
  • src
import wretch from "wretch"; import QueryStringAddon from "wretch/addons/queryString"; import type { WretchError } from "wretch"; import { z } from "zod"; import { GlifRunResponseSchema, GlifSchema, GlifRunSchema, SearchParamsSchema, UserSchema, MeResponseSchema, type Glif, type GlifRun, type GlifRunResponse, type User, type MeResponse, } from "./types.js"; const API_TOKEN = process.env.GLIF_API_TOKEN; if (!API_TOKEN) { throw new Error("GLIF_API_TOKEN environment variable is required"); } export const api = wretch() .addon(QueryStringAddon) .headers({ Authorization: `Bearer ${API_TOKEN}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }) .errorType("json"); const simpleApi = api.url(""); const glifApi = api.url(""); export async function runGlif( id: string, inputs: string[] ): Promise<GlifRunResponse> { try { const data = await simpleApi .post({ id, inputs }) .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); throw err; }) .json(); return GlifRunResponseSchema.parse(data); } catch (error) { console.error("Error running glif:", error); throw error; } } export async function searchGlifs( params: z.infer<typeof SearchParamsSchema> ): Promise<Glif[]> { try { const queryParams: Record<string, string> = {}; if (params.q) queryParams.q = params.q; if (params.featured) queryParams.featured = "1"; if ( =; console.error("Making API request to search glifs:", { url: "", params: queryParams, }); const data = await glifApi .url("/glifs") .query(queryParams) .get() .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); throw err; }) .json(); return z.array(GlifSchema).parse(data); } catch (error) { console.error("Error searching glifs:", error); throw error; } } export async function getGlifDetails(id: string): Promise<{ glif: Glif; recentRuns: GlifRun[]; }> { try { console.error("Making API requests to fetch glif details:", { urls: ["", ""], params: { id, glifId: id }, }); const [glifData, runsData] = await Promise.all([ glifApi .url("/glifs") .query({ id }) .get() .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); throw err; }) .json(), glifApi .url("/runs") .query({ glifId: id }) .get() .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); throw err; }) .json(), ]); const glif = z.array(GlifSchema).parse(glifData)[0]; const recentRuns = z.array(GlifRunSchema).parse(runsData).slice(0, 3); return { glif, recentRuns }; } catch (error) { console.error( "Error fetching glif details:", JSON.stringify(error, null, 2) ); throw error; } } let cachedUserId: string | null = null; export async function getMyUserInfo() { try { console.error("Making API request to fetch user info:", { url: "", }); const data = await glifApi .url("/me") .get() .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); throw err; }) .json(); console.error("Raw user data:", JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); const response = MeResponseSchema.parse(data); const user = response.user; cachedUserId =; return user; } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching user info:", error); throw error; } } export async function getMyRecentRuns(): Promise<GlifRun[]> { try { const userId = cachedUserId ?? (await getMyUserInfo()).id; console.error("Making API request to fetch runs:", { url: "", params: { userId }, }); const data = await glifApi .url("/runs") .query({ userId }) .get() .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); throw err; }) .json(); return z.array(GlifRunSchema).parse(data); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching user's recent runs:", error); throw error; } } export async function getMyGlifs(): Promise<Glif[]> { try { const userId = cachedUserId ?? (await getMyUserInfo()).id; console.error("Making API request to fetch glifs:", { url: "", params: { userId }, }); const data = await glifApi .url("/glifs") .query({ userId }) .get() .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); throw err; }) .json(); return z.array(GlifSchema).parse(data); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching user's glifs:", error); throw error; } } // TODO: Endpoint not yet available // export async function getMyLikedGlifs(userId: string): Promise<Glif[]> { // try { // const data = await glifApi // .url("/glifs/liked") // .query({ userId }) // .get() // .unauthorized((err: WretchError) => { // console.error("Unauthorized request:", err); // throw err; // }) // .json(); // // return z.array(GlifSchema).parse(data); // } catch (error) { // console.error("Error fetching user's liked glifs:", error); // throw error; // } // } export async function createGlif( name: string, description: string ): Promise<Glif> { // TODO: Coming soon! throw new Error("Create glif functionality coming soon!"); } export function formatOutput(type: string, output: string): string { switch (type) { case "IMAGE": return `[Image] ${output}`; case "VIDEO": return `[Video] ${output}`; case "AUDIO": return `[Audio] ${output}`; default: return output; } }