iTerm MCP Server

  • src
import { exec } from 'node:child_process'; import { promisify } from 'node:util'; const execPromise = promisify(exec); export default class TtyOutputReader { static async call(linesOfOutput?: number) { const buffer = await this.retrieveBuffer(); if (!linesOfOutput) { return buffer; } const lines = buffer.split('\n'); return lines.slice(-linesOfOutput - 1).join('\n'); } static async retrieveBuffer(): Promise<string> { const ascript = ` tell application "iTerm2" tell front window tell current session of current tab set numRows to number of rows set allContent to contents return allContent end tell end tell end tell `; const { stdout: finalContent } = await execPromise(`osascript -e '${ascript}'`); return finalContent.trim(); } }