MCP GitHub Issue Server

/** * Server module for Atlas MCP Server * Handles server initialization, transport setup, and graceful shutdown */ import { Server } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js'; import { StdioServerTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js'; import { CallToolRequestSchema, ErrorCode, ListToolsRequestSchema, ListResourcesRequestSchema, ListResourceTemplatesRequestSchema, ReadResourceRequestSchema, McpError, Request, Resource, ResourceTemplate, } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { Logger } from '../logging/index.js'; import { RateLimiter } from './rate-limiter.js'; import { HealthMonitor, ComponentStatus } from './health-monitor.js'; import { MetricsCollector, MetricEvent } from './metrics-collector.js'; import { RequestTracer, TraceEvent } from './request-tracer.js'; export interface ServerConfig { name: string; version: string; maxRequestsPerMinute: number; requestTimeout: number; shutdownTimeout: number; health?: { checkInterval?: number; failureThreshold?: number; shutdownGracePeriod?: number; clientPingTimeout?: number; }; } import { StorageMetrics } from '../types/storage.js'; export interface ToolHandler { listTools: () => Promise<{ tools: Array<{ name: string; description?: string; inputSchema?: unknown }>; }>; handleToolCall: (request: Request) => Promise<{ content: Array<{ type: string; text: string }> }>; getStorageMetrics: () => Promise<StorageMetrics>; clearCaches?: () => Promise<void>; cleanup?: () => Promise<void>; getTaskResource?: (uri: string) => Promise<Resource>; listTaskResources?: () => Promise<Resource[]>; getTemplateResource?: (uri: string) => Promise<Resource>; listTemplateResources?: () => Promise<Resource[]>; getHierarchyResource?: (rootPath: string) => Promise<Resource>; getStatusResource?: (taskPath: string) => Promise<Resource>; getResourceTemplates?: () => Promise<ResourceTemplate[]>; resolveResourceTemplate?: (template: string, vars: Record<string, string>) => Promise<Resource>; getVisualizationResource?: () => Promise<Resource>; } /** * AtlasServer class encapsulates MCP server functionality */ export class AtlasServer { private static instance: AtlasServer; private static isInitializing: boolean = false; private static serverPromise: Promise<void> | null = null; private static logger?: Logger; private server!: Server; private readonly rateLimiter: RateLimiter; private readonly healthMonitor: HealthMonitor; private readonly metricsCollector: MetricsCollector; private readonly requestTracer: RequestTracer; private readonly toolHandler: ToolHandler; private readonly config: ServerConfig; private readonly activeRequests: Set<string> = new Set(); private readonly MAX_MEMORY_USAGE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB threshold private readonly MEMORY_CHECK_INTERVAL = 30000; // 30 seconds private isShuttingDown: boolean = false; private isInitialized: boolean = false; private memoryMonitor?: NodeJS.Timeout; private healthCheckInterval?: NodeJS.Timeout; private shutdownTimeouts: Set<NodeJS.Timeout> = new Set(); private requestTimeouts: Set<NodeJS.Timeout> = new Set(); private boundHandlers: { sigint?: () => Promise<void>; sigterm?: () => Promise<void>; unhandledRejection?: (reason: unknown, promise: Promise<unknown>) => void; uncaughtException?: (error: Error) => void; } = {}; private static initLogger(): void { if (!AtlasServer.logger) { try { AtlasServer.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'AtlasServer' }); } catch { // Logger not initialized yet, which is fine } } } public static async getInstance( config: ServerConfig, toolHandler: ToolHandler ): Promise<AtlasServer> { AtlasServer.initLogger(); if (AtlasServer.instance?.isInitialized) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.debug('Returning existing server instance'); } return AtlasServer.instance; } if (AtlasServer.isInitializing) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.debug('Server initialization in progress, waiting...'); } await AtlasServer.serverPromise; return AtlasServer.instance; } AtlasServer.isInitializing = true; AtlasServer.serverPromise = (async () => { try { if (AtlasServer.logger) {'Starting server initialization'); } if (!AtlasServer.instance) { AtlasServer.instance = new AtlasServer(config, toolHandler); } await AtlasServer.instance.initializeServer(); } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to initialize AtlasServer: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } finally { AtlasServer.isInitializing = false; AtlasServer.serverPromise = null; } })(); await AtlasServer.serverPromise; return AtlasServer.instance; } private constructor(config: ServerConfig, toolHandler: ToolHandler) { this.config = config; this.toolHandler = toolHandler; // Initialize components this.rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(config.maxRequestsPerMinute || 600); this.healthMonitor = new HealthMonitor({ checkInterval: || 300000, failureThreshold: || 5, shutdownGracePeriod: || 10000, clientPingTimeout: || 300000, }); this.metricsCollector = new MetricsCollector(); this.requestTracer = new RequestTracer(); } private async initializeServer(): Promise<void> { if (this.isInitialized) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.debug('Server already initialized'); } return; } try { // Get available tools with retries let tools: Array<{ name: string; description?: string; inputSchema?: unknown }> = []; let retryCount = 0; const maxRetries = 