MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Logger } from '../logging/index.js'; import { EventHealthMonitor } from './health-monitor.js'; import { EventBatchProcessor } from './batch-processor.js'; import { AtlasEvent, EventHandler, EventSubscription, EventTypes, TaskEvent, CacheEvent, ErrorEvent, BatchEvent, TransactionEvent, SystemEvent, EventHandlerOptions, SerializableError, } from '../types/events.js'; interface EventStats { emitted: number; handled: number; errors: number; lastEmitted?: number; avgHandleTime: number; lastErrorTime?: number; consecutiveErrors: number; } export class EventManager { private static instance: EventManager | null = null; private static initializationPromise: Promise<EventManager> | null = null; private readonly emitter: EventEmitter; private static logger: Logger | null = null; private logger?: Logger; private readonly maxListeners: number = 100; private readonly debugMode: boolean = false; // Force debug mode off for MCP compatibility private initialized = false; private readonly activeSubscriptions = new Set<EventSubscription>(); private readonly maxSubscriptions = 1000; // Prevent unbounded growth private readonly subscriptionTimeouts = new Map<string, NodeJS.Timeout>(); private isShuttingDown = false; private readonly eventStats = new Map<EventTypes | '*', EventStats>(); private readonly healthMonitor: EventHealthMonitor; private readonly batchProcessor: EventBatchProcessor; private cleanupTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; private readonly CLEANUP_INTERVAL = 60000; // 1 minute private errorHandler = (error: Error) => { if (EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.error('EventEmitter error', { error }); } }; private rejectionHandler = (reason: unknown, promise: Promise<unknown>) => { if (EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.error('Unhandled promise rejection in event handler', { reason, promise, }); } }; private setupErrorHandling(): void { // Handle emitter errors this.emitter.on('error', this.errorHandler); // Handle uncaught promise rejections in handlers process.on('unhandledRejection', this.rejectionHandler); } private cleanupErrorHandling(): void { // Remove error handlers'error', this.errorHandler);'unhandledRejection', this.rejectionHandler); } setLogger(logger: Logger): void { if (!EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger = logger.child({ component: 'EventManager' }); this.logger = EventManager.logger; } } private constructor() { // Don't initialize logger in constructor to avoid circular dependency this.emitter = new EventEmitter(); this.emitter.setMaxListeners(this.maxListeners); // Debug mode always off for MCP compatibility this.debugMode = false; this.healthMonitor = new EventHealthMonitor(); this.batchProcessor = new EventBatchProcessor({ maxBatchSize: 100, maxWaitTime: 1000, flushInterval: 5000, }); this.setupErrorHandling(); this.startCleanupInterval(); } private startCleanupInterval(): void { // Clear any existing interval if (this.cleanupTimeout) { clearInterval(this.cleanupTimeout); } this.cleanupTimeout = setInterval(() => { if (this.isShuttingDown) return; try { this.cleanupStaleStats(); this.cleanupStaleSubscriptions(); this.checkSubscriptionLimit(); this.monitorEventHealth(); } catch (error) { this.logger?.error('Cleanup interval error', { error }); } }, this.CLEANUP_INTERVAL); // Ensure interval is cleaned up if process exits process.on('beforeExit', () => { if (this.cleanupTimeout) { clearInterval(this.cleanupTimeout); } }); } private cleanupStaleSubscriptions(): void { const now =; const SUBSCRIPTION_TIMEOUT = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 24 hours for (const subscription of this.activeSubscriptions) { if (now - subscription.createdAt > SUBSCRIPTION_TIMEOUT) { subscription.unsubscribe(); this.logger?.debug('Removed stale subscription', { type: subscription.type, age: now - subscription.createdAt, }); } } } private checkSubscriptionLimit(): void { if (this.activeSubscriptions.size > this.maxSubscriptions) { this.logger?.warn('Subscription limit exceeded, removing oldest', { current: this.activeSubscriptions.size, limit: this.maxSubscriptions, }); // Sort by creation time and remove oldest const sortedSubs = Array.from(this.activeSubscriptions).sort( (a, b) => a.createdAt - b.createdAt ); const toRemove = sortedSubs.slice(0, sortedSubs.length - this.maxSubscriptions); toRemove.