MCP Servers for Files
Google Files is a file management app from Google that helps users organize, clean up, and find files on their device, with features for freeing up storage space, sharing files, and backing up content.
Why this server?
Allows integration with the filesystem server through MCP, enabling reading files from allowed directories
AsecurityAlicenseAqualityProvides integration between Genkit and the Model Context Protocol (MCP).6531,187TypeScriptApache 2.0Why this server?
Allows installation of a filesystem MCP server to interact with files
anaisbettsVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityThis server is a server that installs other MCP servers for you. Install it, and you can ask Claude to install MCP servers hosted in npm or PyPi for you. Requires npx and uv to be installed for node and Python servers respectively.24,667509JavaScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Allows reading, writing, and editing Microsoft Word (docx) files, including parsing tables and images, making text replacements in specific paragraphs, and inserting new paragraphs at specified positions.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityA server providing tools to read, write, and edit Microsoft Word (docx) files through the Model Context Protocol, allowing operations like complete document reading, content creation, targeted paragraph editing, and text insertion.4PythonWhy this server?
Provides powerful file search capabilities through integration with Everything Search Engine, allowing for full text search across files and directories with advanced filtering options, sorting, and customizable result formats.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityProvides integration with Everything Search Engine allowing powerful file search capabilities through the Model Context Protocol with advanced search options like regex, case sensitivity, and sorting.13JavaScriptWhy this server?
Provides access to the local file system, enabling listing, reading, and modifying files in user-specified directories.
-securityAlicense-qualitybrowse, list and edit filesystem. Implemented in Java/Quarkus with native image (Fast!) available37Apache 2.0Why this server?
Provides filesystem access through the server-filesystem component, allowing controlled access to specified directories with path resolution capabilities.
lamemindVerified-securityAlicense-qualityA middleware server that enables multiple isolated instances of the same MCP servers to coexist independently with unique namespaces and configurations.1519TypeScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Provides tools for reading and extracting text from local PDF files stored in a mounted directory, with support for auto-detection of PDF encoding.
-securityFlicense-qualityProvides tools for reading and extracting text from PDF files, supporting both local files and URLs.1Python