Elasticsearch Knowledge Graph for MCP
by j3k0
- tests
// Test script for non-existent entity in relationships
import { Client } from '@elastic/elasticsearch';
import { KnowledgeGraphClient } from '../dist/kg-client.js';
// Test zones
const TEST_ZONE_A = 'test-zone-a';
const TEST_ZONE_B = 'test-zone-b';
// Configure ES client
const esOptions = {
node: 'http://localhost:9200'
// Create a direct Elasticsearch client for verification
const esClient = new Client(esOptions);
async function runTests() {
// Create a client
const client = new KnowledgeGraphClient(esOptions);
await client.initialize();
console.log('Testing non-existent entity in relationships...');
// Create test zones
await client.addMemoryZone(TEST_ZONE_A, 'Test Zone A');
await client.addMemoryZone(TEST_ZONE_B, 'Test Zone B');
// Clean up any existing test data
try {
await client.deleteEntity('ExistingEntity', TEST_ZONE_A);
await client.deleteEntity('NonExistentEntity', TEST_ZONE_A);
await client.deleteEntity('AnotherNonExistentEntity', TEST_ZONE_A);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore errors from deleting non-existent entities
// Create one entity for testing
await client.saveEntity({
name: 'ExistingEntity',
entityType: 'test',
observations: ['This is an existing entity for relationship tests'],
relevanceScore: 1.0
// Test with auto-create enabled (default behavior)
console.log('\nTesting with auto-create enabled (default)...');
try {
const relation = await client.saveRelation({
from: 'ExistingEntity',
to: 'NonExistentEntity',
relationType: 'test_relation'
console.log('✅ SUCCESS: Relation created with auto-creation of missing entity');
console.log('Relation:', relation);
// Add a small delay to allow for indexing
console.log('Waiting for Elasticsearch indexing...');
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
// Directly check if the entity exists in Elasticsearch
console.log('Directly checking if entity exists in Elasticsearch...');
try {
const indexName = `knowledge-graph@${TEST_ZONE_A}`;
const response = await esClient.get({
index: indexName,
id: `entity:NonExistentEntity`
if (response && response._source) {
console.log('✅ SUCCESS: Entity exists in Elasticsearch');
console.log('Entity:', response._source);
} else {
console.log('❌ FAILED: Entity not found in Elasticsearch');
} catch (error) {
console.log('❌ FAILED: Error checking entity in Elasticsearch:', error.message);
// Try the getEntity method again
const entity = await client.getEntity('NonExistentEntity', TEST_ZONE_A);
if (entity) {
console.log('✅ SUCCESS: Non-existent entity was auto-created');
console.log('Entity:', {
name: entity.name,
entityType: entity.entityType
} else {
console.log('❌ FAILED: Non-existent entity was not auto-created');
} catch (error) {
console.log('❌ FAILED: Relation with auto-creation failed');
console.log('Error:', error.message);
// Test with auto-create disabled
console.log('\nTesting with auto-create disabled...');
try {
await client.saveRelation({
from: 'ExistingEntity',
to: 'AnotherNonExistentEntity',
relationType: 'test_relation'
}, TEST_ZONE_A, TEST_ZONE_A, { autoCreateMissingEntities: false });
console.log('❌ FAILED: Relation was created even with auto-create disabled!');
} catch (error) {
console.log('✅ SUCCESS: Properly rejected relation with non-existent entity when auto-create is disabled');
console.log('Error message:', error.message);
// Clean up
console.log('\nCleaning up test data...');
await client.deleteEntity('ExistingEntity', TEST_ZONE_A);
await client.deleteEntity('NonExistentEntity', TEST_ZONE_A);
console.log('\nTest completed!');
runTests().catch(error => {
console.error('Test failed:', error);