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe()); } } private monitorEventHealth(): void { const now =; const ERROR_THRESHOLD = 5; // consecutive errors const ERROR_WINDOW = 60000; // 1 minute for (const [type, stats] of this.eventStats.entries()) { if ( stats.consecutiveErrors >= ERROR_THRESHOLD && stats.lastErrorTime && now - stats.lastErrorTime < ERROR_WINDOW ) { this.emitError('event_handler_degraded', new Error('Event handler health degraded'), { eventType: type, consecutiveErrors: stats.consecutiveErrors, avgHandleTime: stats.avgHandleTime, }); } } } private cleanupStaleStats(): void { const now =; const STALE_THRESHOLD = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 24 hours for (const [type, stats] of this.eventStats.entries()) { if (stats.lastEmitted && now - stats.lastEmitted > STALE_THRESHOLD) { this.eventStats.delete(type); } } } static async initialize(): Promise<EventManager> { // Return existing instance if available if (EventManager.instance) { return EventManager.instance; } // If initialization is in progress, wait for it if (EventManager.initializationPromise) { return EventManager.initializationPromise; } // Start new initialization with mutex EventManager.initializationPromise = (async () => { try { // Double-check instance hasn't been created while waiting if (EventManager.instance) { return EventManager.instance; } const instance = new EventManager(); instance.initialized = true; EventManager.instance = instance; return EventManager.instance; } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Failed to initialize EventManager: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } finally { EventManager.initializationPromise = null; } })(); return EventManager.initializationPromise; } static getInstance(): EventManager { if (!EventManager.instance || !EventManager.instance.initialized) { throw new Error('EventManager not initialized. Call EventManager.initialize() first.'); } return EventManager.instance; } async shutdown(): Promise<void> { this.isShuttingDown = true; // Clear cleanup interval if (this.cleanupTimeout) { clearInterval(this.cleanupTimeout); this.cleanupTimeout = undefined; } // Clear all subscription timeouts for (const timeout of this.subscriptionTimeouts.values()) { clearTimeout(timeout); } this.subscriptionTimeouts.clear(); // Wait for active handlers to complete await this.healthMonitor.waitForActiveHandlers(); // Cleanup resources this.removeAllListeners(); this.eventStats.clear(); await this.batchProcessor.shutdown(); this.healthMonitor.cleanup(); this.cleanupErrorHandling(); this.isShuttingDown = false; } emit<T extends AtlasEvent>( event: T, options?: { batch?: boolean; priority?: 'high' | 'medium' | 'low' } ): boolean { if (this.isShuttingDown) { this.logger?.warn('Rejecting event during shutdown', { type: event.type, timestamp: event.timestamp, }); return false; } try { if (this.debugMode && EventManager.logger !== null) { try { const debugInfo: Record<string, unknown> = { type: event.type, timestamp: event.timestamp, batch: options?.batch, }; // Handle different event types' metadata/context if ('metadata' in event) { // Ensure metadata is serializable debugInfo.metadata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event.metadata)); } else if ('context' in event) { // Ensure context is serializable debugInfo.context = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event.context)); } EventManager.logger.debug('Emitting event', debugInfo); } catch { // If debug logging fails, log a simpler message const safeDebugInfo = { type: event.type, timestamp: event.timestamp, error: 'Failed to stringify event details', }; EventManager.logger.debug('Emitting event (simplified)', safeDebugInfo); } } // Add timestamp and metadata if (!event.timestamp) { event.timestamp =; } // Update event stats const stats = this.eventStats.get(event.type) || { emitted: 0, handled: 0, errors: 0, avgHandleTime: 0, consecutiveErrors: 0, }; stats.emitted++; stats.lastEmitted = event.timestamp; this.eventStats.set(event.type, stats); // Check circuit breaker if ( stats.consecutiveErrors >= 5 && // threshold stats.lastErrorTime && - stats.lastErrorTime < 60000 ) { // 1 minute window this.logger?.warn('Circuit breaker active, rejecting event', { type: event.type, consecutiveErrors: stats.consecutiveErrors, lastError: new Date(stats.lastErrorTime).toISOString(), }); return false; } // Check if event should be