Git MCP Server

by cyanheads
/** * Git Service * =========== * * An abstraction layer for Git operations using simple-git. * Provides a clean interface for the MCP server to interact with Git repositories. */ import { simpleGit } from 'simple-git'; type SimpleGit = any; type SimpleGitOptions = any; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { GitRepositoryOptions, GitCommitOptions, GitBranchOptions, GitMergeOptions, GitRemoteOptions, GitPullOptions, GitPushOptions, GitTagOptions, GitStashOptions, GitRepositoryStatus, GitLogEntry, GitDiffEntry, GitError } from '../types/git.js'; import { createGitError, createSuccessResult, createFailureResult, OperationResult, StandardizedApplicationErrorObject, wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError } from './error-service.js'; export class GitService { private git: SimpleGit; private repoPath: string; /** * Creates a new GitService instance for a specific repository path * * @param repoPath - Path to the git repository * @param options - Additional simple-git options */ constructor(repoPath: string, options: SimpleGitOptions = {}) { this.repoPath = repoPath; this.git = simpleGit(this.repoPath, options); } /** * Handles Git errors in a standardized way * * @param error - The error to handle * @param defaultMessage - Default message if error is not a Git error * @returns Standardized error object */ private handleGitError(error: unknown, defaultMessage: string): StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { if ((error as GitError).code) { const gitError = error as GitError; return createGitError( gitError.message || defaultMessage, gitError.code || 'GIT_ERROR', { command: gitError.command, args: gitError.args, stderr: gitError.stderr } ); } return wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError(error, defaultMessage); } /** * Ensures the repository directory exists * * @returns Promise resolving when directory exists or is created */ private async ensureRepoPathExists(): Promise<void> { try { await fs.access(this.repoPath); } catch (error) { // Create directory if it doesn't exist await fs.mkdir(this.repoPath, { recursive: true }); } } /** * Checks if a path is a Git repository * * @param dirPath - Path to check * @returns Promise resolving to true if path is a Git repository */ async isGitRepository(dirPath: string = this.repoPath): Promise<boolean> { try { const gitDir = path.join(dirPath, '.git'); await fs.access(gitDir); return true; } catch (error) { try { // Check if it's a bare repository by looking for common Git files const gitFiles = ['HEAD', 'config', 'objects', 'refs']; for (const file of gitFiles) { await fs.access(path.join(dirPath, file)); } return true; } catch { return false; } } } // ========================================== // Repository Operations // ========================================== /** * Initializes a new Git repository * * @param bare - Whether to create a bare repository * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async initRepo(bare = false): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { await this.ensureRepoPathExists(); const result = await this.git.init(bare); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to initialize repository') ); } } /** * Clones a Git repository * * @param url - URL of the repository to clone * @param options - Clone options * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async cloneRepo(url: string, options: GitRepositoryOptions = {}): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { await this.ensureRepoPathExists(); const result = await this.git.clone(url, this.repoPath, options); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to clone repository from ${url}`) ); } } /** * Gets the status of the repository * * @returns Promise resolving to repository status */ async getStatus(): Promise<OperationResult<GitRepositoryStatus>> { try { const status = await this.git.status(); return createSuccessResult(status); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to get repository status') ); } } // ========================================== // Commit Operations // ========================================== /** * Stages files for commit * * @param files - Array of file paths to stage, or '.' for all * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async stageFiles(files: string[] | string = '.'): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { if (Array.isArray(files) && files.length === 0) { return createSuccessResult('No files to stage'); } const result = await this.git.add(files); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to stage files') ); } } /** * Unstages files * * @param files - Array of file paths to unstage, or '.' for all * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async unstageFiles(files: string[] | string = '.'): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { if (Array.isArray(files) && files.length === 0) { return createSuccessResult('No files to unstage'); } // Use reset to unstage files const result = await this.git.reset(['--', ...