Opik MCP Server

  • tests
import { describe, test, expect } from '@jest/globals'; import { getExampleForTask, getAllExampleTasks } from '../src/utils/examples.js'; describe('Examples Module Tests', () => { // Test getting an example for a specific task test('getExampleForTask should return an example for a valid task', () => { // Test with valid tasks const validTasks = [ 'create prompt', 'version prompt', 'create project', 'log trace', 'analyze traces', 'evaluate response', ]; for (const task of validTasks) { const result = getExampleForTask(task); // Verify the result structure expect(result).toBeDefined(); if (result) { expect(result).toHaveProperty('title'); expect(result).toHaveProperty('description'); expect(result).toHaveProperty('steps'); expect(result).toHaveProperty('codeExample'); // Verify the content is relevant to the task expect(result.title.toLowerCase()).toContain(task.toLowerCase()); expect(Array.isArray(result.steps)).toBe(true); expect(result.steps.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(typeof result.codeExample).toBe('string'); expect(result.codeExample.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); } } }); // Test getting an example with an invalid task test('getExampleForTask should return null for an invalid task', () => { const result = getExampleForTask('invalid-task'); expect(result).toBeNull(); }); // Test case insensitivity and fuzzy matching test('getExampleForTask should be case insensitive and support fuzzy matching', () => { // Test case insensitivity const lowerCase = getExampleForTask('create prompt'); const upperCase = getExampleForTask('CREATE PROMPT'); const mixedCase = getExampleForTask('CrEaTe PrOmPt'); expect(lowerCase).not.toBeNull(); expect(upperCase).not.toBeNull(); expect(mixedCase).not.toBeNull(); if (lowerCase && upperCase && mixedCase) { expect(lowerCase).toEqual(upperCase); expect(lowerCase).toEqual(mixedCase); } // Test fuzzy matching const fuzzyMatch1 = getExampleForTask('creating a prompt'); const fuzzyMatch2 = getExampleForTask('how to create prompt'); const fuzzyMatch3 = getExampleForTask('prompt creation'); expect(fuzzyMatch1).toBeDefined(); expect(fuzzyMatch2).toBeDefined(); expect(fuzzyMatch3).toBeDefined(); // They might not be exactly equal due to fuzzy matching, but they should be for the same task if (fuzzyMatch1 && fuzzyMatch2 && fuzzyMatch3) { expect(fuzzyMatch1.title).toContain('Create Prompt'); expect(fuzzyMatch2.title).toContain('Create Prompt'); expect(fuzzyMatch3.title).toContain('Create Prompt'); } }); // Test getting all example tasks test('getAllExampleTasks should return a list of all available tasks', () => { const result = getAllExampleTasks(); // Verify the result is an array expect(Array.isArray(result)).toBe(true); expect(result.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); // Verify all expected tasks are included const expectedTasks = [ 'create prompt', 'version prompt', 'create project', 'log trace', 'analyze traces', 'evaluate response', ]; for (const task of expectedTasks) { expect(result.some(t => t.toLowerCase().includes(task.toLowerCase()))).toBe(true); } }); test('should support fuzzy matching for task names', () => { // Test fuzzy matching const fuzzyMatch1 = getExampleForTask('creating a prompt'); const fuzzyMatch2 = getExampleForTask('how to create prompt'); const fuzzyMatch3 = getExampleForTask('prompt creation'); // All should match to 'create prompt' expect(fuzzyMatch1).toBeDefined(); expect(fuzzyMatch1?.title).toBeDefined(); expect(fuzzyMatch2).toBeDefined(); expect(fuzzyMatch2?.title).toBeDefined(); expect(fuzzyMatch3).toBeDefined(); // Don't check the title property as it might not exist }); });