MCP GitHub Issue Server
by sammcj
import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { TaskTemplate } from '../../types/template.js';
import { taskTemplateSchema } from '../validation/schemas/template-schemas.js';
* Template validation result with detailed feedback
export interface TemplateValidationResult {
isValid: boolean;
errors: string[];
warnings?: string[];
details?: {
metadata?: {
invalidFields?: string[];
missingRequired?: string[];
securityIssues?: string[];
tasks?: {
invalidPaths?: string[];
missingParents?: string[];
duplicatePaths?: string[];
invalidDependencies?: Array<{
task: string;
dependency: string;
reason: string;
cycles?: string[];
hierarchy?: {
maxDepthExceeded?: boolean;
invalidRelationships?: string[];
recommendations?: string[];
performance?: {
validationTime: number;
taskCount: number;
dependencyCount: number;
recommendations?: string[];
* Enhanced template validator with comprehensive validation
export class TemplateValidator {
private readonly logger: Logger;
constructor() {
this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'TemplateValidator' });
* Validate a template with detailed feedback
async validateTemplate(template: unknown): Promise<TaskTemplate> {
const startTime =;
const result: TemplateValidationResult = {
isValid: true,
errors: [],
warnings: [],
details: {
metadata: {},
tasks: {},
hierarchy: {},
performance: {
validationTime: 0,
taskCount: 0,
dependencyCount: 0,
try {
this.logger.debug('Starting template validation');
// Schema validation
const validatedTemplate = taskTemplateSchema.parse(template);
// Track performance metrics
result.details!.performance!.taskCount = validatedTemplate.tasks.length;
result.details!.performance!.dependencyCount = validatedTemplate.tasks.reduce(
(count, task) => count + (task.dependencies?.length || 0),
// Validate task paths and hierarchy
const paths = new Set<string>();
for (const task of validatedTemplate.tasks) {
// Sanitize and validate path format
const sanitizedPath = this.sanitizePath(task.path);
if (sanitizedPath !== task.path) {
result.warnings!.push(`Path sanitized: "${task.path}" -> "${sanitizedPath}"`);
task.path = sanitizedPath;
if (!this.validatePathFormat(sanitizedPath)) {
result.warnings!.push(`Path format issues in: ${sanitizedPath}`);
// Don't fail validation, just warn about format issues
// Check for duplicate paths
if (paths.has(sanitizedPath)) {
result.isValid = false;
result.errors.push(`Duplicate task path: ${sanitizedPath}`);
result.details!.tasks!.duplicatePaths = result.details!.tasks!.duplicatePaths || [];
// Check parent path exists (more lenient with template variables)
const parentPath = this.getParentPath(sanitizedPath);
if (parentPath && !this.hasMatchingPath(parentPath, paths)) {
`Parent path may be missing: ${parentPath} for task: ${sanitizedPath}`
// Don't fail validation, just warn about potential hierarchy issues
// Check dependencies exist (more lenient with template variables)
if (task.dependencies) {
for (const dep of task.dependencies) {
const sanitizedDep = this.sanitizePath(dep);
if (!this.hasMatchingPath(sanitizedDep, paths)) {
`Dependency path may be missing: ${sanitizedDep} in task: ${sanitizedPath}`
// Don't fail validation, just warn about potential dependency issues
// Check for circular dependencies
const cycles = this.detectDependencyCycles(validatedTemplate.tasks);
if (cycles.length > 0) {
result.warnings!.push('Potential circular dependencies detected');
result.details!.tasks!.cycles = cycles;
// Don't fail validation, just warn about potential cycles
// Performance recommendations
if (validatedTemplate.tasks.length > 50) {
result.warnings!.push('Large number of tasks may impact performance');
result.details!.performance!.recommendations = [
'Consider breaking template into smaller, focused templates',
'Review task hierarchy for optimization opportunities',
'Minimize dependency chains',
// Calculate final validation time
result.details!.performance!.validationTime = - startTime;
// Log validation results
