MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { EventTypes, EventHandler, AtlasEvent } from '../types/events.js'; import { Logger } from '../logging/index.js'; interface HandlerStats { successCount: number; errorCount: number; avgResponseTime: number; lastExecuted?: number; consecutiveFailures: number; isCircuitOpen: boolean; nextRetryTime?: number; } interface ActiveHandler { id: string; startTime: number; promise: Promise<void>; } export class EventHealthMonitor { private static readonly CIRCUIT_BREAKER_THRESHOLD = 5; // consecutive failures private static readonly CIRCUIT_RESET_TIMEOUT = 30000; // 30 seconds private static readonly RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD = 1000; // 1 second private static readonly HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL = 60000; // 1 minute private readonly handlerStats = new Map<string, HandlerStats>(); private readonly activeHandlers = new Set<ActiveHandler>(); private logger?: Logger; private healthCheckInterval?: NodeJS.Timeout; constructor() { try { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'EventHealthMonitor' }); } catch { // Logger not initialized yet, which is fine } this.startHealthCheck(); } private exitHandler = () => { if (this.healthCheckInterval) { clearInterval(this.healthCheckInterval); } }; private startHealthCheck(): void { this.healthCheckInterval = setInterval(() => { this.checkHandlerHealth(); }, EventHealthMonitor.HEALTH_CHECK_INTERVAL); // Ensure cleanup on process exit process.on('beforeExit', this.exitHandler); } private checkHandlerHealth(): void { const now =; for (const [handlerId, stats] of this.handlerStats.entries()) { // Check for stale handlers if (stats.lastExecuted && now - stats.lastExecuted > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) { this.handlerStats.delete(handlerId); continue; } // Check for slow handlers if (stats.avgResponseTime > EventHealthMonitor.RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD) { this.logger?.warn('Slow event handler detected', { handlerId, avgResponseTime: stats.avgResponseTime, threshold: EventHealthMonitor.RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD, }); } // Check circuit breaker status if (stats.isCircuitOpen && stats.nextRetryTime && now >= stats.nextRetryTime) { stats.isCircuitOpen = false; stats.consecutiveFailures = 0; this.logger?.info('Circuit breaker reset', { handlerId }); } } } wrapHandler<T extends AtlasEvent>( _eventType: EventTypes | '*', handler: EventHandler<T>, handlerId: string ): EventHandler<T> { // Initialize stats if not exists if (!this.handlerStats.has(handlerId)) { this.handlerStats.set(handlerId, { successCount: 0, errorCount: 0, avgResponseTime: 0, consecutiveFailures: 0, isCircuitOpen: false, }); } return async (event: T) => { const stats = this.handlerStats.get(handlerId)!; // Check circuit breaker if (stats.isCircuitOpen) { if (!stats.nextRetryTime || < stats.nextRetryTime) { throw new Error(`Circuit breaker open for handler: ${handlerId}`); } // Reset circuit breaker for retry stats.isCircuitOpen = false; stats.consecutiveFailures = 0; } const startTime =; const activeHandler: ActiveHandler = { id: handlerId, startTime, promise: Promise.resolve(), }; try { // Track active handler activeHandler.promise = Promise.resolve(handler(event)); this.activeHandlers.add(activeHandler); await activeHandler.promise; // Update success stats stats.successCount++; stats.consecutiveFailures = 0; stats.lastExecuted =; // Update response time with exponential moving average const executionTime = - startTime; stats.avgResponseTime = stats.avgResponseTime * 0.8 + executionTime * 0.2; this.handlerStats.set(handlerId, stats); } catch (error) { // Update error stats stats.errorCount++; stats.consecutiveFailures++; stats.lastExecuted =; // Check if circuit breaker should open if (stats.consecutiveFailures >= EventHealthMonitor.CIRCUIT_BREAKER_THRESHOLD) { stats.isCircuitOpen = true; stats.nextRetryTime = + EventHealthMonitor.CIRCUIT_RESET_TIMEOUT; this.logger?.error('Circuit breaker opened', { handlerId, consecutiveFailures: stats.consecutiveFailures, nextRetryTime: new Date(stats.nextRetryTime).toISOString(), }); } this.handlerStats.set(handlerId, stats); throw error; } finally { this.activeHandlers.delete(activeHandler); } }; } async waitForActiveHandlers(): Promise<void> { if (this.activeHandlers.size === 0) return; this.logger?.info('Waiting for active handlers to complete', { count: this.activeHandlers.size, }); const promises = Array.from(this.activeHandlers).map(handler => handler.promise); await Promise.all(promises); } getHandlerStats(handlerId: string): HandlerStats | undefined { return this.handlerStats.get(handlerId); } getAllHandlerStats(): Map<string, HandlerStats> { return new Map(this.handlerStats); } resetCircuitBreaker(handlerId: string): void { const stats = this.handlerStats.get(handlerId); if (stats) { stats.isCircuitOpen = false; stats.consecutiveFailures = 0; stats.nextRetryTime = undefined; this.handlerStats.set(handlerId, stats); this.logger?.info('Circuit breaker manually reset', { handlerId }); } } cleanup(): void { if (this.healthCheckInterval) { clearInterval(this.healthCheckInterval); this.healthCheckInterval = undefined; }'beforeExit', this.exitHandler); this.handlerStats.clear(); this.activeHandlers.clear(); } }