by glifxyz
- src
import { z } from "zod";
import fs from "fs/promises";
import path from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
// Define the schema for saved glifs
export const SavedGlifSchema = z.object({
id: z.string(), // Original glif ID
toolName: z.string(), // Tool name (for invocation)
name: z.string(), // Display name
description: z.string(), // Custom description
createdAt: z.string().datetime(), // When it was saved
export type SavedGlif = z.infer<typeof SavedGlifSchema>;
// Path to the saved glifs file
const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
const SAVED_GLIFS_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "../data/saved-glifs.json");
// Functions to manage saved glifs
// Define a schema for raw JSON data that might have date objects
const RawGlifSchema = z.object({
id: z.string(),
toolName: z.string(),
name: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
createdAt: z.union([
z.object({}).transform(() => new Date().toISOString()),
z.null().transform(() => new Date().toISOString()),
z.undefined().transform(() => new Date().toISOString()),
// Schema for parsing the file content
const FileContentSchema = z.preprocess(
(data) => {
if (typeof data !== "string" || !data) {
return [];
try {
return JSON.parse(data);
} catch {
return [];
.transform((items) => => ({
// Ensure createdAt is a valid ISO string
typeof item.createdAt === "string"
? item.createdAt
: new Date().toISOString(),
export async function getSavedGlifs(): Promise<SavedGlif[]> {
// Ensure directory exists
try {
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(SAVED_GLIFS_PATH), { recursive: true });
} catch (err) {
// Ignore directory creation errors
// Read file or return empty array if file doesn't exist
let data = "[]";
try {
data = await fs.readFile(SAVED_GLIFS_PATH, "utf-8");
} catch (err) {
// File doesn't exist, use empty array
// Parse and validate with our schema
return FileContentSchema.parse(data);
export async function saveGlif(glif: SavedGlif): Promise<void> {
const glifs = await getSavedGlifs();
const existingIndex = glifs.findIndex((g) => g.toolName === glif.toolName);
if (existingIndex >= 0) {
glifs[existingIndex] = glif;
} else {
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(SAVED_GLIFS_PATH), { recursive: true });
await fs.writeFile(SAVED_GLIFS_PATH, JSON.stringify(glifs, null, 2));
export async function removeGlif(toolName: string): Promise<boolean> {
const glifs = await getSavedGlifs();
const initialLength = glifs.length;
const filteredGlifs = glifs.filter((g) => g.toolName !== toolName);
if (filteredGlifs.length < initialLength) {
await fs.writeFile(
JSON.stringify(filteredGlifs, null, 2)
return true;
return false;