# /// script # dependencies = [] # /// """ FastMCP Text Me Server -------------------------------- This defines a simple FastMCP server that sends a text message to a phone number via To run this example, create a `.env` file with the following values: SURGE_API_KEY=... SURGE_ACCOUNT_ID=... SURGE_MY_PHONE_NUMBER=... SURGE_MY_FIRST_NAME=... SURGE_MY_LAST_NAME=... Visit and click "Get Started" to obtain these values. """ from typing import Annotated import httpx from pydantic import BeforeValidator from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP class SurgeSettings(BaseSettings): model_config: SettingsConfigDict = SettingsConfigDict( env_prefix="SURGE_", env_file=".env" ) api_key: str account_id: str my_phone_number: Annotated[ str, BeforeValidator(lambda v: "+" + v if not v.startswith("+") else v) ] my_first_name: str my_last_name: str # Create server mcp = FastMCP("Text me") surge_settings = SurgeSettings() # type: ignore @mcp.tool(name="textme", description="Send a text message to me") def text_me(text_content: str) -> str: """Send a text message to a phone number via""" with httpx.Client() as client: response = "", headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {surge_settings.api_key}", "Surge-Account": surge_settings.account_id, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, json={ "body": text_content, "conversation": { "contact": { "first_name": surge_settings.my_first_name, "last_name": surge_settings.my_last_name, "phone_number": surge_settings.my_phone_number, } }, }, ) response.raise_for_status() return f"Message sent: {text_content}"