MCP Servers for Clojure
Clojure is a dynamic, functional programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is a dialect of Lisp with a focus on immutability and concurrent programming.
Why this server?
Enables fetching dependency information from Clojars, the Clojure community's artifact repository, allowing users to get the latest version of dependencies and check if specific versions exist
BigsyVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityProvides up to date dependency information of Clojure libraries222JavaScriptMIT LicenseWhy this server?
Enables interaction with a running Clojure nREPL instance, allowing evaluation of Clojure code, namespace inspection, and retrieving metadata for public vars in Clojure namespaces
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityEnables interaction with a running Clojure nREPL instance for evaluating Clojure code, inspecting namespaces, and retrieving connection statuses, compatible with MCP clients like Claude Desktop and CLine in VSCode.3512JavaScriptWhy this server?
The MCP server provides integration with Babashka, which is a native Clojure interpreter for scripting. It allows execution of Clojure code through the MCP protocol.
AsecurityFlicenseAqualityEnables execution and management of Babashka scripts using the Model Context Protocol, offering features like caching, command history access, and configurable timeouts for enhanced scripting workflows.12JavaScriptWhy this server?
Clojars MCP Server for up-to-date dependency information of Clojure libraries