(Array.isArray(files) ? files : [files])]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to unstage files') ); } } /** * Creates a commit * * @param options - Commit options * @returns Promise resolving to commit hash */ async commit(options: GitCommitOptions): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const commitOptions: any = { '--message': options.message }; if ( { if ( commitOptions['--author'] =; if ( commitOptions['--author'] += ` <${}>`; } if (options.allowEmpty) commitOptions['--allow-empty'] = null; if (options.amend) commitOptions['--amend'] = null; const result = await this.git.commit(options.message, commitOptions); return createSuccessResult(result.commit || ''); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to create commit') ); } } // ========================================== // Branch Operations // ========================================== /** * Creates a new branch * * @param options - Branch options * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async createBranch(options: GitBranchOptions): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const branchParams = []; if (options.startPoint) branchParams.push(options.startPoint); await this.git.branch(branchParams); if (options.checkout) { await this.git.checkout(; } return createSuccessResult(`Branch '${}' created successfully`); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to create branch '${}'`) ); } } /** * Lists all branches * * @param all - Whether to include remote branches * @returns Promise resolving to list of branches */ async listBranches(all = false): Promise<OperationResult<string[]>> { try { const branchSummary = await this.git.branch(all ? ['-a'] : []); return createSuccessResult(Object.keys(branchSummary.branches)); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to list branches') ); } } /** * Checkout a branch or commit * * @param target - Branch name, commit hash, or reference to checkout * @param createBranch - Whether to create the branch if it doesn't exist * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async checkout(target: string, createBranch = false): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const options = createBranch ? ['-b'] : []; const result = await this.git.checkout([...options, target]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to checkout '${target}'`) ); } } /** * Delete a branch * * @param branchName - Name of the branch to delete * @param force - Whether to force delete * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async deleteBranch(branchName: string, force = false): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const options = force ? ['-D'] : ['-d']; const result = await this.git.branch([...options, branchName]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to delete branch '${branchName}'`) ); } } /** * Merge a branch into the current branch * * @param options - Merge options * @returns Promise resolving to merge result */ async merge(options: GitMergeOptions): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const mergeParams = [options.branch]; if (options.fastForwardOnly) mergeParams.unshift('--ff-only'); if (options.noFastForward) mergeParams.unshift('--no-ff'); if (options.message) { mergeParams.unshift('-m', options.message); } const result = await this.git.merge(mergeParams); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to merge branch '${options.branch}'`) ); } } // ========================================== // Remote Operations // ========================================== /** * Add a remote * * @param options - Remote options * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async addRemote(options: GitRemoteOptions): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const result = await this.git.addRemote(, options.url); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to add remote '${}'`) ); } } /** * List remotes * * @returns Promise resolving to list of remotes */ async listRemotes(): Promise<OperationResult<Array<{name: string, refs: {fetch: string, push: string}}>>> { try { const remotes = await this.git.getRemotes(true); return createSuccessResult(remotes); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to list remotes') ); } } /** * Fetch from a remote * * @param remote - Remote to fetch from (default: origin) * @param branch - Branch to fetch (default: all branches) * @returns Promise resolving to fetch result */ async fetch(remote = 'origin', branch?: string): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const options = branch ? [remote, branch] : [remote]; const result = await this.git.fetch(options); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to fetch from remote '${remote}'`) ); } } /** * Pull from a remote * * @param options - Pull options * @returns Promise resolving to pull result */ async pull(options: GitPullOptions = {}): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const pullOptions: Record<string, any> = {}; if (options.remote) pullOptions.remote = options.remote; if (options.branch) pullOptions.branch = options.branch; if (options.rebase) pullOptions['--rebase'] = null; const result = await this.git.pull(pullOptions); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to pull changes') ); } } /** * Push to a remote * * @param options - Push options * @returns Promise resolving to push result */ async push(options: GitPushOptions = {}): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const pushOptions: string[] = []; if (options.force) pushOptions.push('--force'); if (options.setUpstream) pushOptions.push('--set-upstream'); const remote = options.remote || 'origin'; const branch = options.branch || 'HEAD'; const result = await