
# Smithery configuration file: startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object required: - organizationId - environmentId - jwtSecret properties: organizationId: type: string default: your-organization-id description: Graphlit organization ID environmentId: type: string default: your-environment-id description: Graphlit environment ID jwtSecret: type: string default: your-jwt-secret description: JWT secret for signing tokens slackBotToken: type: string default: "" description: Slack bot token (optional) discordBotToken: type: string default: "" description: Discord bot token (optional) googleEmailRefreshToken: type: string default: "" description: Google Email refresh token (optional) googleEmailClientId: type: string default: "" description: Google Email Client ID (optional) googleEmailClientSecret: type: string default: "" description: Google Email Client Secret (optional) linearApiKey: type: string default: "" description: Linear API Key (optional) githubPersonalAccessToken: type: string default: "" description: GitHub Personal Access Token (optional) jiraEmail: type: string default: "" description: Jira email (optional) jiraToken: type: string default: "" description: Jira token (optional) notionApiKey: type: string default: "" description: Notion API Key (optional) notionDatabaseId: type: string default: "" description: Notion Database ID (optional) commandFunction: # A JS function that produces the CLI command based on the given config to start the MCP on stdio. |- (config) => ({ command: 'node', args: ['build/index.js'], env: { GRAPHLIT_ORGANIZATION_ID: config.organizationId, GRAPHLIT_ENVIRONMENT_ID: config.environmentId, GRAPHLIT_JWT_SECRET: config.jwtSecret, SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: config.slackBotToken || '', DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: config.discordBotToken || '', GOOGLE_EMAIL_REFRESH_TOKEN: config.googleEmailRefreshToken || '', GOOGLE_EMAIL_CLIENT_ID: config.googleEmailClientId || '', GOOGLE_EMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET: config.googleEmailClientSecret || '', LINEAR_API_KEY: config.linearApiKey || '', GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: config.githubPersonalAccessToken || '', JIRA_EMAIL: config.jiraEmail || '', JIRA_TOKEN: config.jiraToken || '', NOTION_API_KEY: config.notionApiKey || '', NOTION_DATABASE_ID: config.notionDatabaseId || '' } }) exampleConfig: organizationId: your-organization-id environmentId: your-environment-id jwtSecret: your-jwt-secret slackBotToken: example-slack-bot-token discordBotToken: example-discord-bot-token googleEmailRefreshToken: example-google-refresh-token googleEmailClientId: example-google-client-id googleEmailClientSecret: example-google-client-secret linearApiKey: example-linear-api-key githubPersonalAccessToken: example-github-pat jiraEmail: example-jira-email jiraToken: example-jira-token notionApiKey: example-notion-api-key notionDatabaseId: example-notion-database-id