Elasticsearch Knowledge Graph for MCP

by j3k0

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.

Elasticsearch Knowledge Graph for MCP

A scalable knowledge graph implementation for Model Context Protocol (MCP) using Elasticsearch as the backend. This implementation is designed to replace the previous JSON file-based approach with a more scalable, performant solution.

Key Features

  • Scalable Storage: Elasticsearch provides distributed, scalable storage for knowledge graph entities and relations
  • Advanced Search: Full-text search with fuzzy matching and relevancy ranking
  • Memory-like Behavior: Tracks access patterns to prioritize recently viewed and important entities
  • Import/Export Tools: Easy migration from existing JSON-based knowledge graphs
  • Rich Query API: Advanced querying capabilities not possible with the previous implementation
  • Admin Tools: Management CLI for inspecting and maintaining the knowledge graph
  • Complete CRUD Operations: Full create, read, update, and delete capabilities for entities and relations
  • Elasticsearch Query Support: Native support for Elasticsearch query DSL for advanced search capabilities
  • Multi-Zone Architecture: Separate memory zones for organizing domain-specific knowledge
  • Cross-Zone Relations: Relations between entities in different memory zones


The knowledge graph system consists of:

  1. Elasticsearch Cluster: Core data store for entities and relations
  2. Knowledge Graph Library: TypeScript interface to Elasticsearch with all core operations
  3. MCP Server: Protocol-compliant server for AI models to interact with the knowledge graph
  4. Admin CLI: Command-line tools for maintenance and management
  5. Import/Export Tools: Utilities for data migration and backup
  6. Multiple Memory Zones: Ability to partition knowledge into separate zones/indices

Getting Started


  • Node.js 18+
  • Docker and Docker Compose


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/mcp-servers/mcp-servers.git cd mcp-servers/memory
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Start the Elasticsearch cluster:
    npm run es:start
  4. Build the project:
    npm run build

Migration from JSON

If you have an existing JSON-based knowledge graph, you can import it:

node dist/admin-cli.js init node dist/admin-cli.js import memory.json

Running the MCP Server

Start the MCP server that connects to Elasticsearch:

npm start


The system can be configured via environment variables:

  • ES_NODE: Elasticsearch node URL (default: http://localhost:9200)
  • ES_USERNAME: Elasticsearch username (if authentication is enabled)
  • ES_PASSWORD: Elasticsearch password (if authentication is enabled)
  • MEMORY_FILE_PATH: Path to memory JSON file (for import/export)
  • KG_DEFAULT_ZONE: Default memory zone to use (default: default)
  • KG_INDEX_PREFIX: Prefix for Elasticsearch indices (default: knowledge-graph)

Admin CLI Commands

The admin CLI provides tools for managing the knowledge graph:

# Initialize Elasticsearch index node dist/admin-cli.js init # Import data from JSON file to a specific zone node dist/admin-cli.js import memory.json [zone] # Export data from a specific zone to JSON file node dist/admin-cli.js export backup.json [zone] # Backup all zones and relations node dist/admin-cli.js backup full-backup.json # Restore from a full backup node dist/admin-cli.js restore full-backup.json [--yes] # Show statistics about all zones or a specific zone node dist/admin-cli.js stats [zone] # Search the knowledge graph with optional zone parameter node dist/admin-cli.js search "search query" [zone] # Show details about a specific entity node dist/admin-cli.js entity "John Smith" [zone] # Show relations for a specific entity node dist/admin-cli.js relations "John Smith" [zone] # List all memory zones node dist/admin-cli.js zones list # Add a new memory zone node dist/admin-cli.js zones add projectX "Project X knowledge zone" # Delete a memory zone node dist/admin-cli.js zones delete projectX [--yes] # Show statistics for a specific zone node dist/admin-cli.js zones stats projectX # Reset all zones or a specific zone node dist/admin-cli.js reset [zone] [--yes] # Show help node dist/admin-cli.js help

