# MCP Prompts Collection
This directory contains a collection of high-quality prompts for various AI assistant scenarios.
## Included Prompt Templates
These are carefully crafted prompt templates with detailed instructions and parameters:
- [Development System Prompt](development-system-prompt.json) - Template for creating system prompts for development assistance
- [Development Workflow](development-workflow.json) - Standard workflow for Python development projects
- [Code Review Assistant](code-review-assistant.json) - Comprehensive code review with best practices
- [Data Analysis Template](data-analysis-template.json) - Flexible template for analyzing various types of data
## Prompt Categories
### Development and Programming
- [Development System Prompt](development-system-prompt.json) - Template for development assistance
- [Development Workflow](development-workflow.json) - Standard workflow for Python projects
- [Code Review Assistant](code-review-assistant.json) - Structured code review
### Analysis and Research
- [Data Analysis Template](data-analysis-template.json) - Analyze datasets with customizable parameters
## Using the Prompts
These prompts can be accessed through the MCP server using:
1. Direct prompt retrieval by ID
2. Filtering by tags
3. Applying templates with variable substitution
### Example Usage
// Retrieve a prompt template
const codeReviewPrompt = await mcpClient.getPrompt("code-review-assistant");
// Apply variables to the template
const filledPrompt = await mcpClient.applyTemplate({
id: "code-review-assistant",
variables: {
language: "TypeScript",
code: "// Your code here",
context: "This is part of a REST API endpoint"