batched if (options?.batch) { this.batchProcessor.addEvent(event, async events => { const batchStartTime =; let batchResults; try { batchResults = await Promise.all( => { const typeResult = this.emitter.emit(e.type, e); const wildcardResult = this.emitter.emit('*', e); return typeResult || wildcardResult; }) ); // Update success metrics const successCount = batchResults.filter(Boolean).length; if (successCount > 0) { stats.handled += successCount; stats.consecutiveErrors = 0; stats.avgHandleTime = stats.avgHandleTime * 0.9 + ( - batchStartTime) * 0.1; } } catch (error) { stats.errors++; stats.consecutiveErrors++; stats.lastErrorTime =; throw error; } }); return true; // Batch queued successfully } // Emit event directly if not batched const typeResult = this.emitter.emit(event.type, event); const wildcardResult = this.emitter.emit('*', event); // Update handled count if any listeners processed the event if (typeResult || wildcardResult) { stats.handled++; } return typeResult || wildcardResult; } catch (error) { if (EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.error('Event emission failed', { error, event: { type: event.type, timestamp: event.timestamp, batch: options?.batch, }, }); // Emit error event this.emitError('event_emission_failed', error as Error, { eventType: event.type, batch: options?.batch, }); } return false; } } on<T extends AtlasEvent>( type: EventTypes | '*', handler: EventHandler<T>, options: EventHandlerOptions = {} ): EventSubscription { if (this.debugMode && EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.debug('Adding event listener', { type }); } // Create unique handler ID for health monitoring const handlerId = `${type}_${}_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; // Wrap handler with health monitoring const monitoredHandler = this.healthMonitor.wrapHandler(type, handler, handlerId); const { timeout = 5000, maxRetries = 3 } = options; // Wrap handler with timeout and retry logic const wrappedHandler = async (event: T) => { let attempts = 0; while (attempts < maxRetries) { try { const handlerPromise = monitoredHandler(event); await Promise.race([ handlerPromise, new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Handler timeout')), timeout) ), ]); break; } catch (error) { attempts++; const stats = this.eventStats.get(type) || { emitted: 0, handled: 0, errors: 0, avgHandleTime: 0, consecutiveErrors: 0, }; stats.errors++; this.eventStats.set(type, stats); if (EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.error('Event handler error', { error, eventType: type, attempt: attempts, handlerId, }); } if (attempts === maxRetries) { this.emitError('event_handler_error', error as Error, { eventType: type, attempts, handlerId, }); } } } }; this.emitter.on(type, wrappedHandler); // Create subscription with enhanced cleanup const subscription: EventSubscription = { unsubscribe: () => {, wrappedHandler); this.activeSubscriptions.delete(subscription); if (this.debugMode && EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.debug('Removed event listener', { type, handlerId, remainingListeners: this.listenerCount(type), totalSubscriptions: this.activeSubscriptions.size, }); } }, type, createdAt:, }; this.activeSubscriptions.add(subscription); return subscription; } once<T extends AtlasEvent>( type: EventTypes | '*', handler: EventHandler<T>, options: EventHandlerOptions = {} ): EventSubscription { if (this.debugMode && EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.debug('Adding one-time event listener', { type }); } // Create unique handler ID for health monitoring const handlerId = `${type}_once_${}_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`; // Wrap handler with health monitoring const monitoredHandler = this.healthMonitor.wrapHandler(type, handler, handlerId); const { timeout = 5000, maxRetries = 1 } = options; // Wrap handler with timeout and retry logic const wrappedHandler = async (event: T) => { let attempts = 0; while (attempts < maxRetries) { try { const handlerPromise = monitoredHandler(event); await Promise.race([ handlerPromise, new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Handler timeout')), timeout) ), ]); break; } catch (error) { attempts++; const stats = this.eventStats.get(type) || { emitted: 0, handled: 0, errors: 0, avgHandleTime: 0, consecutiveErrors: 0, }; stats.errors++; this.eventStats.set(type, stats); if (EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.error('One-time event handler error', { error, eventType: type, attempt: attempts, handlerId, }); } if (attempts === maxRetries) { this.emitError('event_handler_error', error as Error, { eventType: type, oneTime: true, attempts, handlerId, }); } } } }; this.emitter.once(type, wrappedHandler); // Create subscription with enhanced cleanup const subscription: EventSubscription = { unsubscribe: () => {, wrappedHandler); this.activeSubscriptions.delete(subscription); if (this.debugMode && EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.debug('Removed one-time event listener', { type, handlerId, remainingListeners: this.listenerCount(type), totalSubscriptions: this.activeSubscriptions.size, }); } }, type, createdAt:, }; this.activeSubscriptions.add(subscription); return subscription; } removeAllListeners(type?: EventTypes | '*'): void { if (type) { this.emitter.removeAllListeners(type); // Remove matching subscriptions for (const subscription of this.activeSubscriptions) { if (subscription.type === type) { this.activeSubscriptions.delete(subscription); } } } else { this.emitter.removeAllListeners(); this.activeSubscriptions.clear(); } if (this.debugMode && EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.debug('Removed listeners', { type: type || 'all', remainingSubscriptions: this.activeSubscriptions.size, }); } } /** * Gets event statistics for monitoring and debugging */ getEventStats(): Map< EventTypes | '*', { emitted: number; handled: number; errors: number; lastEmitted?: number; } > { return new Map(this.eventStats); } /** * Gets active subscription information for monitoring */ getActiveSubscriptions(): Array<{ type: EventTypes | '*'; createdAt: number; age: number; }> { const now =; return Array.from(this.activeSubscriptions).map(sub => ({ type: sub.type, createdAt: sub.createdAt, age: now - sub.createdAt, })); } /** * Gets health statistics for event handlers */ getHandlerHealthStats(): Map< string, { successCount: number; errorCount: number; avgResponseTime: number; lastExecuted?: number; consecutiveFailures: number; isCircuitOpen: boolean; nextRetryTime?: number; } > { return this.healthMonitor.getAllHandlerStats(); } /** * Manually reset circuit breaker for a handler */ resetHandlerCircuitBreaker(handlerId: string): void { this.healthMonitor.resetCircuitBreaker(handlerId); } /** * Cleanup resources and stop monitoring */ cleanup(): void { if (this.cleanupTimeout) { clearInterval(this.cleanupTimeout); this.cleanupTimeout = undefined; } this.removeAllListeners(); this.eventStats.clear(); this.healthMonitor.cleanup(); this.batchProcessor.cleanup(); this.cleanupErrorHandling(); } listenerCount(type: EventTypes | '*'): number { return this.emitter.listenerCount(type); } private emitError(context: string, error: Error, metadata?: Record<string, unknown>): void { try { // Convert Error to SerializableError const serializableError: SerializableError = { name:, message: error.message, stack: error.stack, }; // Add any additional enumerable properties for (const key of Object.keys(error)) { try { const value = (error as unknown as Record<string, unknown>)[key]; // Only include if JSON serializable JSON.stringify(value); serializableError[key] = value; } catch { // Skip non-serializable properties continue; } } // Ensure metadata is serializable const safeMetadata = metadata ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(metadata)) : {}; const errorEvent: ErrorEvent = { type: EventTypes.SYSTEM_ERROR, timestamp:, error: serializableError, context: { component: 'EventManager', operation: context, ...safeMetadata, }, }; this.emitter.emit(EventTypes.SYSTEM_ERROR, errorEvent); } catch (emitError) { // Last resort error logging with minimal info to ensure it works if (EventManager.logger) { EventManager.logger.error('Failed to emit error event', { errorMessage: error.message, errorName:, context, emitErrorMessage: emitError instanceof Error ? emitError.message : String(emitError), }); } } } // Typed event emission helpers emitTaskEvent(event: TaskEvent): void { this.emit(event); } emitCacheEvent(event: CacheEvent): void { this.emit(event); } emitErrorEvent(event: ErrorEvent): void { this.emit(event); } emitBatchEvent(event: BatchEvent): void { this.emit(event, { batch: true }); } emitTransactionEvent(event: TransactionEvent): void { this.emit(event); } emitSystemEvent(event: SystemEvent): void { this.emit(event); } }