroy=true across all workspaces] User: Get details for run ID "run-CZcmD7eagjhyX0vN" Claude: [Shows detailed information about the specific run] ### Run Actions

User: Apply the pending run for "staging" workspace Claude: [Uses apply_run to apply the waiting run]

User: Cancel the run "run-CZcmD7eagjhyX0vN", it's taking too long Claude: [Uses cancel_run to safely interrupt the running process]

User: Discard the plan for the "dev" workspace, those changes aren't needed Claude: [Uses discard_run to discard the pending run]

User: Force cancel the stuck run in "production" Claude: [Uses force_cancel_run to immediately terminate the stuck run]

User: I need to execute this run immediately, force execute it Claude: [Uses force_execute_run to bypass the queue and start the run]

### Coming Soon

User: List all variables defined in "production" Claude: [Will use list_workspace_variables tool]

User: Show me the plan output and explain the changes Claude: [Will use get_plan_output and explain_plan tools]

## Development ### Requirements - Python 3.9+ - MCP (includes FastMCP and development tools) - Terraform Cloud API token ### Project Structure The code is organized into a modular structure:

terraform-cloud-mcp/ ├── api/ # API client and communication │ ├── init.py │ └── client.py # HTTP client for Terraform Cloud API ├── models/ # Data models │ ├── init.py │ └── auth.py # Authentication models ├── tools/ # MCP tools implementation │ ├── init.py │ ├── auth.py # Authentication tools │ ├── runs.py # Run management tools (create, list, apply, discard, cancel runs) │ └── workspaces.py # Workspace management tools ├── utils/ # Utility functions │ ├── init.py │ └── validators.py # Input validation ├── server.py # Main server entry point └── requirements.txt # Project dependencies

### Extending the Server To add new features: 1. Add new tools to the appropriate module in the `tools` directory 2. Register new tools in `server.py` 3. Follow the existing patterns for parameter validation and error handling 4. Update documentation in README.md 5. Add tests for new functionality ## Troubleshooting If you encounter issues: 1. Check server logs (debug logging is enabled by default) 2. Note that `Processing request of type CallToolRequest` is informational, not an error 3. Debug logging is already enabled in server.py: ```python # Already in server.py import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
  1. If using mcp dev server.py, use the MCP Inspector at http://localhost:5173 to debug tool calls


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or pull request if you'd like to contribute to this project.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that integrates Claude with the Terraform Cloud API, allowing Claude to manage your Terraform infrastructure through natural conversation.

  1. Features
    1. Quick Start
      1. Setup
        1. Starting the Server
          1. Connecting with Claude
            1. Using Claude Code CLI
          2. Available Tools
            1. Authentication Tools
              1. Workspace Management Tools
                1. List & Search
                  1. Create & Update
                    1. Delete
                      1. Lock & Unlock
                      2. Run Management Tools
                      3. Example Conversations
                        1. Authentication & Listing
                          1. Workspace Management
                            1. Locking Workspaces
                              1. Run Management
                              2. Contributing