this.git.push(remote, branch, pushOptions); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to push changes') ); } } // ========================================== // History Operations // ========================================== /** * Get commit history * * @param options - Options for git log * @returns Promise resolving to commit history */ async getLog(options: {maxCount?: number, file?: string} = {}): Promise<OperationResult<GitLogEntry[]>> { try { const logOptions: Record<string, any> = { '--pretty': 'format:%H|%h|%an|%ae|%ai|%s' }; // Use array format for command-line options to avoid format issues const logParams = [`-n`, `${options.maxCount || 50}`]; if (options.file) { logOptions['--'] = options.file; } // Pass the maxCount parameter separately to avoid the '=' format issue const result = await this.git.log([...logParams, logOptions]); // Parse the log output into structured data const entries: GitLogEntry[] = any) => ({ hash: entry.hash, abbrevHash: entry.hash.substring(0, 7), author: entry.author_name, authorEmail: entry.author_email, date: new Date(, message: entry.message, refs: entry.refs })); return createSuccessResult(entries); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to get commit history') ); } } /** * Get file blame information * * @param filePath - Path to the file * @returns Promise resolving to blame information */ async getBlame(filePath: string): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const result = await this.git.raw(['blame', filePath]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to get blame for file '${filePath}'`) ); } } /** * Get the diff between commits * * @param fromRef - Starting reference (commit, branch, etc.) * @param toRef - Ending reference (default: current working tree) * @param path - Optional path to restrict the diff to * @returns Promise resolving to diff information */ async getDiff(fromRef: string, toRef = 'HEAD', path?: string): Promise<OperationResult<GitDiffEntry[]>> { try { const args = ['diff', '--name-status', fromRef]; if (toRef !== 'HEAD') { args.push(toRef); } if (path) { args.push('--', path); } const result = await this.git.raw(args); const entries: GitDiffEntry[] = []; // Parse the diff output into structured data const lines = result.split('\n').filter((line: string) => line.trim() !== ''); for (const line of lines) { const [status, ...pathParts] = line.split('\t'); const filePath = pathParts.join('\t'); entries.push({ path: filePath, // Mapping status letters to more descriptive terms status: status === 'A' ? 'added' : status === 'M' ? 'modified' : status === 'D' ? 'deleted' : status === 'R' ? 'renamed' : status === 'C' ? 'copied' : status }); } return createSuccessResult(entries); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to get diff') ); } } /** * Get the content of a file at a specific reference * * @param filePath - Path to the file * @param ref - Git reference (commit, branch, etc.) * @returns Promise resolving to file content */ async getFileAtRef(filePath: string, ref = 'HEAD'): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const result = await[`${ref}:${filePath}`]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to get file '${filePath}' at ref '${ref}'`) ); } } /** * Get unstaged diff (changes in working directory) * * @param path - Optional path to restrict the diff to * @param showUntracked - Whether to include information about untracked files * @returns Promise resolving to diff content */ async getUnstagedDiff(path?: string, showUntracked = true): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const args = ['diff']; if (path) { args.push('--', path); } let diffResult = await this.git.raw(args); // If requested, also include information about untracked files if (showUntracked) { try { // Get status to find untracked files const statusResult = await this.getStatus(); if (statusResult.resultSuccessful && statusResult.resultData.not_added.length > 0) { // Filter untracked files by path if specified const untrackedFiles = path ? statusResult.resultData.not_added.filter(file => file === path || file.startsWith(path + '/')) : statusResult.resultData.not_added; if (untrackedFiles.length > 0) { // Add header for untracked files if we have a diff and untracked files if (diffResult.trim() !== '') { diffResult += '\n\n'; } diffResult += '# Untracked files:\n'; for (const file of untrackedFiles) { diffResult += `# - ${file}\n`; } } } } catch (error) { // Silently ignore errors with listing untracked files console.error('Error listing untracked files:', error); } } return createSuccessResult(diffResult); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to get unstaged diff') ); } } /** * Get staged diff (changes in index) * * @param path - Optional path to restrict the diff to * @returns Promise resolving to diff content */ async getStagedDiff(path?: string): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const args = ['diff', '--cached']; if (path) { args.push('--', path); } const result = await this.git.raw(args); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to get staged diff') ); } } /** * List files in a directory at a specific reference * * @param dirPath - Path to the directory (relative to the repo root) * @param ref - Git reference (commit, branch, etc.) * @returns Promise resolving to list of files */ async listFilesAtRef(dirPath: string = '.', ref = 'HEAD'): Promise<OperationResult<string[]>> { try { const result = await this.git.raw(['ls-tree', '-r', '--name-only', ref, dirPath]); // Parse the output const files = result.split('\n') .filter((line: string) => line.trim() !