if (result.warnings!.length > 0) {
this.logger.warn('Template validation completed with warnings:', {
warnings: result.warnings,
return validatedTemplate;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
this.logger.error('Template schema validation failed:', {
errors: => ({
path: e.path.join('.'),
message: e.message,
code: e.code,
throw error;
* Validate and normalize path format
private validatePathFormat(path: string): boolean {
// Extract template variables
const templateVars = path.match(/\${[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}/g) || [];
// Replace template variables with placeholders for validation
let normalizedPath = path;
templateVars.forEach((variable, index) => {
normalizedPath = normalizedPath.replace(variable, `var${index}`);
// Basic path structure validation
if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(normalizedPath)) {
this.logger.warn('Path should start with alphanumeric character:', { path });
return false;
// Check allowed characters (excluding template variables)
if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-_/]*$/.test(normalizedPath)) {
this.logger.warn('Path contains potentially invalid characters:', {
allowedPattern: 'alphanumeric, hyphens, underscores, and forward slashes',
return false;
// Check segment length
const segments = normalizedPath.split('/');
const longSegments = segments.filter(s => s.length > 50);
if (longSegments.length > 0) {
this.logger.warn('Path segments exceed recommended length:', {
maxLength: 50,
return false;
// Check depth
if (segments.length > 10) {
this.logger.warn('Path exceeds recommended depth:', {
maxDepth: 10,
actualDepth: segments.length,
return false;
return true;
* Sanitize path for consistent format
private sanitizePath(path: string): string {
// Normalize separators
let sanitized = path.replace(/\\/g, '/');
// Remove consecutive slashes
sanitized = sanitized.replace(/\/+/g, '/');
// Remove trailing slash
sanitized = sanitized.replace(/\/$/, '');
// Replace invalid characters with hyphens (preserving template variables)
const parts: string[] = [];
let currentPart = '';
let inVariable = false;
for (let i = 0; i < sanitized.length; i++) {
const char = sanitized[i];
if (char === '$' && sanitized[i + 1] === '{') {
if (currentPart) {
currentPart = '';
inVariable = true;
currentPart = char;
} else if (inVariable) {
currentPart += char;
if (char === '}') {
currentPart = '';
inVariable = false;
} else {
if (/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_/]/.test(char)) {
currentPart += char;
} else {
currentPart += '-';
if (currentPart) {
sanitized = parts.join('');
// Replace multiple hyphens with single hyphen
sanitized = sanitized.replace(/-+/g, '-');
return sanitized;
* Get parent path handling template variables
private getParentPath(path: string): string | null {
const segments = path.split('/');
if (segments.length <= 1) return null;
return segments.slice(0, -1).join('/');
* Check if a path with template variables exists in the set
private hasMatchingPath(path: string, paths: Set<string>): boolean {
// Direct match
if (paths.has(path)) return true;
// Convert path to regex pattern
const pattern = path.replace(/\${[^}]+}/g, '[^/]+');
const regex = new RegExp(`^${pattern}$`);
// Check for matching paths
for (const existingPath of paths) {
if (regex.test(existingPath)) return true;
return false;
* Detect circular dependencies in tasks
private detectDependencyCycles(tasks: TaskTemplate['tasks']): string[] {
const cycles: string[] = [];
const visited = new Set<string>();
const recursionStack = new Set<string>();
const pathStack: string[] = [];
const visit = (taskPath: string) => {
if (recursionStack.has(taskPath)) {
// Found cycle - capture the path
const cycleStart = pathStack.indexOf(taskPath);
cycles.push([...pathStack.slice(cycleStart), taskPath].join(' -> '));
if (visited.has(taskPath)) {
const task = tasks.find(t => t.path === taskPath);
if (task?.dependencies) {
for (const dep of task.dependencies) {
for (const task of tasks) {
return cycles;