Xano MCP Server

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/** * @fileovertitle Enhanced Titan Memory Model with Transformer-based Memory Encoding */ import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node'; import { ITensor, IMemoryState, ISurpriseMetrics, IAttentionBlock, IMemoryUpdateResult, IModelGradients, TensorContainer, unwrapTensor, wrapTensor } from './types.js'; import * as fs from 'fs/promises'; import { Tokenizer } from '@tensorflow-models/universal-sentence-encoder'; // Enhanced configuration with transformer parameters export interface TitanMemoryConfig { inputDim?: number; hiddenDim?: number; outputDim?: number; learningRate?: number; transformerLayers?: number; numHeads?: number; ffDimension?: number; dropoutRate?: number; maxSequenceLength?: number; memorySlots?: number; similarityThreshold?: number; } export class TitanMemoryModel implements IMemoryModel { private config: TitanMemoryConfig; private tokenizer!: Tokenizer; private transformerLayers: tf.LayersModel[]; private memoryProjection!: tf.LayersModel; private similarityNetwork!: tf.LayersModel; // Memory state with timestamps and attention weights private memoryState: IMemoryState & { timestamps: tf.Tensor; accessCounts: tf.Tensor; }; constructor(config: TitanMemoryConfig = {}) { this.config = { inputDim: 768, hiddenDim: 512, outputDim: 768, transformerLayers: 4, numHeads: 8, ffDimension: 2048, dropoutRate: 0.1, maxSequenceLength: 512, memorySlots: 1000, similarityThreshold: 0.7, ...config }; this.transformerLayers = this.buildTransformerStack(); this.buildSimilarityNetwork(); this.initializeMemoryState(); } private buildTransformerStack(): tf.LayersModel[] { return Array.from({ length: this.config.transformerLayers! }, (_, i) => tf.sequential({ layers: [ tf.layers.multiHeadAttention({ numHeads: this.config.numHeads, keyDim: this.config.hiddenDim! / this.config.numHeads!, }), tf.layers.layerNormalization(), tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.ffDimension!, activation: 'gelu' }), tf.layers.dropout({ rate: this.config.dropoutRate }), tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.hiddenDim! }), tf.layers.layerNormalization() ] }) ); } private buildSimilarityNetwork(): void { this.similarityNetwork = tf.sequential({ layers: [ tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.hiddenDim!, activation: 'relu', inputShape: [this.config.hiddenDim! * 2] }), tf.layers.dense({ units: 1, activation: 'sigmoid' }) ] }); } private initializeMemoryState(): void { const initialMemory = tf.zeros([this.config.memorySlots!, this.config.hiddenDim!]); this.memoryState = { shortTerm: initialMemory, longTerm: initialMemory.clone(), meta: initialMemory.clone(), timestamps: tf.zeros([this.config.memorySlots!]), accessCounts: tf.zeros([this.config.memorySlots!]) }; } public async encodeText(text: string): Promise<tf.Tensor> { const tokens = await this.tokenizer.tokenize(text); const padded = tokens.slice(0, this.config.maxSequenceLength!); const input = tf.tensor2d([padded], [1, this.config.maxSequenceLength!]); let encoding = input; for (const layer of this.transformerLayers) { encoding = layer.apply(encoding) as tf.Tensor; } return tf.mean(encoding, 1); } public async storeMemory(text: string): Promise<void> { const embedding = await this.encodeText(text); const similarityScores = tf.matMul( this.memoryState.shortTerm, embedding.reshape([-1, 1]) ).flatten(); const { values, indices } = tf.topk(similarityScores, 1); if (values.dataSync()[0] < this.config.similarityThreshold!) { // Add new memory const newMemory = tf.concat([ this.memoryState.shortTerm, embedding.reshape([1, -1]) ], 0).slice(0, this.config.memorySlots!); this.memoryState.shortTerm.dispose(); this.memoryState.shortTerm = newMemory; } } public async recallMemory(query: string, topK: number = 5): Promise<tf.Tensor[]> { const queryEmbedding = await this.encodeText(query); const similarities = tf.matMul( this.memoryState.shortTerm, queryEmbedding.reshape([-1, 1]) ).flatten(); const { indices } = tf.topk(similarities, topK); return indices.dataSync().map(i => this.memoryState.shortTerm.slice([i, 0], [1, -1]) ); } public computeMemoryRelevance(): tf.Tensor { return tf.tidy(() => { const recency = tf.sub(tf.scalar(Date.now()), this.memoryState.timestamps); const frequency = tf.log(tf.add(this.memoryState.accessCounts, tf.scalar(1))); return tf.mul(recency, frequency); }); } public adaptivePruning(): void { const relevance = this.computeMemoryRelevance(); const { values, indices } = tf.topk(relevance, this.config.memorySlots!); this.memoryState.shortTerm = tf.gather(this.memoryState.shortTerm, indices); this.memoryState.longTerm = tf.gather(this.memoryState.longTerm, indices); this.memoryState.meta = tf.gather(this.memoryState.meta, indices); } // Updated forward pass with transformer-based processing public forward(x: ITensor, memoryState: IMemoryState): { predicted: ITensor; memoryUpdate: IMemoryUpdateResult } { return tf.tidy(() => { const input = unwrapTensor(x); let transformed = input; // Process through transformer layers for (const layer of this.transformerLayers) { transformed = layer.apply(transformed) as tf.Tensor; } // Dynamic memory integration const memoryQuery = tf.matMul(transformed, this.memoryProjection.predict(transformed)); const attention = this.computeAttention(memoryQuery, memoryState.shortTerm, memoryState.longTerm); // Memory update with surprise-based gating const surprise = this.computeSurprise(transformed, attention.values); const updateGate = tf.sigmoid(tf.mul(surprise.immediate, tf.scalar(0.5))); const newShortTerm = tf.add( tf.mul(memoryState.shortTerm, tf.sub(tf.scalar(1), updateGate)), tf.mul(attention.values, updateGate) ); return { predicted: transformed, memoryUpdate: { newState: { shortTerm: newShortTerm, longTerm: memoryState.longTerm, meta: memoryState.meta }, attention, surprise } }; }); }