# /// script # dependencies = ["pydantic-ai-slim[openai]", "asyncpg", "numpy", "pgvector"] # /// # uv pip install 'pydantic-ai-slim[openai]' asyncpg numpy pgvector """ Recursive memory system inspired by the human brain's clustering of memories. Uses OpenAI's 'text-embedding-3-small' model and pgvector for efficient similarity search. """ import asyncio import math import os from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path from typing import Annotated, Self import asyncpg import numpy as np from openai import AsyncOpenAI from pgvector.asyncpg import register_vector # Import register_vector from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from pydantic_ai import Agent from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP MAX_DEPTH = 5 SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = 0.7 DECAY_FACTOR = 0.99 REINFORCEMENT_FACTOR = 1.1 DEFAULT_LLM_MODEL = "openai:gpt-4o" DEFAULT_EMBEDDING_MODEL = "text-embedding-3-small" mcp = FastMCP( "memory", dependencies=[ "pydantic-ai-slim[openai]", "asyncpg", "numpy", "pgvector", ], ) DB_DSN = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54320/memory_db" # reset memory with rm ~/.fastmcp/{USER}/memory/* PROFILE_DIR = ( Path.home() / ".fastmcp" / os.environ.get("USER", "anon") / "memory" ).resolve() PROFILE_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def cosine_similarity(a: list[float], b: list[float]) -> float: a_array = np.array(a, dtype=np.float64) b_array = np.array(b, dtype=np.float64) return, b_array) / ( np.linalg.norm(a_array) * np.linalg.norm(b_array) ) async def do_ai[T]( user_prompt: str, system_prompt: str, result_type: type[T] | Annotated, deps=None, ) -> T: agent = Agent( DEFAULT_LLM_MODEL, system_prompt=system_prompt, result_type=result_type, ) result = await, deps=deps) return @dataclass class Deps: openai: AsyncOpenAI pool: asyncpg.Pool async def get_db_pool() -> asyncpg.Pool: async def init(conn): await conn.execute("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector;") await register_vector(conn) pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(DB_DSN, init=init) return pool class MemoryNode(BaseModel): id: int | None = None content: str summary: str = "" importance: float = 1.0 access_count: int = 0 timestamp: float = Field( default_factory=lambda: ) embedding: list[float] @classmethod async def from_content(cls, content: str, deps: Deps): embedding = await get_embedding(content, deps) return cls(content=content, embedding=embedding) async def save(self, deps: Deps): async with deps.pool.acquire() as conn: if is None: result = await conn.fetchrow( """ INSERT INTO memories (content, summary, importance, access_count, timestamp, embedding) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING id """, self.content, self.summary, self.importance, self.access_count, self.timestamp, self.embedding, ) = result["id"] else: await conn.execute( """ UPDATE memories SET content = $1, summary = $2, importance = $3, access_count = $4, timestamp = $5, embedding = $6 WHERE id = $7 """, self.content, self.summary, self.importance, self.access_count, self.timestamp, self.embedding,, ) async def merge_with(self, other: Self, deps: Deps): self.content = await do_ai( f"{self.content}\n\n{other.content}", "Combine the following two texts into a single, coherent text.", str, deps, ) self.importance += other.importance self.access_count += other.access_count self.embedding = [(a + b) / 2 for a, b in zip(self.embedding, other.embedding)] self.summary = await do_ai( self.content, "Summarize the following text concisely.", str, deps ) await # Delete the merged node from the database if is not None: await delete_memory(, deps) def get_effective_importance(self): return self.importance * (1 + math.log(self.access_count + 1)) async def get_embedding(text: str, deps: Deps) -> list[float]: embedding_response = await deps.openai.embeddings.create( input=text, model=DEFAULT_EMBEDDING_MODEL, ) return[0].embedding async def delete_memory(memory_id: int, deps: Deps): async with deps.pool.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute("DELETE FROM memories WHERE id = $1", memory_id) async def add_memory(content: str, deps: Deps): new_memory = await MemoryNode.from_content(content, deps) await similar_memories = await find_similar_memories(new_memory.embedding, deps) for memory in similar_memories: if != await new_memory.merge_with(memory, deps) await update_importance(new_memory.embedding, deps) await prune_memories(deps) return f"Remembered: {content}" async def find_similar_memories(embedding: list[float], deps: Deps) -> list[MemoryNode]: async with deps.pool.acquire() as conn: rows = await conn.fetch( """ SELECT id, content, summary, importance, access_count, timestamp, embedding FROM memories ORDER BY embedding <-> $1 LIMIT 5 """, embedding, ) memories = [ MemoryNode( id=row["id"], content=row["content"], summary=row["summary"], importance=row["importance"], access_count=row["access_count"], timestamp=row["timestamp"], embedding=row["embedding"], ) for row in rows ] return memories async def update_importance(user_embedding: list[float], deps: Deps): async with deps.pool.acquire() as conn: rows = await conn.fetch( "SELECT id, importance, access_count, embedding FROM memories" ) for row in rows: memory_embedding = row["embedding"] similarity = cosine_similarity(user_embedding, memory_embedding) if similarity > SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD: new_importance = row["importance"] * REINFORCEMENT_FACTOR new_access_count = row["access_count"] + 1 else: new_importance = row["importance"] * DECAY_FACTOR new_access_count = row["access_count"] await conn.execute( """ UPDATE memories SET importance = $1, access_count = $2 WHERE id = $3 """, new_importance, new_access_count, row["id"], ) async def prune_memories(deps: Deps): async with deps.pool.acquire() as conn: rows = await conn.fetch( """ SELECT id, importance, access_count FROM memories ORDER BY importance DESC OFFSET $1 """, MAX_DEPTH, ) for row in rows: await conn.execute("DELETE FROM memories WHERE id = $1", row["id"]) async def display_memory_tree(deps: Deps) -> str: async with deps.pool.acquire() as conn: rows = await conn.fetch( """ SELECT content, summary, importance, access_count FROM memories ORDER BY importance DESC LIMIT $1 """, MAX_DEPTH, ) result = "" for row in rows: effective_importance = row["importance"] * ( 1 + math.log(row["access_count"] + 1) ) summary = row["summary"] or row["content"] result += f"- {summary} (Importance: {effective_importance:.2f})\n" return result @mcp.tool() async def remember( contents: list[str] = Field( description="List of observations or memories to store" ), ): deps = Deps(openai=AsyncOpenAI(), pool=await get_db_pool()) try: return "\n".join( await asyncio.gather(*[add_memory(content, deps) for content in contents]) ) finally: await deps.pool.close() @mcp.tool() async def read_profile() -> str: deps = Deps(openai=AsyncOpenAI(), pool=await get_db_pool()) profile = await display_memory_tree(deps) await deps.pool.close() return profile async def initialize_database(): pool = await asyncpg.create_pool( "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54320/postgres" ) try: async with pool.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(""" SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'memory_db' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid(); """) await conn.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS memory_db;") await conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE memory_db;") finally: await pool.close() pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(DB_DSN) try: async with pool.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector;") await register_vector(conn) await conn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS memories ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, content TEXT NOT NULL, summary TEXT, importance REAL NOT NULL, access_count INT NOT NULL, timestamp DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, embedding vector(1536) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_memories_embedding ON memories USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops); """) finally: await pool.close() if __name__ == "__main__":