Codebase MCP

import { OAuthServerProvider } from "../provider.js"; import express, { RequestHandler } from "express"; import cors from "cors"; import { authenticateClient } from "../middleware/clientAuth.js"; import { OAuthTokenRevocationRequestSchema } from "../../../shared/auth.js"; import { rateLimit, Options as RateLimitOptions } from "express-rate-limit"; import { allowedMethods } from "../middleware/allowedMethods.js"; import { InvalidRequestError, ServerError, TooManyRequestsError, OAuthError } from "../errors.js"; export type RevocationHandlerOptions = { provider: OAuthServerProvider; /** * Rate limiting configuration for the token revocation endpoint. * Set to false to disable rate limiting for this endpoint. */ rateLimit?: Partial<RateLimitOptions> | false; }; export function revocationHandler({ provider, rateLimit: rateLimitConfig }: RevocationHandlerOptions): RequestHandler { if (!provider.revokeToken) { throw new Error("Auth provider does not support revoking tokens"); } // Nested router so we can configure middleware and restrict HTTP method const router = express.Router(); // Configure CORS to allow any origin, to make accessible to web-based MCP clients router.use(cors()); router.use(allowedMethods(["POST"])); router.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false })); // Apply rate limiting unless explicitly disabled if (rateLimitConfig !== false) { router.use(rateLimit({ windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes max: 50, // 50 requests per windowMs standardHeaders: true, legacyHeaders: false, message: new TooManyRequestsError('You have exceeded the rate limit for token revocation requests').toResponseObject(), ...rateLimitConfig })); } // Authenticate and extract client details router.use(authenticateClient({ clientsStore: provider.clientsStore }));"/", async (req, res) => { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store'); try { const parseResult = OAuthTokenRevocationRequestSchema.safeParse(req.body); if (!parseResult.success) { throw new InvalidRequestError(parseResult.error.message); } const client = req.client; if (!client) { // This should never happen console.error("Missing client information after authentication"); throw new ServerError("Internal Server Error"); } await provider.revokeToken!(client,; res.status(200).json({}); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof OAuthError) { const status = error instanceof ServerError ? 500 : 400; res.status(status).json(error.toResponseObject()); } else { console.error("Unexpected error revoking token:", error); const serverError = new ServerError("Internal Server Error"); res.status(500).json(serverError.toResponseObject()); } } }); return router; }