import { KnowledgeGraphClient } from '../src/kg-client.js';
import { createTestKGClient, cleanupTestData, TEST_ZONE_A } from './test-config.js';
describe('Empty Name Entity Validation', () => {
let client: KnowledgeGraphClient;
beforeAll(async () => {
client = createTestKGClient();
await client.initialize();
await cleanupTestData(client);
afterAll(async () => {
await cleanupTestData(client);
test('should reject entity creation with empty name', async () => {
// Empty string
await expect(client.saveEntity({
name: '',
entityType: 'test',
observations: ['Test observation'],
relevanceScore: 1.0
}, TEST_ZONE_A)).rejects.toThrow('Entity name cannot be empty');
// Only whitespace
await expect(client.saveEntity({
name: ' ',
entityType: 'test',
observations: ['Test observation'],
relevanceScore: 1.0
}, TEST_ZONE_A)).rejects.toThrow('Entity name cannot be empty');
test('should reject entity deletion with empty name', async () => {
// Empty string
await expect(client.deleteEntity('', TEST_ZONE_A))
.rejects.toThrow('Entity name cannot be empty');
// Only whitespace
await expect(client.deleteEntity(' ', TEST_ZONE_A))
.rejects.toThrow('Entity name cannot be empty');
test('should validate entity names in relationship creation', async () => {
// First create a valid entity
await client.saveEntity({
name: 'ValidEntity',
entityType: 'test',
observations: ['Valid entity for relationship test'],
relevanceScore: 1.0
// Empty 'from' entity name
await expect(client.saveRelation({
from: '',
to: 'ValidEntity',
relationType: 'test_relation'
}, TEST_ZONE_A, TEST_ZONE_A, { autoCreateMissingEntities: false }))
.rejects.toThrow('Entity name cannot be empty');
// Empty 'to' entity name
await expect(client.saveRelation({
from: 'ValidEntity',
to: '',
relationType: 'test_relation'
}, TEST_ZONE_A, TEST_ZONE_A, { autoCreateMissingEntities: false }))
.rejects.toThrow('Entity name cannot be empty');