Codebase MCP

import { mcpAuthRouter, AuthRouterOptions } from './router.js'; import { OAuthServerProvider, AuthorizationParams } from './provider.js'; import { OAuthRegisteredClientsStore } from './clients.js'; import { OAuthClientInformationFull, OAuthTokenRevocationRequest, OAuthTokens } from '../../shared/auth.js'; import express, { Response } from 'express'; import supertest from 'supertest'; import { AuthInfo } from './types.js'; import { InvalidTokenError } from './errors.js'; describe('MCP Auth Router', () => { // Setup mock provider with full capabilities const mockClientStore: OAuthRegisteredClientsStore = { async getClient(clientId: string): Promise<OAuthClientInformationFull | undefined> { if (clientId === 'valid-client') { return { client_id: 'valid-client', client_secret: 'valid-secret', redirect_uris: [''] }; } return undefined; }, async registerClient(client: OAuthClientInformationFull): Promise<OAuthClientInformationFull> { return client; } }; const mockProvider: OAuthServerProvider = { clientsStore: mockClientStore, async authorize(client: OAuthClientInformationFull, params: AuthorizationParams, res: Response): Promise<void> { const redirectUrl = new URL(params.redirectUri); redirectUrl.searchParams.set('code', 'mock_auth_code'); if (params.state) { redirectUrl.searchParams.set('state', params.state); } res.redirect(302, redirectUrl.toString()); }, async challengeForAuthorizationCode(): Promise<string> { return 'mock_challenge'; }, async exchangeAuthorizationCode(): Promise<OAuthTokens> { return { access_token: 'mock_access_token', token_type: 'bearer', expires_in: 3600, refresh_token: 'mock_refresh_token' }; }, async exchangeRefreshToken(): Promise<OAuthTokens> { return { access_token: 'new_mock_access_token', token_type: 'bearer', expires_in: 3600, refresh_token: 'new_mock_refresh_token' }; }, async verifyAccessToken(token: string): Promise<AuthInfo> { if (token === 'valid_token') { return { token, clientId: 'valid-client', scopes: ['read', 'write'], expiresAt: / 1000 + 3600 }; } throw new InvalidTokenError('Token is invalid or expired'); }, async revokeToken(_client: OAuthClientInformationFull, _request: OAuthTokenRevocationRequest): Promise<void> { // Success - do nothing in mock } }; // Provider without registration and revocation const mockProviderMinimal: OAuthServerProvider = { clientsStore: { async getClient(clientId: string): Promise<OAuthClientInformationFull | undefined> { if (clientId === 'valid-client') { return { client_id: 'valid-client', client_secret: 'valid-secret', redirect_uris: [''] }; } return undefined; } }, async authorize(client: OAuthClientInformationFull, params: AuthorizationParams, res: Response): Promise<void> { const redirectUrl = new URL(params.redirectUri); redirectUrl.searchParams.set('code', 'mock_auth_code'); if (params.state) { redirectUrl.searchParams.set('state', params.state); } res.redirect(302, redirectUrl.toString()); }, async challengeForAuthorizationCode(): Promise<string> { return 'mock_challenge'; }, async exchangeAuthorizationCode(): Promise<OAuthTokens> { return { access_token: 'mock_access_token', token_type: 'bearer', expires_in: 3600, refresh_token: 'mock_refresh_token' }; }, async exchangeRefreshToken(): Promise<OAuthTokens> { return { access_token: 'new_mock_access_token', token_type: 'bearer', expires_in: 3600, refresh_token: 'new_mock_refresh_token' }; }, async verifyAccessToken(token: string): Promise<AuthInfo> { if (token === 'valid_token') { return { token, clientId: 'valid-client', scopes: ['read'], expiresAt: / 1000 + 3600 }; } throw new InvalidTokenError('Token is invalid or expired'); } }; describe('Router creation', () => { it('throws error for non-HTTPS issuer URL', () => { const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProvider, issuerUrl: new URL('') }; expect(() => mcpAuthRouter(options)).toThrow('Issuer URL must be HTTPS'); }); it('allows localhost HTTP for development', () => { const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProvider, issuerUrl: new URL('http://localhost:3000') }; expect(() => mcpAuthRouter(options)).not.toThrow(); }); it('throws error for issuer URL with fragment', () => { const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProvider, issuerUrl: new URL('') }; expect(() => mcpAuthRouter(options)).toThrow('Issuer URL must not have a fragment'); }); it('throws error for issuer URL with query string', () => { const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProvider, issuerUrl: new URL('') }; expect(() => mcpAuthRouter(options)).toThrow('Issuer URL must not have a query string'); }); it('successfully creates router with valid options', () => { const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProvider, issuerUrl: new URL('') }; expect(() => mcpAuthRouter(options)).not.toThrow(); }); }); describe('Metadata