Codebase MCP
import { RequestHandler } from "express";
import { z } from "zod";
import express from "express";
import { OAuthServerProvider } from "../provider.js";
import { rateLimit, Options as RateLimitOptions } from "express-rate-limit";
import { allowedMethods } from "../middleware/allowedMethods.js";
import {
} from "../errors.js";
export type AuthorizationHandlerOptions = {
provider: OAuthServerProvider;
* Rate limiting configuration for the authorization endpoint.
* Set to false to disable rate limiting for this endpoint.
rateLimit?: Partial<RateLimitOptions> | false;
// Parameters that must be validated in order to issue redirects.
const ClientAuthorizationParamsSchema = z.object({
client_id: z.string(),
redirect_uri: z.string().optional().refine((value) => value === undefined || URL.canParse(value), { message: "redirect_uri must be a valid URL" }),
// Parameters that must be validated for a successful authorization request. Failure can be reported to the redirect URI.
const RequestAuthorizationParamsSchema = z.object({
response_type: z.literal("code"),
code_challenge: z.string(),
code_challenge_method: z.literal("S256"),
scope: z.string().optional(),
state: z.string().optional(),
export function authorizationHandler({ provider, rateLimit: rateLimitConfig }: AuthorizationHandlerOptions): RequestHandler {
// Create a router to apply middleware
const router = express.Router();
router.use(allowedMethods(["GET", "POST"]));
router.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
// Apply rate limiting unless explicitly disabled
if (rateLimitConfig !== false) {
windowMs: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
max: 100, // 100 requests per windowMs
standardHeaders: true,
legacyHeaders: false,
message: new TooManyRequestsError('You have exceeded the rate limit for authorization requests').toResponseObject(),
router.all("/", async (req, res) => {
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store');
// In the authorization flow, errors are split into two categories:
// 1. Pre-redirect errors (direct response with 400)
// 2. Post-redirect errors (redirect with error parameters)
// Phase 1: Validate client_id and redirect_uri. Any errors here must be direct responses.
let client_id, redirect_uri, client;
try {
const result = ClientAuthorizationParamsSchema.safeParse(req.method === 'POST' ? req.body : req.query);
if (!result.success) {
throw new InvalidRequestError(result.error.message);
client_id =;
redirect_uri =;
client = await provider.clientsStore.getClient(client_id);
if (!client) {
throw new InvalidClientError("Invalid client_id");
if (redirect_uri !== undefined) {
if (!client.redirect_uris.includes(redirect_uri)) {
throw new InvalidRequestError("Unregistered redirect_uri");
} else if (client.redirect_uris.length === 1) {
redirect_uri = client.redirect_uris[0];
} else {
throw new InvalidRequestError("redirect_uri must be specified when client has multiple registered URIs");
} catch (error) {
// Pre-redirect errors - return direct response
// These don't need to be JSON encoded, as they'll be displayed in a user
// agent, but OTOH they all represent exceptional situations (arguably,
// "programmer error"), so presenting a nice HTML page doesn't help the
// user anyway.
if (error instanceof OAuthError) {
const status = error instanceof ServerError ? 500 : 400;
} else {
console.error("Unexpected error looking up client:", error);
const serverError = new ServerError("Internal Server Error");
// Phase 2: Validate other parameters. Any errors here should go into redirect responses.
let state;
try {
// Parse and validate authorization parameters
const parseResult = RequestAuthorizationParamsSchema.safeParse(req.method === 'POST' ? req.body : req.query);
if (!parseResult.success) {
throw new InvalidRequestError(parseResult.error.message);
const { scope, code_challenge } =;
state =;
// Validate scopes
let requestedScopes: string[] = [];
if (scope !== undefined) {
requestedScopes = scope.split(" ");
const allowedScopes = new Set(client.scope?.split(" "));
// Check each requested scope against allowed scopes
for (const scope of requestedScopes) {
if (!allowedScopes.has(scope)) {
throw new InvalidScopeError(`Client was not registered with scope ${scope}`);
// All validation passed, proceed with authorization
await provider.authorize(client, {
scopes: requestedScopes,
redirectUri: redirect_uri,
codeChallenge: code_challenge,
}, res);
} catch (error) {
// Post-redirect errors - redirect with error parameters
if (error instanceof OAuthError) {
res.redirect(302, createErrorRedirect(redirect_uri, error, state));
} else {
console.error("Unexpected error during authorization:", error);
const serverError = new ServerError("Internal Server Error");
res.redirect(302, createErrorRedirect(redirect_uri, serverError, state));
return router;
* Helper function to create redirect URL with error parameters
function createErrorRedirect(redirectUri: string, error: OAuthError, state?: string): string {
const errorUrl = new URL(redirectUri);
errorUrl.searchParams.set("error", error.errorCode);
errorUrl.searchParams.set("error_description", error.message);
if (error.errorUri) {
errorUrl.searchParams.set("error_uri", error.errorUri);
if (state) {
errorUrl.searchParams.set("state", state);
return errorUrl.href;