Codebase MCP

import { OAuthErrorResponse } from "../../shared/auth.js"; /** * Base class for all OAuth errors */ export class OAuthError extends Error { constructor( public readonly errorCode: string, message: string, public readonly errorUri?: string ) { super(message); =; } /** * Converts the error to a standard OAuth error response object */ toResponseObject(): OAuthErrorResponse { const response: OAuthErrorResponse = { error: this.errorCode, error_description: this.message }; if (this.errorUri) { response.error_uri = this.errorUri; } return response; } } /** * Invalid request error - The request is missing a required parameter, * includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, * or is otherwise malformed. */ export class InvalidRequestError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("invalid_request", message, errorUri); } } /** * Invalid client error - Client authentication failed (e.g., unknown client, no client * authentication included, or unsupported authentication method). */ export class InvalidClientError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("invalid_client", message, errorUri); } } /** * Invalid grant error - The provided authorization grant or refresh token is * invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the * authorization request, or was issued to another client. */ export class InvalidGrantError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("invalid_grant", message, errorUri); } } /** * Unauthorized client error - The authenticated client is not authorized to use * this authorization grant type. */ export class UnauthorizedClientError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("unauthorized_client", message, errorUri); } } /** * Unsupported grant type error - The authorization grant type is not supported * by the authorization server. */ export class UnsupportedGrantTypeError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("unsupported_grant_type", message, errorUri); } } /** * Invalid scope error - The requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or * exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner. */ export class InvalidScopeError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("invalid_scope", message, errorUri); } } /** * Access denied error - The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. */ export class AccessDeniedError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("access_denied", message, errorUri); } } /** * Server error - The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition * that prevented it from fulfilling the request. */ export class ServerError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("server_error", message, errorUri); } } /** * Temporarily unavailable error - The authorization server is currently unable to * handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. */ export class TemporarilyUnavailableError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("temporarily_unavailable", message, errorUri); } } /** * Unsupported response type error - The authorization server does not support * obtaining an authorization code using this method. */ export class UnsupportedResponseTypeError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("unsupported_response_type", message, errorUri); } } /** * Unsupported token type error - The authorization server does not support * the requested token type. */ export class UnsupportedTokenTypeError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("unsupported_token_type", message, errorUri); } } /** * Invalid token error - The access token provided is expired, revoked, malformed, * or invalid for other reasons. */ export class InvalidTokenError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("invalid_token", message, errorUri); } } /** * Method not allowed error - The HTTP method used is not allowed for this endpoint. * (Custom, non-standard error) */ export class MethodNotAllowedError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("method_not_allowed", message, errorUri); } } /** * Too many requests error - Rate limit exceeded. * (Custom, non-standard error based on RFC 6585) */ export class TooManyRequestsError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("too_many_requests", message, errorUri); } } /** * Invalid client metadata error - The client metadata is invalid. * (Custom error for dynamic client registration - RFC 7591) */ export class InvalidClientMetadataError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("invalid_client_metadata", message, errorUri); } } /** * Insufficient scope error - The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token. */ export class InsufficientScopeError extends OAuthError { constructor(message: string, errorUri?: string) { super("insufficient_scope", message, errorUri); } }