MCP GitHub Issue Server

/** * Health monitoring for system components */ import { Logger } from '../logging/index.js'; import { StorageMetrics } from '../types/storage.js'; import { Metrics } from './metrics-collector.js'; import { TaskStatus } from '../types/task.js'; export interface HealthConfig { checkInterval?: number; // How often to run health checks (ms) failureThreshold?: number; // How many consecutive failures before shutdown shutdownGracePeriod?: number; // How long to wait before force shutdown (ms) clientPingTimeout?: number; // How long to wait for client ping (ms) } export interface HealthStatus { healthy: boolean; components: { storage: boolean; rateLimiter: boolean; metrics: boolean; clientConnected: boolean; }; details?: Record<string, unknown>; timestamp: number; consecutiveFailures?: number; [key: string]: unknown; } export interface ComponentStatus { storage: StorageMetrics; rateLimiter: { current: number; limit: number; windowMs: number; }; metrics: Metrics; } export class HealthMonitor { private logger: Logger; private checkInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; private lastClientPing: number =; private consecutiveFailures: number = 0; private readonly config: Required<HealthConfig>; private shutdownCallback?: () => Promise<void>; constructor(config: HealthConfig = {}) { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'HealthMonitor' }); this.config = { checkInterval: config.checkInterval || 300000, // 5 minutes failureThreshold: config.failureThreshold || 5, // 5 strikes shutdownGracePeriod: config.shutdownGracePeriod || 10000, // 10 seconds clientPingTimeout: config.clientPingTimeout || 300000, // 5 minutes }; } /** * Start periodic health monitoring */ start(shutdownCallback: () => Promise<void>): void { this.shutdownCallback = shutdownCallback; this.checkInterval = setInterval(() => this.runHealthCheck(), this.config.checkInterval);'Health monitoring started', { interval: this.config.checkInterval, failureThreshold: this.config.failureThreshold, }); } /** * Stop health monitoring */ stop(): void { if (this.checkInterval) { clearInterval(this.checkInterval); this.checkInterval = null; }'Health monitoring stopped'); } /** * Record a client ping */ recordClientPing(): void { this.lastClientPing =; this.consecutiveFailures = 0; // Reset failures on successful ping } /** * Run a health check and handle failures */ private async runHealthCheck(): Promise<void> { try { const startTime =; const status = await this.getCurrentStatus(); const health = await this.check(status); if (!health.healthy) { this.consecutiveFailures++; this.logger.warn('Health check failed', { consecutiveFailures: this.consecutiveFailures, threshold: this.config.failureThreshold, details: health.details, components: health.components, metrics: { storage:, rateLimiter: status.rateLimiter, requests: status.metrics.requests, }, duration: - startTime, context: { operation: 'healthCheck', timestamp: startTime, }, }); if (this.consecutiveFailures >= this.config.failureThreshold) { await this.initiateShutdown(); } } else { // Log successful health checks at debug level this.logger.debug('Health check passed', { components: health.components, metrics: { storage:, rateLimiter: status.rateLimiter, requests: status.metrics.requests, }, duration: - startTime, context: { operation: 'healthCheck', timestamp: startTime, }, }); this.consecutiveFailures = 0; } } catch (error) { const errorTime =; this.logger.error('Health check error', { error, consecutiveFailures: this.consecutiveFailures + 1, threshold: this.config.failureThreshold, context: { operation: 'healthCheck', timestamp: errorTime, errorType: error instanceof Error ? : 'Unknown', }, }); this.consecutiveFailures++; if (this.consecutiveFailures >= this.config.failureThreshold) { await this.initiateShutdown(); } } } /** * Get current status of all components */ private async getCurrentStatus(): Promise<ComponentStatus> { return { storage: { tasks: { total: 0, byStatus: { [TaskStatus.PENDING]: 0, [TaskStatus.IN_PROGRESS]: 0, [TaskStatus.COMPLETED]: 0, [TaskStatus.CANCELLED]: 0, [TaskStatus.BLOCKED]: 0, }, noteCount: 0, dependencyCount: 0, }, storage: { totalSize: 0, pageSize: 4096, pageCount: 0, walSize: 0, cache: { hitRate: 0, memoryUsage: 0, entryCount: 0, }, }, }, rateLimiter: { current: 0, limit: 100, windowMs: 60000 }, metrics: { requests: { total: 0, success: 0, failed: 0, avgDuration: 0, }, tools: {}, }, }; } /** * Initiate graceful shutdown */ private async initiateShutdown(): Promise<void> { const shutdownStart =; this.logger.error('Initiating shutdown due to health check failures', { consecutiveFailures: this.consecutiveFailures, gracePeriod: this.config.shutdownGracePeriod, context: { operation: 'shutdown', timestamp: shutdownStart, reason: 'healthCheckFailure', }, }); if (this.shutdownCallback) { try { const shutdownTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.logger.error('Force shutdown due to timeout', { duration: - shutdownStart, context: { operation: 'shutdown', timestamp:, reason: 'timeout', }, }); process.exit(1); }, this.config.shutdownGracePeriod); await this.shutdownCallback(); clearTimeout(shutdownTimeout);'Graceful shutdown completed', { duration: - shutdownStart, context: { operation: 'shutdown', timestamp:, reason: 'healthCheckFailure', }, }); process.exit(0); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Error during shutdown', { error, duration: - shutdownStart, context: { operation: 'shutdown', timestamp:, reason: 'error', errorType: error instanceof Error ? : 'Unknown', }, }); process.exit(1); } } else { this.logger.error('No shutdown callback registered', { context: { operation: 'shutdown', timestamp:, reason: 'noCallback', }, }); process.exit(1); } } /** * Check system health */ async check(status: ComponentStatus): Promise<HealthStatus> { const now =; const health: HealthStatus = { healthy: true, components: { storage: true, rateLimiter: true, metrics: true, clientConnected: true, }, details: {}, timestamp: now, consecutiveFailures: this.consecutiveFailures, }; // Check client connectivity const timeSinceLastPing = now - this.lastClientPing; if (timeSinceLastPing > this.config.clientPingTimeout) { health.components.clientConnected = false; health.healthy = false; health.details!.client = `No ping received for ${Math.round(timeSinceLastPing / 1000)}s`; } try { try { // Check storage health with safe access const hasStorageMetrics = &&; if (!hasStorageMetrics) { = false; health.healthy = false; health.details!.storage = 'Storage metrics unavailable'; } // Check rate limiter with safe defaults const rateLimiter = status.rateLimiter || { current: 0, limit: 100 }; if (rateLimiter.current >= rateLimiter.limit) { health.components.rateLimiter = false; health.healthy = false; health.details!.rateLimiter = 'Rate limit reached'; } // Check metrics with safe calculation const metrics = status.metrics?.requests || { failed: 0, total: 0 }; const errorRate = > 0 ? metrics.failed / : 0; if (errorRate > 0.1) { // More than 10% error rate health.components.metrics = false; health.healthy = false; health.details!.metrics = `High error rate: ${(errorRate * 100).toFixed(2)}%`; } } catch (error) { // Log specific component check errors but continue this.logger.error('Component check error', { error }); health.healthy = false; health.details!.error = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); } this.logger.debug('Health check completed', { health }); return health; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Health check failed', { error }); return { healthy: false, components: { storage: false, rateLimiter: false, metrics: false, clientConnected: false, }, details: { error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error), }, timestamp:, }; } } }