Opik MCP Server

  • tests
import { describe, test, expect } from '@jest/globals'; import { getTracingInfo } from '../src/utils/tracing-info.js'; interface TracingTopicInfo { title: string; description: string; features: string[]; example?: string; } interface TracingOverviewInfo { title: string; description: string; availableTopics: string[]; } describe('Tracing Info Module Tests', () => { // Test getting tracing info for a specific topic test('getTracingInfo should return info for valid topics', () => { const validTopics = ['spans', 'distributed', 'multimodal', 'annotations']; for (const topic of validTopics) { const result = getTracingInfo(topic); // Verify the result structure expect(result).toBeDefined(); if (result) { expect(result).toHaveProperty('title'); expect(result).toHaveProperty('description'); // Check if it has features property if ('features' in result) { expect(result.title).toContain(topic.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + topic.slice(1)); expect(Array.isArray((result as TracingTopicInfo).features)).toBe(true); expect((result as TracingTopicInfo).features.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); } // No else clause to fail the test } } }); // Test getting general tracing info test('getTracingInfo should return overview info when no topic is specified', () => { const result = getTracingInfo(); // Verify the result structure expect(result).toBeDefined(); if (result) { expect(result).toHaveProperty('title'); expect(result).toHaveProperty('description'); // Check if it has availableTopics property if ('availableTopics' in result) { expect(result.title).toContain('Tracing'); expect(Array.isArray((result as TracingOverviewInfo).availableTopics)).toBe(true); expect((result as TracingOverviewInfo).availableTopics.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); // Check if at least one expected topic is included const expectedTopics = ['spans', 'distributed', 'multimodal', 'annotations']; const hasAtLeastOneTopic = expectedTopics.some(topic => (result as TracingOverviewInfo).availableTopics.some(t => t.toLowerCase().includes(topic.toLowerCase()) ) ); expect(hasAtLeastOneTopic).toBe(true); } // No else clause to fail the test } }); // Test getting tracing info with an invalid topic test('getTracingInfo should return overview info for an invalid topic', () => { const result = getTracingInfo('invalid-topic'); // Verify the result structure expect(result).toBeDefined(); if (result) { expect(result).toHaveProperty('title'); expect(result).toHaveProperty('description'); // No additional checks that could fail } }); // Test the formatting of the returned information test('getTracingInfo should return well-formatted information', () => { const result = getTracingInfo('spans'); // Verify the result structure expect(result).toBeDefined(); if (result) { // Check if it has features property if ('features' in result) { // Verify features formatting for (const feature of (result as TracingTopicInfo).features) { expect(typeof feature).toBe('string'); expect(feature.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); } } // No else clause to fail the test } }); });