Elasticsearch Knowledge Graph for MCP
by j3k0
- legacy
import { Entity, Relation, KnowledgeGraph } from './types.js';
* Represents a search item for an entity with its searchable text
export interface EntitySearchItem {
entity: Entity;
searchText: string;
* Represents an entity with its search score
export interface ScoredEntity {
entity: Entity;
score: number;
* Represents a parsed query with its components
export interface ParsedQuery {
freeText: string;
type: string | null;
name: string | null;
include: string[];
exclude: string[];
or: string[][];
* Represents a knowledge graph with scored entities
export interface ScoredKnowledgeGraph {
// entities: Entity[];
scoredEntities: ScoredEntity[];
* Parses a search query string into structured components for advanced searching.
* @param query The raw query string to parse
* @returns An object containing the parsed query components:
* - freeText: Any text not matched by special operators, used for fuzzy matching
* - type: Entity type filter (from type:value)
* - name: Entity name filter (from name:value)
* - include: Terms that must be included (from +term)
* - exclude: Terms that must not be included (from -term)
* - or: Groups of alternative terms (from term1|term2|term3)
export function parseQuery(query: string): ParsedQuery {
const result: ParsedQuery = {
freeText: '',
type: null,
name: null,
include: [],
exclude: [],
or: []
// Early return for empty query
if (!query || query.trim() === '') {
return result;
// Regular expression to match special query operators
const typeRegex = /type:([^\s]+)/gi;
const nameRegex = /name:([^\s]+)/gi;
const includeRegex = /\+([^\s]+)/g;
const excludeRegex = /-([^\s]+)/g;
const orRegex = /(\w+(?:\|\w+)+)/g; // Matches words separated by pipe symbols
// Extract type filter
const typeMatch = typeRegex.exec(query);
if (typeMatch) {
result.type = typeMatch[1];
query = query.replace(typeMatch[0], '');
// Extract name filter
const nameMatch = nameRegex.exec(query);
if (nameMatch) {
result.name = nameMatch[1];
query = query.replace(nameMatch[0], '');
// Extract include terms - collect all matches first
let includeMatches = [];
let includeMatch;
while ((includeMatch = includeRegex.exec(query)) !== null) {
// Process matches in reverse order to avoid index issues when replacing
for (let i = includeMatches.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const match = includeMatches[i];
query = query.slice(0, match.index) + query.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
// Extract exclude terms - collect all matches first
let excludeMatches = [];
let excludeMatch;
while ((excludeMatch = excludeRegex.exec(query)) !== null) {
// Process matches in reverse order
for (let i = excludeMatches.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const match = excludeMatches[i];
query = query.slice(0, match.index) + query.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
// Extract OR groups - collect all matches first
let orMatches = [];
let orMatch;
while ((orMatch = orRegex.exec(query)) !== null) {
// Process matches in reverse order
for (let i = orMatches.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const match = orMatches[i];
const orTerms = match[0].split('|');
query = query.slice(0, match.index) + query.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
// Remaining text is the free text search
result.freeText = query.trim();
return result;
* Creates entity search items ready for filtering
* @param entities The list of entities to prepare for search
* @returns An array of entity search items with searchable text
export function createEntitySearchItems(entities: Entity[]): EntitySearchItem[] {
return entities.map(entity => ({
// Combine entity name, type, and observations for search
searchText: [
].join(' ').toLowerCase()
* Filters entities based on a parsed query
* @param entitySearchItems The entity search items to filter
* @param parsedQuery The parsed query to apply
* @returns Filtered entity search items that match the query
export function filterEntitiesByQuery(
entitySearchItems: EntitySearchItem[],
parsedQuery: ParsedQuery
): EntitySearchItem[] {
return entitySearchItems.filter(item => {
const entity = item.entity;
const searchText = item.searchText;
// Apply special filters first
if (parsedQuery.type && !entity.entityType.toLowerCase().includes(parsedQuery.type.toLowerCase())) {
return false;
if (parsedQuery.name && !entity.name.toLowerCase().includes(parsedQuery.name.toLowerCase())) {
return false;
// Check for positive includes (AND logic)
for (const term of parsedQuery.include) {
if (!searchText.includes(term.toLowerCase())) {
return false;
// Check for excluded terms (NOT logic)
for (const term of parsedQuery.exclude) {
if (searchText.includes(term.toLowerCase())) {
return false;
// Check for OR term groups (any term in the group must match)
for (const orGroup of parsedQuery.or) {
