iTerm MCP Server
by ferrislucas
- src
import { exec } from 'child_process';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { existsSync } from 'fs';
import { basename } from 'path';
const execAsync = promisify(exec);
interface ProcessInfo {
pid: string;
ppid: string;
pgid: string;
sess: string;
state: string;
command: string;
children: ProcessInfo[];
cpuPercent: number;
memory: string;
time: string;
interface ProcessMetrics {
totalCPUPercent: number;
totalMemoryMB: number;
processBreakdown: {
name: string;
pid: string;
cpuPercent: number;
memory: string;
interface ActiveProcess {
pid: string;
ppid: string;
pgid: string;
name: string;
command: string;
state: string;
commandChain: string;
environment?: string;
applicationContext?: string;
metrics: ProcessMetrics;
class ProcessTracker {
private readonly shellNames = new Set(['bash', 'zsh', 'sh', 'fish', 'csh', 'tcsh']);
private readonly replNames = new Set([
'irb', 'pry', 'rails', 'node', 'python', 'ipython',
'scala', 'ghci', 'iex', 'lein', 'clj', 'julia', 'R', 'php', 'lua'
* Get the active process and its resource usage in an iTerm tab
async getActiveProcess(ttyPath: string): Promise<ActiveProcess | null> {
try {
if (!existsSync(ttyPath)) {
throw new Error(`TTY path does not exist: ${ttyPath}`);
const ttyName = basename(ttyPath);
const processes = await this.getProcessesForTTY(ttyName);
if (!processes.length) {
return null;
const fgPgid = await this.getForegroundProcessGroup(ttyName);
if (!fgPgid) {
return null;
// Get all processes in the foreground process group
const fgProcesses = processes.filter(p => p.pgid === fgPgid);
if (!fgProcesses.length) {
return null;
const activeProcess = this.findMostInterestingProcess(fgProcesses);
const commandChain = this.buildCommandChain(activeProcess, processes);
const { environment, applicationContext } = this.detectEnvironment(activeProcess, processes);
// Build the process tree and calculate metrics
const metrics = this.calculateProcessMetrics(activeProcess, processes);
return {
ppid: activeProcess.ppid,
pgid: activeProcess.pgid,
name: this.getProcessName(activeProcess.command),
command: activeProcess.command,
state: activeProcess.state,
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error getting active process:', error);
return null;
* Get all processes associated with a TTY including resource usage
private async getProcessesForTTY(ttyName: string): Promise<ProcessInfo[]> {
try {
// Include CPU%, memory, and accumulated CPU time in the output
const { stdout } = await execAsync(
`ps -t ${ttyName} -o pid,ppid,pgid,sess,state,%cpu,rss,time,command -w`
const lines = stdout.trim().split('\n');
if (lines.length < 2) {
return [];
const processes: ProcessInfo[] = [];
const processByPid: Record<string, ProcessInfo> = {};
// Parse all processes (skip header line)
for (const line of lines.slice(1)) {
const parts = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
if (parts.length >= 9) {
const process: ProcessInfo = {
pid: parts[0],
ppid: parts[1],
pgid: parts[2],
sess: parts[3],
state: parts[4],
cpuPercent: parseFloat(parts[5]),
memory: parts[6], // RSS in KB
time: parts[7], // Accumulated CPU time
command: parts.slice(8).join(' '),
children: []
processByPid[] = process;
// Build process tree
for (const process of processes) {
const parent = processByPid[process.ppid];
if (parent) {
return processes;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error getting processes:', error);
return [];
* Get the foreground process group ID for a TTY
private async getForegroundProcessGroup(ttyName: string): Promise<string | null> {
try {
const { stdout } = await execAsync(
`bash -c 'ps -o pgid= -t ${ttyName} | head -n1'`
return stdout.trim();
} catch {
return null;
* Detect the environment and context of the process
private detectEnvironment(
process: ProcessInfo,
allProcesses: ProcessInfo[]
): { environment?: string; applicationContext?: string } {
const cmd = process.command.toLowerCase();
const cmdParts = cmd.split(/\s+/);
const name = this.getProcessName(process.command).toLowerCase();
// Check for Rails console
if (cmd.includes('rails console') || (name === 'ruby' && cmd.includes('rails server'))) {
// Try to extract Rails environment and app name
const envMatch = cmd.match(/RAILS_ENV=(\w+)/);
const appNameMatch = process.command.match(/\/([^/]+)\/config\/environment/);
const environment = 'Rails Console';
const railsEnv = envMatch?.[1] || 'development';
const appName = appNameMatch?.[1] || 'Rails App';
return {
applicationContext: `${appName} (${railsEnv})`
// Check for other REPLs
if (this.replNames.has(name)) {
const replMap: Record<string, string> = {
'irb': 'Ruby IRB',
'pry': 'Pry Console',
'node': 'Node.js REPL',
'python': 'Python REPL',
'ipython': 'IPython Console'
return {
environment: replMap[name] || `${name.toUpperCase()} REPL`
// Check for package managers
if (name === 'brew' || name === 'npm' || name === 'yarn' || name === 'pip') {
return {
environment: `${name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)} Package Manager`