Memory Zones

The knowledge graph supports multiple memory zones to organize domain-specific knowledge. This allows you to:

  1. Partition Knowledge: Separate data into different domains (projects, departments, etc.)
  2. Improve Query Performance: Search within specific zones for faster and more relevant results
  3. Maintain Context: Keep context-specific information isolated but connected

Working with Zones

# Create a new zone node dist/admin-cli.js zones add projectX "Project X knowledge zone" # List all zones node dist/admin-cli.js zones list # Import data into a specific zone node dist/admin-cli.js import project-data.json projectX # Search within a specific zone node dist/admin-cli.js search "feature" projectX

Cross-Zone Relations

Entities in different zones can be related to each other. When creating a relation, you can specify the zones for both entities:

{ "type": "relation", "from": "Project Feature", "fromZone": "projectX", "to": "General Concept", "toZone": "default", "relationType": "implements" }

Automation Support

For scripting and automation, you can use the --yes or -y flag to skip confirmation prompts:

# Reset without confirmation node dist/admin-cli.js reset --yes # Delete a zone without confirmation node dist/admin-cli.js zones delete projectX --yes # Restore from backup without confirmation node dist/admin-cli.js restore backup.json --yes

Search Examples

The Elasticsearch-backed knowledge graph provides powerful search capabilities:

# Basic search node dist/admin-cli.js search "cordova plugin" # Search in a specific zone node dist/admin-cli.js search "feature" projectX # Fuzzy search (will find "subscription" even with typo) node dist/admin-cli.js search "subscrption" # Person search node dist/admin-cli.js search "Jean"

Search results include:

  • Relevancy scoring
  • Highlighted matches showing where the terms were found
  • Entity types and observation counts
  • Sorted by most relevant first

MCP Server Tools

The MCP server exposes the following tools for interacting with the knowledge graph:

Entity Operations

create_entitiesCreate one or more entities in the knowledge graph
update_entitiesUpdate properties of existing entities
delete_entitiesDelete one or more entities from the knowledge graph
add_observationsAdd observations to an existing entity
mark_importantMark an entity as important or not

Relation Operations

create_relationsCreate relations between entities
delete_relationsDelete relations between entities

Query Operations

search_nodesSearch for entities using Elasticsearch query capabilities
open_nodesGet details about specific entities by name
get_recentGet recently accessed entities

Each tool can include an optional memory_zone parameter to specify which zone to operate on.

Relevancy Ranking

The knowledge graph implements a sophisticated relevancy ranking system that considers:

  1. Text Relevance: How well entities match the search query
  2. Recency: Prioritizes recently accessed entities
  3. Importance: Entities marked as important receive higher ranking
  4. Usage Frequency: Entities accessed more frequently rank higher

This approach simulates memory-like behavior where important, recent, and frequently accessed information is prioritized.

Benefits Over JSON Implementation

  • Scalability: Handles millions of entities efficiently
  • Performance: Optimized for fast queries even with large datasets
  • Rich Queries: Advanced search capabilities like fuzzy matching and relevancy ranking
  • Resiliency: Better handling of concurrent operations
  • Observability: Built-in monitoring and diagnostics
  • Complete CRUD: Full lifecycle management for entities and relations



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security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

Provides a scalable knowledge graph implementation for Model Context Protocol using Elasticsearch, enabling AI models to store and query information with advanced search capabilities, memory-like behavior, and multi-zone architecture.

  1. Key Features
    1. Architecture
      1. Getting Started
        1. Prerequisites
          1. Installation
            1. Migration from JSON
              1. Running the MCP Server
              2. Configuration
                1. Admin CLI Commands
                  1. Memory Zones
                    1. Working with Zones
                      1. Cross-Zone Relations
                        1. Automation Support
                          1. Search Examples
                          2. MCP Server Tools
                            1. Entity Operations
                              1. Relation Operations
                                1. Query Operations
                                2. Relevancy Ranking
                                  1. Benefits Over JSON Implementation
                                    1. License