MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { StorageConfig } from '../../types/storage.js'; import { SqliteStorage } from './storage.js'; import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { SqliteErrorHandler } from './error-handler.js'; import { createConfig } from './config.js'; import { SqliteConnection } from './database/connection.js'; import { PlatformCapabilities } from '../../utils/platform-utils.js'; import { StartupBackupManager } from '../core/backup/startup-manager.js'; import type { Database } from 'better-sqlite3'; // Track temporary resources for cleanup const tempConnections = new Set<Database>(); const tempTimeouts = new Set<NodeJS.Timeout>(); /** * Create a new SQLite storage instance */ export async function createStorage(config: StorageConfig): Promise<SqliteStorage> { const logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'SqliteStorage' }); let storage: SqliteStorage | undefined; let startupBackupManager: StartupBackupManager | undefined; let connection: SqliteConnection | undefined; try { const { baseDir, name } = config; const path = await import('path'); const dbPath = path.join(baseDir, `${name}.db`);'Initializing SQLite storage', { operation: 'createStorage', config: { baseDir, name, dbPath, }, }); // Ensure storage directory exists with proper permissions const fs = await import('fs/promises'); try { // Create directory with platform-appropriate permissions await fs.mkdir(baseDir, { recursive: true, mode: PlatformCapabilities.getDefaultMode(), }); // Verify directory permissions const dirStats = await fs.stat(baseDir);'Storage directory ready', { operation: 'createStorage', baseDir, mode: dirStats.mode, uid: dirStats.uid, gid: dirStats.gid, }); // Single stat call to check if database exists and get its info try { const fileStats = await fs.stat(dbPath); // Only check WAL/SHM if database exists and has content if (fileStats.size > 0) { // Check for WAL/SHM files const walPath = `${dbPath}-wal`; const shmPath = `${dbPath}-shm`; const [walExists, shmExists] = await Promise.all([ fs .access(walPath, fs.constants.F_OK) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false), fs .access(shmPath, fs.constants.F_OK) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false), ]); if (walExists || shmExists) { logger.warn('Database exists with WAL/SHM files - attempting recovery', { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, dbSize: fileStats.size, walExists, shmExists, }); // Attempt safe WAL checkpoint first const sqlite3 = await import('better-sqlite3'); try { const tempDb = new sqlite3.default(dbPath, { verbose: (...args: unknown[]) => { if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { logger.debug(args[0]); } }, timeout: 30000, readonly: true, // Open readonly first to prevent modifications }); tempConnections.add(tempDb); // Check database integrity first const integrityResult = tempDb.pragma('integrity_check'); const isCorrupted = Array.isArray(integrityResult) ? integrityResult.some(r => r !== 'ok') : integrityResult !== 'ok'; if (!isCorrupted) { // Database is healthy, perform safe checkpoint await tempDb.exec('PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(PASSIVE)'); tempDb.close(); tempConnections.delete(tempDb);'Successfully checkpointed database files', { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }); } else { // Database is corrupted, attempt recovery tempDb.close(); tempConnections.delete(tempDb); logger.warn('Database corruption detected - attempting recovery', { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }); // Create backup before recovery attempt const backupPath = `${dbPath}.backup-${}`; await fs.copyFile(dbPath, backupPath); // Attempt recovery with new connection const recoveryDb = new sqlite3.default(dbPath, { timeout: 30000, }); tempConnections.add(recoveryDb); try { await recoveryDb.exec('PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE)'); recoveryDb.close(); tempConnections.delete(recoveryDb);'Successfully recovered database files', { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }); } catch (recoveryError) { logger.error('Recovery failed - restoring from backup', { error: recoveryError instanceof Error ? recoveryError.message : String(recoveryError), operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }); // Restore from backup await fs.copyFile(backupPath, dbPath); } finally { // Clean up backup await fs.unlink(backupPath).catch(() => {}); } } } catch (error) { logger.error('Database access error during recovery', { error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }); throw error; } } }'Database file accessible', { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, mode: fileStats.mode, size: fileStats.size, }); } catch (error) { if ( error instanceof Error && error.message === 'Database exists with WAL/SHM files - manual recovery required' ) { throw error; } // File doesn't exist or isn't accessible'Database file will be created', { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }); } } catch (error) { logger.error('Storage directory error', { operation: 'createStorage', baseDir, dbPath, error: error instanceof Error ? { name:, message: error.message, code: (error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code, errno: (error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).errno, } : String(error), }); throw error; } // Create SQLite config with platform-specific settings and required fields const platformSqlite = PlatformCapabilities.getSqliteConfig(); const sqliteConfig = createConfig({ path: dbPath, baseDir: config.baseDir, name:, connection: { maxConnections: config.connection?.maxConnections ?? 1, maxRetries: config.connection?.maxRetries ?? 3, retryDelay: config.connection?.retryDelay ?? 1000, busyTimeout: config.connection?.busyTimeout ?? 2000, idleTimeout: config.connection?.idleTimeout ?? 15000, }, performance: { checkpointInterval: config.performance?.checkpointInterval ?? 30000, cacheSize: config.performance?.cacheSize ?? 2000, mmapSize: config.performance?.mmapSize ?? 67108864, pageSize: config.performance?.pageSize ?? platformSqlite.pageSize, maxMemory: config.performance?.maxMemory ?? 134217728, sharedMemory: platformSqlite.sharedMemory, }, journalMode: config.journalMode ?? 'wal', synchronous: config.synchronous ?? 'normal', tempStore: config.tempStore ?? 