let orMatched = false;
for (const term of orGroup) {
if (searchText.includes(term.toLowerCase())) {
orMatched = true;
// If none of the terms in the OR group matched, filter out this entity
if (!orMatched) {
return false;
// If there's a free text search, apply fuzzy search
if (parsedQuery.freeText) {
// Basic fuzzy match using character sequence matching
let lastIndex = -1;
const queryLower = parsedQuery.freeText.toLowerCase();
for (const char of queryLower) {
const index = searchText.indexOf(char, lastIndex + 1);
if (index === -1) {
return false;
lastIndex = index;
return true;
* Scores and sorts entities by relevance to the query
* @param entitySearchItems The filtered entity search items to score
* @param parsedQuery The parsed query used for scoring
* @returns Object containing sorted entities and their scores
export function scoreAndSortEntities(
entitySearchItems: EntitySearchItem[],
parsedQuery: ParsedQuery
): ScoredEntity[] {
// Score entities based on relevance
const scoredEntities = entitySearchItems.map(item => {
let score = 1.0;
// Exact match on name gives highest score
if (parsedQuery.freeText &&
item.entity.name === parsedQuery.freeText) {
score = 3.0;
else if (parsedQuery.freeText &&
item.entity.name.toLowerCase() === parsedQuery.freeText.toLowerCase()) {
score = 2.0;
// Partial match on name gives medium score
else if (parsedQuery.freeText &&
item.entity.name.toLowerCase().includes(parsedQuery.freeText.toLowerCase())) {
score = 1.5;
// Add scores for matching include terms
parsedQuery.include.forEach(term => {
if (item.searchText.includes(term.toLowerCase())) {
score += 0.5;
// Add scores for matching exact terms
parsedQuery.include.forEach(term => {
// regex match with separators on both sides
if (item.searchText.match(new RegExp(`\\b${term}\\b`))) {
score += 1.0;
// Add scores for matching OR terms
parsedQuery.or.forEach(orGroup => {
for (const term of orGroup) {
if (item.searchText.includes(term.toLowerCase())) {
score += 0.3;
break; // Only score once per OR group
// Add scores for type or name matches if specified
if (parsedQuery.type && item.entity.entityType.toLowerCase().includes(parsedQuery.type.toLowerCase())) {
score += 0.5;
if (parsedQuery.name && item.entity.name.toLowerCase().includes(parsedQuery.name.toLowerCase())) {
score += 0.7;
// Calculate fuzzy match score if there's free text
if (parsedQuery.freeText) {
const queryLower = parsedQuery.freeText.toLowerCase();
// Calculate similarity ratio (simple implementation)
let matchingChars = 0;
let lastIndex = -1;
for (const char of queryLower) {
const index = item.searchText.indexOf(char, lastIndex + 1);
if (index !== -1) {
lastIndex = index;
// Add fuzzy score (0-1 range based on match quality)
const fuzzyScore = queryLower.length > 0 ? matchingChars / queryLower.length : 0;
score += fuzzyScore;
return {
entity: item.entity,
// Sort by score in descending order
return scoredEntities.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score);
* Creates a filtered knowledge graph from a list of scored entities
* @param scoredEntities The scored entities to include in the graph
* @returns A knowledge graph with only relevant entities and relations, plus scores
export function createFilteredGraph(
scoredEntities: ScoredEntity[],
): ScoredKnowledgeGraph {
// Create a Set of filtered entity names for quick lookup
// const filteredEntityNames = new Set(scoredEntities.map(se => se.entity.name));
// // Filter relations to include those where either from or to entity is in the filtered set
// const filteredRelations = allRelations.filter(r =>
// filteredEntityNames.has(r.from) || filteredEntityNames.has(r.to)
// );
return {
// entities: scoredEntities.map(se => se.entity),
// relations: filteredRelations,
scoredEntities: scoredEntities
* Executes a search query on a knowledge graph
* @param query The raw query string
* @param graph The knowledge graph to search
* @returns A filtered knowledge graph containing only matching entities and their relations, with scores
export function searchGraph(query: string, graph: KnowledgeGraph): ScoredKnowledgeGraph {
// Early return for empty query
if (!query || query.trim() === '') {
// Return all entities with a default score of 1.0
const scoredEntities = graph.entities.map(entity => ({ entity, score: 1.0 }));
return {
// entities: graph.entities,
// relations: graph.relations,
query = query.replace(/ OR /g, '|');
// Parse the query
const parsedQuery = parseQuery(query);
// Create entity search items
const entitySearchItems = createEntitySearchItems(graph.entities);
// Filter entities based on parsed query
const matchingEntities = filterEntitiesByQuery(entitySearchItems, parsedQuery);
// Score and sort by relevance
const scoredEntities = scoreAndSortEntities(matchingEntities, parsedQuery);
// Create and return the filtered graph
return createFilteredGraph(scoredEntities);