== '') .filter((file: string) => { // If dirPath is empty or root, include all files if (!dirPath || dirPath === '.') { return true; } // Otherwise, only include files that are within the directory return file.startsWith(dirPath + '/'); }); return createSuccessResult(files); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to list files in directory '${dirPath}' at ref '${ref}'`) ); } } // ========================================== // Advanced Operations // ========================================== /** * Create a tag * * @param options - Tag options * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async createTag(options: GitTagOptions): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const tagArgs = []; if (options.ref) { tagArgs.push(options.ref); } if (options.message) { tagArgs.unshift('-m', options.message); // -a creates an annotated tag tagArgs.unshift('-a'); } const result = await this.git.tag(tagArgs); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to create tag '${}'`) ); } } /** * List tags * * @returns Promise resolving to list of tags */ async listTags(): Promise<OperationResult<string[]>> { try { const tags = await this.git.tags(); return createSuccessResult(tags.all); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to list tags') ); } } /** * Create a stash * * @param options - Stash options * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async createStash(options: GitStashOptions = {}): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const stashArgs: string[] = []; if (options.message) { stashArgs.push('save', options.message); } if (options.includeUntracked) { stashArgs.push('--include-untracked'); } const result = await this.git.stash(stashArgs); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to create stash') ); } } /** * List stashes * * @returns Promise resolving to list of stashes */ async listStashes(): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const result = await this.git.stash(['list']); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to list stashes') ); } } /** * Show a commit's details * * @param commitHash - Hash of the commit to show * @returns Promise resolving to commit details */ async showCommit(commitHash: string): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const result = await this.git.raw(['show', commitHash]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to show commit '${commitHash}'`) ); } } /** * Apply a stash * * @param stashId - Stash identifier (default: most recent stash) * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async applyStash(stashId = 'stash@{0}'): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const result = await this.git.stash(['apply', stashId]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to apply stash '${stashId}'`) ); } } /** * Pop a stash * * @param stashId - Stash identifier (default: most recent stash) * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async popStash(stashId = 'stash@{0}'): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const result = await this.git.stash(['pop', stashId]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to pop stash '${stashId}'`) ); } } /** * Cherry-pick commits * * @param commits - Array of commit hashes to cherry-pick * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async cherryPick(commits: string[]): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { if (commits.length === 0) { return createSuccessResult('No commits specified for cherry-pick'); } const result = await this.git.raw(['cherry-pick', ...commits]); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to cherry-pick commits') ); } } /** * Rebase the current branch * * @param branch - Branch to rebase onto * @param interactive - Whether to use interactive rebase * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async rebase(branch: string, interactive = false): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const args = interactive ? ['-i', branch] : [branch]; const result = await this.git.rebase(args); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to rebase onto '${branch}'`) ); } } /** * Reset the repository to a specific commit * * @param ref - Reference to reset to * @param mode - Reset mode (hard, soft, mixed) * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async reset(ref = 'HEAD', mode: 'hard' | 'soft' | 'mixed' = 'mixed'): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const args = [`--${mode}`, ref]; const result = await this.git.reset(args); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, `Failed to reset to '${ref}'`) ); } } /** * Clean the working directory * * @param directories - Whether to remove directories too * @param force - Whether to force clean * @returns Promise resolving to operation result */ async clean(directories = false, force = false): Promise<OperationResult<string>> { try { const args = ['-f']; if (directories) args.push('-d'); if (force) args.push('-x'); const result = await this.git.clean(args); return createSuccessResult(result); } catch (error) { return createFailureResult( this.handleGitError(error, 'Failed to clean working directory') ); } } }