MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { watch, FSWatcher } from 'fs'; import { readFile, readdir, stat } from 'fs/promises'; import { join, basename } from 'path'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { TaskTemplate, isTemplateObject } from '../../types/template.js'; import { TemplateValidator } from './template-validator.js'; import { TemplateStorage } from '../../storage/interfaces/template-storage.js'; import { TemplateErrorFactory } from '../../errors/template-error.js'; import { ErrorCategory, ErrorSeverity } from '../../types/error.js'; /** * Handles loading and watching template files with enhanced validation */ export class TemplateLoader { private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly watchers: Map<string, FSWatcher> = new Map(); private readonly validator: TemplateValidator; constructor(private readonly storage: TemplateStorage) { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'TemplateLoader' }); this.validator = new TemplateValidator(); } /** * Initialize template loading from multiple directories */ async initialize(templateDirs: string[]): Promise<void> {'Initializing template directories:', { directories: templateDirs, cwd: process.cwd(), }); const loadResults = { success: 0, failed: 0, errors: [] as Array<{ file: string; error: string }>, }; // Load existing templates from all directories for (const dir of templateDirs) { try { // Check if directory exists const exists = await this.directoryExists(dir); if (!exists) { this.logger.warn(`Template directory does not exist: ${dir}`); continue; } const dirResults = await this.loadTemplatesFromDirectory(dir); loadResults.success += dirResults.success; loadResults.failed += dirResults.failed; loadResults.errors.push(...dirResults.errors); await this.setupTemplateWatcher(dir); } catch (error) { this.logger.warn(`Failed to initialize templates from directory: ${dir}`, { error, directory: dir, }); // Continue with other directories even if one fails } } // Log final results with improved feedback if (loadResults.failed > 0) { this.logger.warn('Template loading completed with some issues', { successful: loadResults.success, failed: loadResults.failed, errors: loadResults.errors, }); // Group errors by type for better analysis const errorsByType = loadResults.errors.reduce( (acc, curr) => { const errorType = curr.error.includes('validation') ? 'validation' : curr.error.includes('parsing') ? 'parsing' : 'other'; acc[errorType] = acc[errorType] || []; acc[errorType].push(curr); return acc; }, {} as Record<string, typeof loadResults.errors> ); // Provide helpful feedback for each error type Object.entries(errorsByType).forEach(([type, errors]) => { const errorSummary = => ({ file: e.file, error: e.error, suggestion: this.getSuggestionForError(e.error), }));`${type} issues found:`, { count: errors.length, details: errorSummary, }); }); // Continue with valid templates'Proceeding with successfully loaded templates', { count: loadResults.success, }); } else {'All templates loaded successfully', { templatesLoaded: loadResults.success, }); } } /** * Check if a directory exists */ private async directoryExists(dir: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stats = await stat(dir); return stats.isDirectory(); } catch (error) { if ((error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code === 'ENOENT') { return false; } throw error; } } /** * Load templates from a directory recursively */ private async loadTemplatesFromDirectory(dir: string): Promise<{ success: number; failed: number; errors: Array<{ file: string; error: string }>; }> { const results = { success: 0, failed: 0, errors: [] as Array<{ file: string; error: string }>, }; try {`Loading templates from directory: ${dir}`); const files = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const entry of files) { const fullPath = join(dir,; if (entry.isDirectory()) {`Found subdirectory: ${}, recursing...`); const subResults = await this.loadTemplatesFromDirectory(fullPath); results.success += subResults.success; results.failed += subResults.failed; results.errors.push(...subResults.errors); } else if ('.json')) {`Found template file: ${}`); try { await this.loadTemplateFromFile(fullPath); results.success++; } catch (error) { results.failed++; results.errors.push({ file: fullPath, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), }); this.logger.warn(`Failed to load template file: ${}`, { error, file: fullPath, }); // Continue with other files even if one fails } } } } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to load templates from directory', { error, directory: dir, }); throw TemplateErrorFactory.createLoadingError( 'Failed to load templates: ' + (error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)), 'TemplateLoader.loadTemplatesFromDirectory', { operation: 'template_directory_loading', timestamp:, category: ErrorCategory.VALIDATION, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { directory: dir }, } ); } return results; } /** * Load and validate a template from a file with improved error handling */ private async loadTemplateFromFile(path: string): Promise<void> { try { const content = await readFile(path, 'utf-8'); let template: unknown; // Parse JSON with detailed error handling try { template = JSON.parse(content); } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); const lineMatch = errorMessage.match(/at position (\d+)/); const position = lineMatch ? parseInt(lineMatch[1]) : null; let detailedError = `Invalid JSON in template file: ${errorMessage}`; if (position !