Git MCP Server

by cyanheads
/** * Error Handling Service * ====================== * * Standardized error handling for Git operations and MCP server. */ /** * Standardized error category classification */ export const ErrorCategoryType = { CATEGORY_VALIDATION: 'VALIDATION', CATEGORY_GIT: 'GIT', CATEGORY_MCP: 'MCP', CATEGORY_SYSTEM: 'SYSTEM', CATEGORY_UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN' } as const; export type ErrorCategoryType = typeof ErrorCategoryType[keyof typeof ErrorCategoryType]; /** * Error severity classification */ export const ErrorSeverityLevel = { SEVERITY_DEBUG: 0, SEVERITY_INFO: 1, SEVERITY_WARN: 2, SEVERITY_ERROR: 3, SEVERITY_FATAL: 4 } as const; export type ErrorSeverityLevel = typeof ErrorSeverityLevel[keyof typeof ErrorSeverityLevel]; /** * Standardized error structure for consistent error handling */ export interface StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { errorMessage: string; // Human-readable description errorCode: string; // Machine-readable identifier errorCategory: ErrorCategoryType; // System area affected errorSeverity: ErrorSeverityLevel; // How critical the error is errorTimestamp: string; // When the error occurred errorContext: Record<string, unknown>; // Additional relevant data errorStack?: string; // Stack trace if available } /** * Creates a standardized success result */ export function createSuccessResult<DataType>(data: DataType): { resultSuccessful: true; resultData: DataType } { return { resultSuccessful: true, resultData: data }; } /** * Creates a standardized failure result */ export function createFailureResult<ErrorType>(error: ErrorType): { resultSuccessful: false; resultError: ErrorType } { return { resultSuccessful: false, resultError: error }; } /** * Creates a standardized error object */ export function createStandardizedError( message: string, code: string, category: ErrorCategoryType, severity: ErrorSeverityLevel, context: Record<string, unknown> = {} ): StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { return { errorMessage: message, errorCode: code, errorCategory: category, errorSeverity: severity, errorTimestamp: new Date().toISOString(), errorContext: context }; } /** * Converts an exception to a standardized error object */ export function wrapExceptionAsStandardizedError( exception: unknown, defaultMessage: string ): StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { const errorMessage = exception instanceof Error ? exception.message : defaultMessage; const errorStack = exception instanceof Error ? exception.stack : undefined; return { errorMessage, errorCode: 'UNEXPECTED_ERROR', errorCategory: ErrorCategoryType.CATEGORY_UNKNOWN, errorSeverity: ErrorSeverityLevel.SEVERITY_ERROR, errorTimestamp: new Date().toISOString(), errorContext: { originalException: exception }, errorStack }; } /** * Handles Git-specific errors and converts them to standardized format */ export function createGitError( message: string, code: string, context: Record<string, unknown> = {} ): StandardizedApplicationErrorObject { return createStandardizedError( message, code, ErrorCategoryType.CATEGORY_GIT, ErrorSeverityLevel.SEVERITY_ERROR, context ); } /** * Combined type for operation results */ export type OperationResult<DataType, ErrorType = StandardizedApplicationErrorObject> = | { resultSuccessful: true; resultData: DataType } | { resultSuccessful: false; resultError: ErrorType };