3; while (retryCount < maxRetries) { try { const result = await this.toolHandler.listTools(); tools =; if (tools.length > 0) { break; } retryCount++; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100 * retryCount)); } catch (error) { if (retryCount === maxRetries - 1) { throw error; } retryCount++; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100 * retryCount)); } } // Initialize MCP server with tools const toolCapabilities: Record<string, Record<string, never>> = {}; for (const tool of tools) { toolCapabilities[] = {}; } // Get available resources const resources = []; // Add tasklist resource if available if (this.toolHandler.listTaskResources) { resources.push({ uri: 'tasklist://current', name: 'Current Task List Overview', description: 'Dynamic overview of all tasks including status counts, recent updates, and metrics. Updates in real-time when accessed.', mimeType: 'application/json', }); } // Add visualization resource if available if (this.toolHandler.getVisualizationResource) { resources.push({ uri: 'visualizations://current', name: 'Task Visualizations', description: 'Real-time task visualization with progress tracking and hierarchy display', mimeType: 'application/json', }); } // Add templates resource if available if (this.toolHandler.listTemplateResources) { resources.push({ uri: 'templates://current', name: 'Available Templates', description: 'List of all available task templates with their metadata and variables', mimeType: 'application/json', }); } this.server = new Server( { name:, version: this.config.version, }, { capabilities: { tools: toolCapabilities, resources: { resources: resources, }, resourceTemplates: {}, }, } ); this.setupErrorHandling(); this.setupToolHandlers(); this.setupResourceHandlers(); this.setupHealthCheck(); this.setupMemoryMonitoring(); const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await this.server.connect(transport); this.isInitialized = true; if (AtlasServer.logger) {`${} v${this.config.version} running on stdio`, { metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), availableTools: Object.keys(toolCapabilities), }); } } catch (error) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('Failed to start server:', { error, metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }); } throw error; } } private setupErrorHandling(): void { this.server.onerror = (error: unknown) => { const metricEvent: MetricEvent = { type: 'error', timestamp:, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), }; this.metricsCollector.recordError(metricEvent); const errorContext = { timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), error: error instanceof Error ? { name:, message: error.message, stack: error.stack, } : error, metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }; if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('[MCP Error]', errorContext); } }; // Store bound handlers for cleanup this.boundHandlers.sigint = async () => { await this.shutdown(); }; this.boundHandlers.sigterm = async () => { await this.shutdown(); }; this.boundHandlers.unhandledRejection = (reason: unknown, promise: Promise<unknown>) => { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('Unhandled Rejection:', { reason, promise, metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }); } }; this.boundHandlers.uncaughtException = (error: Error) => { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? { name:, message: error.message, stack: error.stack } : error && typeof error === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(error) : String(error); if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('Uncaught Exception:', { error: errorMessage, metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }); } this.shutdown().finally(() => process.exit(1)); }; // Add event listeners process.on('SIGINT', this.boundHandlers.sigint); process.on('SIGTERM', this.boundHandlers.sigterm); process.on('unhandledRejection', this.boundHandlers.unhandledRejection); process.on('uncaughtException', this.boundHandlers.uncaughtException); } private setupResourceHandlers(): void { // Handler for listing available resources this.server.setRequestHandler(ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => { const requestId = `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; const traceEvent: TraceEvent = { type: 'list_resources', timestamp:, }; try { await this.rateLimiter.checkLimit(); this.activeRequests.add(requestId); this.recordClientActivity(); this.requestTracer.startTrace(requestId, traceEvent); if (!this.toolHandler.listTaskResources || !this.toolHandler.listTemplateResources) { return { resources: [] }; } const [taskResources, templateResources] = await Promise.all([ this.toolHandler.listTaskResources(), this.toolHandler.listTemplateResources(), ]); const metricEvent: MetricEvent = { type: 'list_resources', timestamp:, duration: - traceEvent.timestamp, }; this.metricsCollector.recordSuccess(metricEvent); return { resources: [...taskResources, ...templateResources], }; } catch (error) { this.handleToolError(error); throw error; } finally { this.activeRequests.delete(requestId); this.requestTracer.endTrace(requestId, { ...traceEvent, timestamp:, }); } }); // Handler for listing resource templates this.server.setRequestHandler(ListResourceTemplatesRequestSchema, async () => { const requestId = `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; const traceEvent: TraceEvent = { type: 'list_resource_templates', timestamp:, }; try { await this.rateLimiter.checkLimit(); this.activeRequests.add(requestId); this.recordClientActivity(); this.requestTracer.startTrace(requestId, traceEvent); if (!this.toolHandler.getResourceTemplates) { return { resourceTemplates: [] }; } const templates = await this.toolHandler.getResourceTemplates(); const metricEvent: MetricEvent = { type: 'list_resource_templates', timestamp:, duration: - traceEvent.timestamp, }; this.metricsCollector.recordSuccess(metricEvent); return { resourceTemplates: templates }; } catch (error) { this.handleToolError(error); throw error; } finally { this.activeRequests.delete(requestId); this.requestTracer.endTrace(requestId, { ...traceEvent, timestamp:, }); } }); // Handler for reading resources this.server.setRequestHandler(ReadResourceRequestSchema, async request => { if (!request.params?.uri) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, 'Missing resource URI'); } const requestId = `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; const traceEvent: TraceEvent = { type: 'read_resource', uri: request.params.uri, timestamp:, }; try { await this.rateLimiter.checkLimit(); this.activeRequests.add(requestId); this.recordClientActivity(); this.requestTracer.startTrace(requestId, traceEvent); let resource: Resource | null = null; const uri = request.params.uri; if (uri === 'tasklist://current' && this.toolHandler.getTaskResource) { resource = await this.toolHandler.getTaskResource(uri); } else if (uri === 'templates://current' && this.toolHandler.getTemplateResource) { resource = await this.toolHandler.getTemplateResource(uri); } else if (uri.startsWith('task://') && this.toolHandler.getTaskResource) { resource = await this.toolHandler.getTaskResource(uri); } else if (uri.startsWith('hierarchy://') && this.toolHandler.getHierarchyResource) { const rootPath = uri.replace('hierarchy://', ''); resource = await this.toolHandler.getHierarchyResource(rootPath); } else if (uri.startsWith('status://') && this.toolHandler.getStatusResource) { const taskPath = uri.replace('status://', ''); resource = await this.toolHandler.getStatusResource(taskPath); } else if ( uri === 'visualizations://current' && this.toolHandler.getVisualizationResource ) { resource = await this.toolHandler.getVisualizationResource(); } if (!resource) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Resource not found: ${uri}`); } const metricEvent: MetricEvent = { type: 'read_resource', uri: request.params.uri, timestamp:, duration: - traceEvent.timestamp, }; this.metricsCollector.recordSuccess(metricEvent); return { contents: [resource] }; } catch (error) { this.handleToolError(error); throw error; } finally { this.activeRequests.delete(requestId); this.requestTracer.endTrace(requestId, { ...traceEvent, timestamp:, }); } }); } private setupToolHandlers(): void { // Handler for listing available tools this.server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => { const requestId = `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; const traceEvent: TraceEvent = { type: 'list_tools', timestamp:, }; try { await this.rateLimiter.checkLimit(); this.activeRequests.add(requestId); // Record client activity this.recordClientActivity(); this.requestTracer.startTrace(requestId, traceEvent); const response = await this.toolHandler.listTools(); const metricEvent: MetricEvent = { type: 'list_tools', timestamp:, duration: - traceEvent.timestamp, }; this.metricsCollector.recordSuccess(metricEvent); return response; } catch (error) { this.handleToolError(error); throw error; // Ensure error propagation } finally { this.activeRequests.delete(requestId); this.requestTracer.endTrace(requestId, { ...traceEvent, timestamp:, }); } }); // Handler for tool execution requests this.server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request: Request) => { if (!request.params?.name) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, 'Missing tool name'); } const requestId = `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; const traceEvent: TraceEvent = { type: 'tool_execution', tool: String(, timestamp:, }; try { if (this.isShuttingDown) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InternalError, 'Server is shutting down'); } await this.rateLimiter.checkLimit(); this.activeRequests.add(requestId); // Record client activity this.recordClientActivity(); this.requestTracer.startTrace(requestId, traceEvent); const response = await Promise.race([ this.toolHandler.handleToolCall(request), this.createTimeout(this.config.requestTimeout || 30000), ]); const metricEvent: MetricEvent = { type: 'tool_execution', tool: String(, timestamp:, duration: - traceEvent.timestamp, }; this.metricsCollector.recordSuccess(metricEvent); return response; } catch (error) { this.handleToolError(error); throw error; // Ensure error propagation } finally { this.activeRequests.delete(requestId); this.requestTracer.endTrace(requestId, { ...traceEvent, timestamp:, }); } }); } private setupHealthCheck(): void { // Start health monitor with shutdown callback this.healthMonitor.start(async () => { if (AtlasServer.logger) {'Health monitor triggered shutdown'); } await this.shutdown(); }); // Set up periodic status checks with stored interval reference this.healthCheckInterval = setInterval(async () => { try { const status: ComponentStatus = { storage: await this.toolHandler.getStorageMetrics(), rateLimiter: this.rateLimiter.getStatus(), metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }; await