'memory', readonly: config.readonly ?? false, }); // Reduce retry delay and max wait time const retryDelay = 1000; // Reduced from 5000ms const maxWaitTime = 10000; // Reduced from 30000ms let lastError: unknown; const startTime =; while (true) { try { // Check for shutdown marker const markerPath = `${dbPath}.shutdown`; const markerExists = await fs .access(markerPath) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); if (markerExists) { // Read shutdown timestamp const markerContent = await fs.readFile(markerPath, 'utf8'); const shutdownTime = parseInt(markerContent, 10); const elapsed = - shutdownTime; if (elapsed < 3000) { // Reduced wait time for cleanup if shutdown was recent const waitTime = 3000 - elapsed;'Recent shutdown detected, waiting for cleanup', { operation: 'createStorage', shutdownTime, elapsed, waitTime, }); const shutdownTimeout = setTimeout(() => {}, waitTime); tempTimeouts.add(shutdownTimeout); await new Promise(resolve => { shutdownTimeout.unref(); setTimeout(resolve, waitTime); }); tempTimeouts.delete(shutdownTimeout); } // Clean up marker file try { await fs.unlink(markerPath); } catch (cleanupError) { logger.warn('Failed to clean up shutdown marker', { error: cleanupError instanceof Error ? cleanupError.message : String(cleanupError), operation: 'createStorage', markerPath, }); } } // Only clean up auxiliary files if they exist without a main database const dbExists = await fs .access(dbPath) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); if (!dbExists) { // Clean up orphaned WAL/SHM files only if main DB doesn't exist await fs.unlink(`${dbPath}-wal`).catch(() => {}); await fs.unlink(`${dbPath}-shm`).catch(() => {}); await fs.unlink(`${dbPath}-journal`).catch(() => {});'Cleaned up orphaned auxiliary files', { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }); } // Check if WAL or SHM files still exist after cleanup attempt const walExists = await fs .access(`${dbPath}-wal`) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); const shmExists = await fs .access(`${dbPath}-shm`) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); // If WAL/SHM files still exist, wait for them to be released if (walExists || shmExists) { const elapsed = - startTime; if (elapsed >= maxWaitTime) { logger.error('Timed out waiting for database locks to clear', { operation: 'createStorage', elapsed, maxWaitTime, dbPath, walExists, shmExists, }); throw new Error('Database lock timeout - manual cleanup may be required'); }'Database files still locked, waiting for natural release...', { elapsed, maxWaitTime, context: { operation: 'createStorage', walExists, shmExists, dbPath, }, }); const retryTimeout = setTimeout(() => {}, retryDelay); tempTimeouts.add(retryTimeout); await new Promise(resolve => { retryTimeout.unref(); setTimeout(resolve, retryDelay); }); tempTimeouts.delete(retryTimeout); continue; } // Create connection first connection = new SqliteConnection(sqliteConfig); await; // Create startup backup manager after database is opened startupBackupManager = new StartupBackupManager(dbPath); break; } catch (error) { lastError = error; // Check if error is due to locked database if ( error instanceof Error && (error.message.includes('SQLITE_BUSY') || error.message.includes('SQLITE_LOCKED')) ) { const elapsed = - startTime; if (elapsed >= maxWaitTime) { logger.error('Timed out waiting for database to unlock', { operation: 'createStorage', elapsed, maxWaitTime, error: error.message, dbPath, }); throw new Error('Database lock timeout - manual cleanup may be required'); } logger.warn('Database locked, retrying...', { elapsed, maxWaitTime, error: error.message, context: { operation: 'createStorage', dbPath, }, }); const lockTimeout = setTimeout(() => {}, retryDelay); tempTimeouts.add(lockTimeout); await new Promise(resolve => { lockTimeout.unref(); setTimeout(resolve, retryDelay); }); tempTimeouts.delete(lockTimeout); continue; } throw error; } } if (!connection) { throw lastError instanceof Error ? lastError : new Error('Failed to open database after retries'); } // Create shutdown marker file const shutdownMarkerPath = `${dbPath}.shutdown`; await fs.writeFile(shutdownMarkerPath,, 'utf8'); storage = new SqliteStorage(connection, sqliteConfig, startupBackupManager); await storage.initialize(); // Create startup backup and initialize templates in parallel after initialization const initPromises = []; if (startupBackupManager) { initPromises.push( startupBackupManager.createStartupBackup().catch(error => { logger.error('Failed to create startup backup', { error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), operation: 'createStorage.backup', }); }) ); } // Let initialization continue while backup and templates load Promise.all(initPromises).catch(error => { logger.error('Background initialization error', { error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), operation: 'createStorage.background', }); }); // Remove shutdown marker after successful initialization await fs.unlink(shutdownMarkerPath).catch(() => {});'SQLite storage initialized successfully', { operation: 'createStorage', config: { baseDir: config.baseDir, name:, }, }); return storage; } catch (error) { logger.error('Failed to initialize SQLite storage', { error: error instanceof Error ? error : String(error), operation: 'createStorage', config: { baseDir: config.baseDir, name:, }, }); // Clean up any temporary resources for (const tempDb of tempConnections) { try { tempDb.close(); } catch (closeError) { logger.error('Failed to close temporary connection', { error: closeError instanceof Error ? closeError.message : String(closeError), }); } } tempConnections.clear(); for (const timeout of tempTimeouts) { clearTimeout(timeout); } tempTimeouts.clear(); // Ensure cleanup if initialization fails if (storage) { try { // Create shutdown backup before closing if (startupBackupManager) { await startupBackupManager.createShutdownBackup(); } await storage.close(); } catch (closeError) { logger.error('Error during storage cleanup', { error: closeError instanceof Error ? closeError : String(closeError), operation: 'createStorage.cleanup', }); } } const errorHandler = new SqliteErrorHandler(); return errorHandler.handleInitError(error, { operation: 'createStorage', config: { baseDir: config.baseDir, name:, }, error: error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(String(error)), }) as never; } }