== null) { const context = this.getJsonErrorContext(content, position); detailedError += `\nError context:\n${context}`; } throw TemplateErrorFactory.createParsingError( detailedError, 'TemplateLoader.loadTemplateFromFile', { operation: 'template_parsing', timestamp:, category: ErrorCategory.VALIDATION, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { file: path, errorPosition: position, suggestions: this.getJsonParsingTips(errorMessage), }, } ); } // Validate and enhance template if (!isTemplateObject(template)) { throw TemplateErrorFactory.createParsingError( 'Template must be a valid object', 'TemplateLoader.loadTemplateFromFile', { operation: 'template_parsing', timestamp:, category: ErrorCategory.VALIDATION, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { file: path }, } ); } // Generate ID if not present if (!('id' in template)) { = nanoid(); } // Add metadata if missing if (!('metadata' in template)) { template.metadata = { created: new Date().toISOString(), version: '1.0.0', }; } // Validate template structure with detailed feedback this.logger.debug('Validating template:', { templateId:, templateName:, file: basename(path), }); let validatedTemplate: TaskTemplate; try { validatedTemplate = await this.validator.validateTemplate(template); this.logger.debug('Template validation successful', { templateId:, templateName:, variables: =>, tasks: => t.path), metadata: validatedTemplate.metadata || {}, }); } catch (error) { // Enhance error message with context and suggestions const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); const enhancedError = this.enhanceValidationError(errorMessage, path); throw TemplateErrorFactory.createValidationError( enhancedError.message, 'TemplateLoader.loadTemplateFromFile', { operation: 'template_validation', timestamp:, category: ErrorCategory.VALIDATION, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { file: path, suggestions: enhancedError.suggestions, }, } ); } // Store template await;'Template loaded successfully', { templateId:, name:, file: basename(path), path, taskCount: validatedTemplate.tasks.length, variableCount: validatedTemplate.variables.length, }); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to load template file', { error, file: path, suggestion: this.getSuggestionForError( error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) ), }); throw error; } } /** * Get context around JSON parsing error */ private getJsonErrorContext(content: string, position: number, contextLines: number = 3): string { const lines = content.split('\n'); let currentPos = 0; let errorLine = 0; let errorColumn = 0; // Find the line and column of the error for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (currentPos + lines[i].length >= position) { errorLine = i; errorColumn = position - currentPos; break; } currentPos += lines[i].length + 1; // +1 for newline } // Get context lines const start = Math.max(0, errorLine - contextLines); const end = Math.min(lines.length, errorLine + contextLines + 1); const context = lines.slice(start, end).map((line, i) => { const lineNumber = start + i + 1; const pointer = lineNumber === errorLine + 1 ? '^'.padStart(errorColumn + 1) : ''; return `${lineNumber.toString().padStart(4)}: ${line}\n${pointer ? ' ' + pointer + '\n' : ''}`; }); return context.join(''); } /** * Get helpful suggestions for JSON parsing errors */ private getJsonParsingTips(error: string): string[] { const tips = []; if (error.includes('Unexpected token')) tips.push('Check for missing or extra commas'); if (error.includes('end of input')) tips.push('Check for missing closing brackets or braces'); if (error.includes('Unexpected string')) tips.push('Ensure property names are enclosed in double quotes'); return tips; } /** * Enhance validation error with context and suggestions */ private enhanceValidationError( error: string, path: string ): { message: string; suggestions: string[] } { const suggestions: string[] = []; const enhancedMessage = `Template validation failed in ${basename(path)}:\n${error}`; if (error.includes('path format')) { suggestions.push( 'Ensure path segments use allowed characters (alphanumeric, hyphens, underscores)', 'Template variables should be in ${variableName} format', 'Avoid spaces and special characters in paths' ); } if (error.includes('duplicate')) { suggestions.push( 'Check for tasks with identical paths', 'Ensure template variable combinations will produce unique paths' ); } if (error.includes('dependencies')) { suggestions.push( 'Verify all referenced task paths exist', 'Check for circular dependencies', 'Ensure parent tasks are defined before child tasks' ); } return { message: enhancedMessage, suggestions, }; } /** * Get suggestion for general template errors */ private getSuggestionForError(error: string): string { if (error.includes('validation')) { return 'Review template structure and ensure it matches the required schema'; } if (error.includes('parsing')) { return 'Check JSON syntax for missing commas, quotes, or brackets'; } if (error.includes('path')) { return 'Verify task paths follow the required format and use valid characters'; } return 'Double-check template format and try again'; } /** * Watch template directory for changes */ private async setupTemplateWatcher(dir: string): Promise<void> { // Close existing watcher for this directory if any this.watchers.get(dir)?.close(); const watcher = watch(dir, { persistent: false }, async (eventType, filename) => { if (filename && filename.endsWith('.json')) { const path = join(dir, filename); try { if (eventType === 'change' || eventType === 'rename') { await this.loadTemplateFromFile(path); } } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Error handling template file change', { error, file: filename, directory: dir, }); } } }); this.watchers.set(dir, watcher); } /** * Clean up resources */ async close(): Promise<void> { // Close all watchers for (const watcher of this.watchers.values()) { watcher.close(); } this.watchers.clear(); } }