this.healthMonitor.check(status); } catch (error) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('Health check error:', { error }); } } }, || 300000); } private setupMemoryMonitoring(): void { this.memoryMonitor = setInterval(() => { const memUsage = process.memoryUsage(); // Log memory stats only when above 50% usage if (memUsage.heapUsed / memUsage.heapTotal > 0.5 && AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.debug('Memory usage:', { heapUsed: `${Math.round(memUsage.heapUsed / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, heapTotal: `${Math.round(memUsage.heapTotal / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, rss: `${Math.round(memUsage.rss / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, }); } // Only trigger cleanup at 85% usage instead of 70% if ( memUsage.heapUsed > this.MAX_MEMORY_USAGE || memUsage.heapUsed / memUsage.heapTotal > 0.85 ) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.warn('High memory usage detected, triggering cleanup', { heapUsed: `${Math.round(memUsage.heapUsed / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, threshold: `${Math.round(this.MAX_MEMORY_USAGE / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, }); } // Clear caches first to free up memory this.toolHandler .clearCaches?.() .then(() => { // Force garbage collection after cache clear if (global.gc) { if (AtlasServer.logger) {'Forcing garbage collection'); } global.gc(); // Check memory again after GC const afterGC = process.memoryUsage(); if (afterGC.heapUsed > this.MAX_MEMORY_USAGE) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.warn('Memory still high after GC, may need restart', { heapUsed: `${Math.round(afterGC.heapUsed / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, threshold: `${Math.round(this.MAX_MEMORY_USAGE / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, }); } } } }) .catch(error => { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('Error during cache clear:', error); } }); } }, this.MEMORY_CHECK_INTERVAL); } private recordClientActivity(): void { this.healthMonitor.recordClientPing(); } private createTimeout(ms: number): Promise<never> { return new Promise((_, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.requestTimeouts.delete(timeout); reject(new McpError(ErrorCode.InternalError, `Request timed out after ${ms}ms`)); }, ms); timeout.unref(); this.requestTimeouts.add(timeout); return timeout; }); } private handleToolError(error: unknown): void { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : error && typeof error === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(error) : String(error); const metricEvent: MetricEvent = { type: 'error', timestamp:, error: errorMessage, }; this.metricsCollector.recordError(metricEvent); if (error instanceof McpError) { return; } const errorDetails = error instanceof Error ? { name:, message: error.message, stack: error.stack } : error && typeof error === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(error) : String(error); if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('Unexpected error in tool handler:', { error: errorDetails, metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }); } throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'An unexpected error occurred', error instanceof Error ? error.stack : undefined ); } public async shutdown(): Promise<void> { if (this.isShuttingDown) { return; } this.isShuttingDown = true; if (AtlasServer.logger) {'Starting graceful shutdown...'); } try { // Clear all intervals first if (this.memoryMonitor) { clearInterval(this.memoryMonitor); this.memoryMonitor = undefined; } if (this.healthCheckInterval) { clearInterval(this.healthCheckInterval); this.healthCheckInterval = undefined; } // Wait for active requests to complete const timeout = this.config.shutdownTimeout || 30000; const shutdownStart =; while (this.activeRequests.size > 0) { if ( - shutdownStart > timeout) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.warn('Shutdown timeout reached, forcing shutdown', { activeRequests: this.activeRequests.size, }); } // Clear any remaining requests this.activeRequests.clear(); break; } const waitTimeout = setTimeout(() => {}, 100); waitTimeout.unref(); this.shutdownTimeouts.add(waitTimeout); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); this.shutdownTimeouts.delete(waitTimeout); } // Clean up all timeouts for (const timeout of this.requestTimeouts) { clearTimeout(timeout); } this.requestTimeouts.clear(); for (const timeout of this.shutdownTimeouts) { clearTimeout(timeout); } this.shutdownTimeouts.clear(); // Remove event listeners if (this.boundHandlers.sigint) {'SIGINT', this.boundHandlers.sigint); } if (this.boundHandlers.sigterm) {'SIGTERM', this.boundHandlers.sigterm); } if (this.boundHandlers.unhandledRejection) {'unhandledRejection', this.boundHandlers.unhandledRejection); } if (this.boundHandlers.uncaughtException) {'uncaughtException', this.boundHandlers.uncaughtException); } this.boundHandlers = {}; // Clean up resources await this.toolHandler.cleanup?.(); // Close server await this.server.close(); // Force final garbage collection if (global.gc) { global.gc(); } if (AtlasServer.logger) {'Server closed successfully', { metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }); } } catch (error) { if (AtlasServer.logger) { AtlasServer.logger.error('Error during shutdown:', { error, metrics: this.metricsCollector.getMetrics(), }); } throw error; } } }