return {};
* Find the most interesting process from a list of processes
private findMostInterestingProcess(processes: ProcessInfo[]): ProcessInfo {
return processes.reduce((best, current) => {
const bestScore = this.calculateProcessScore(best);
const currentScore = this.calculateProcessScore(current);
return currentScore > bestScore ? current : best;
}, processes[0]);
* Calculate how interesting a process is based on various factors
private calculateProcessScore(process: ProcessInfo): number {
const cmdName = this.getProcessName(process.command);
const cmd = process.command.toLowerCase();
let score = 0;
// Base scores for process state
// 'R' (running) processes get 2 points, 'S' (sleeping) get 1 point
score += process.state === 'R' ? 2 : process.state === 'S' ? 1 : 0;
// CPU usage bonus
// Add up to 5 points based on CPU usage percentage (1 point per 10%)
score += Math.min(process.cpuPercent / 10, 5);
// Penalize shell processes unless they're the only option
// Shell processes are less interesting, so deduct 1 point
if (this.shellNames.has(cmdName)) {
score -= 1;
// Give high priority to REPL processes
// Add 3 points for REPLY processes
if (this.replNames.has(cmdName)) {
score += 3;
// Bonus for active package manager operations
// Add 2 points for package managers like 'brew', 'npm', or 'yarn' if they are using CPU
if ((cmdName === 'brew' || cmdName === 'npm' || cmdName === 'yarn') &&
process.cpuPercent > 0) {
score += 2;
return score;
* Get the base process name from a command
private getProcessName(command: string): string {
return basename(command.split(/\s+/)[0]);
* Build the command chain showing process hierarchy
private buildCommandChain(
process: ProcessInfo,
allProcesses: ProcessInfo[]
): string {
const processByPid: Record<string, ProcessInfo> = {};
for (const p of allProcesses) {
processByPid[] = p;
const chain: string[] = [];
let current: ProcessInfo | undefined = process;
const maxChainLength = 10;
while (current && chain.length < maxChainLength) {
const name = this.getProcessName(current.command);
// Add context for special processes
if (name === 'ruby' && current.command.includes('rails console')) {
chain.push('rails console');
} else if (name === 'brew' && current.command.includes('install')) {
chain.push(`brew install ${current.command.split('install')[1].trim()}`);
} else {
current = processByPid[current.ppid];
return chain.reverse().join(' -> ');
* Calculate resource metrics for a process and all its descendants
private calculateProcessMetrics(
process: ProcessInfo,
allProcesses: ProcessInfo[]
): ProcessMetrics {
// Get all descendant PIDs
const descendants = this.getAllDescendants(process, allProcesses);
const allRelatedProcesses = [process, ...descendants];
// Calculate totals
let totalCPUPercent = 0;
let totalMemoryMB = 0;
const processBreakdown: ProcessMetrics['processBreakdown'] = [];
for (const proc of allRelatedProcesses) {
const cpuPercent = proc.cpuPercent;
const memoryMB = this.parseMemoryString(proc.memory);
totalCPUPercent += cpuPercent;
totalMemoryMB += memoryMB;
// Only include in breakdown if using significant resources
if (cpuPercent > 0.1 || memoryMB > 5) {
name: this.getProcessName(proc.command),
cpuPercent: cpuPercent,
memory: proc.memory
// Sort breakdown by CPU usage
processBreakdown.sort((a, b) => b.cpuPercent - a.cpuPercent);
return {
* Get all descendant processes of a given process
private getAllDescendants(
process: ProcessInfo,
allProcesses: ProcessInfo[]
): ProcessInfo[] {
const descendants: ProcessInfo[] = [];
const processByPid: Record<string, ProcessInfo> = {};
// Build lookup table
for (const p of allProcesses) {
processByPid[] = p;
// Recursive function to collect descendants
const collect = (proc: ProcessInfo) => {
const children = allProcesses.filter(p => p.ppid ===;
for (const child of children) {
return descendants;
* Parse memory string (KB) to MB
private parseMemoryString(memory: string): number {
const kb = parseInt(memory, 10);
return kb / 1024; // Convert KB to MB
// Example usage
async function main() {
const tracker = new ProcessTracker();
const ttyPath = '/dev/ttys001'; // Example TTY path
const process = await tracker.getActiveProcess(ttyPath);
if (process) {
console.log('Active process:');
console.log(` Name: ${}`);
console.log(` Command: ${process.command}`);
console.log(` Command Chain: ${process.commandChain}`);
if (process.environment) {
console.log(` Environment: ${process.environment}`);
console.log('\nResource Usage:');
console.log(` Total CPU: ${process.metrics.totalCPUPercent.toFixed(1)}%`);
console.log(` Total Memory: ${process.metrics.totalMemoryMB.toFixed(1)} MB`);
if (process.metrics.processBreakdown.length > 0) {
console.log('\nProcess Breakdown:');
for (const proc of process.metrics.processBreakdown) {
console.log(` ${} (${}):`);
console.log(` CPU: ${proc.cpuPercent.toFixed(1)}%`);
console.log(` Memory: ${proc.memory} KB`);
} else {
console.log('No active process found');
export default ProcessTracker;