MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { TemplateStorage } from '../interfaces/template-storage.js'; import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { TemplateInfo, TaskTemplate } from '../../types/template.js'; import { TaskStorage } from '../../types/storage.js'; import { SqliteStorage } from './storage.js'; import { SqliteConnection } from './database/connection.js'; /** * SQLite-specific template storage implementation */ export class SqliteTemplateStorage implements TemplateStorage { private connection: SqliteConnection; constructor( taskStorage: TaskStorage, private readonly logger: Logger ) { // Access the underlying SQLite connection from the task storage const sqliteStorage = taskStorage as SqliteStorage; if (!sqliteStorage['connection']) { throw new Error('TaskStorage does not have a SQLite connection'); } this.connection = sqliteStorage['connection']; } /** * Initialize template storage */ async initialize(): Promise<void> { try { await this.connection.execute(async db => { await db.exec(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS templates ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT NOT NULL, version TEXT NOT NULL, author TEXT, tags TEXT, variables JSON NOT NULL, tasks JSON NOT NULL, created_at INTEGER NOT NULL, updated_at INTEGER NOT NULL ) `); }, 'initializeTemplates'); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to initialize template storage', { error }); throw error; } } /** * Store a template */ async saveTemplate(template: TaskTemplate): Promise<void> { try { await this.connection.execute(async db => { await ` INSERT OR REPLACE INTO templates ( id, name, description, version, author, tags, variables, tasks, created_at, updated_at ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) `, [,, template.description, template.version, || null, template.tags ? JSON.stringify(template.tags) : null, JSON.stringify(template.variables), JSON.stringify(template.tasks),,, ] ); }, 'saveTemplate');'Template saved successfully', { templateId:, name:, }); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to save template', { error, template }); throw error; } } /** * Get a template by ID */ async getTemplate(id: string): Promise<TaskTemplate> { try { const result = await this.connection.execute(async db => { return await db.get('SELECT * FROM templates WHERE id = ?', [id]); }, 'getTemplate'); if (!result) { throw new Error(`Template not found: ${id}`); } return { id:, name:, description: result.description, version: result.version, author:, tags: result.tags ? JSON.parse(result.tags) : undefined, variables: JSON.parse(result.variables), tasks: JSON.parse(result.tasks), }; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get template', { error, id }); throw error; } } /** * List all templates, optionally filtered by tag */ async listTemplates(tag?: string): Promise<TemplateInfo[]> { try { const query = tag ? ` SELECT * FROM templates WHERE tags LIKE ? ORDER BY name ASC ` : ` SELECT * FROM templates ORDER BY name ASC `; const params = tag ? [`%${tag}%`] : []; const results = await this.connection.execute(async db => { return await db.all(query, params); }, 'listTemplates'); return => ({ id:, name:, description: row.description, version: row.version, author:, tags: row.tags ? JSON.parse(row.tags) : undefined, variableCount: JSON.parse(row.variables).length, taskCount: JSON.parse(row.tasks).length, })); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to list templates', { error, tag }); throw error; } } /** * Delete a template */ async deleteTemplate(id: string): Promise<void> { try { const result = await this.connection.execute(async db => { return await'DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = ?', [id]); }, 'deleteTemplate'); if (result.changes === 0) { throw new Error(`Template not found: ${id}`); }'Template deleted successfully', { templateId: id, }); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to delete template', { error, id }); throw error; } } /** * Clean up resources */ async close(): Promise<void> { // No cleanup needed for SQLite storage } }