endpoint', () => { let app: express.Express; beforeEach(() => { // Setup full-featured router app = express(); const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProvider, issuerUrl: new URL(''), serviceDocumentationUrl: new URL('') }; app.use(mcpAuthRouter(options)); }); it('returns complete metadata for full-featured router', async () => { const response = await supertest(app) .get('/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server'); expect(response.status).toBe(200); // Verify essential fields expect(response.body.issuer).toBe(''); expect(response.body.authorization_endpoint).toBe(''); expect(response.body.token_endpoint).toBe(''); expect(response.body.registration_endpoint).toBe(''); expect(response.body.revocation_endpoint).toBe(''); // Verify supported features expect(response.body.response_types_supported).toEqual(['code']); expect(response.body.grant_types_supported).toEqual(['authorization_code', 'refresh_token']); expect(response.body.code_challenge_methods_supported).toEqual(['S256']); expect(response.body.token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported).toEqual(['client_secret_post']); expect(response.body.revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported).toEqual(['client_secret_post']); // Verify optional fields expect(response.body.service_documentation).toBe(''); }); it('returns minimal metadata for minimal router', async () => { // Setup minimal router const minimalApp = express(); const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProviderMinimal, issuerUrl: new URL('') }; minimalApp.use(mcpAuthRouter(options)); const response = await supertest(minimalApp) .get('/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server'); expect(response.status).toBe(200); // Verify essential endpoints expect(response.body.issuer).toBe(''); expect(response.body.authorization_endpoint).toBe(''); expect(response.body.token_endpoint).toBe(''); // Verify missing optional endpoints expect(response.body.registration_endpoint).toBeUndefined(); expect(response.body.revocation_endpoint).toBeUndefined(); expect(response.body.revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported).toBeUndefined(); expect(response.body.service_documentation).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('Endpoint routing', () => { let app: express.Express; beforeEach(() => { // Setup full-featured router app = express(); const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProvider, issuerUrl: new URL('') }; app.use(mcpAuthRouter(options)); }); it('routes to authorization endpoint', async () => { const response = await supertest(app) .get('/authorize') .query({ client_id: 'valid-client', response_type: 'code', code_challenge: 'challenge123', code_challenge_method: 'S256' }); expect(response.status).toBe(302); const location = new URL(response.header.location); expect(location.searchParams.has('code')).toBe(true); }); it('routes to token endpoint', async () => { // Setup verifyChallenge mock for token handler jest.mock('pkce-challenge', () => ({ verifyChallenge: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(true) })); const response = await supertest(app) .post('/token') .type('form') .send({ client_id: 'valid-client', client_secret: 'valid-secret', grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: 'valid_code', code_verifier: 'valid_verifier' }); // The request will fail in testing due to mocking limitations, // but we can verify the route was matched expect(response.status).not.toBe(404); }); it('routes to registration endpoint', async () => { const response = await supertest(app) .post('/register') .send({ redirect_uris: [''] }); // The request will fail in testing due to mocking limitations, // but we can verify the route was matched expect(response.status).not.toBe(404); }); it('routes to revocation endpoint', async () => { const response = await supertest(app) .post('/revoke') .type('form') .send({ client_id: 'valid-client', client_secret: 'valid-secret', token: 'token_to_revoke' }); // The request will fail in testing due to mocking limitations, // but we can verify the route was matched expect(response.status).not.toBe(404); }); it('excludes endpoints for unsupported features', async () => { // Setup minimal router const minimalApp = express(); const options: AuthRouterOptions = { provider: mockProviderMinimal, issuerUrl: new URL('') }; minimalApp.use(mcpAuthRouter(options)); // Registration should not be available const regResponse = await supertest(minimalApp) .post('/register') .send({ redirect_uris: [''] }); expect(regResponse.status).toBe(404); // Revocation should not be available const revokeResponse = await supertest(minimalApp) .post('/revoke') .send({ client_id: 'valid-client', client_secret: 'valid-secret', token: 'token_to_revoke' }); expect(revokeResponse.status).toBe(404); }); }); });