MCP Web Tools Server

import os import json import streamlit as st import asyncio import sys # Add the parent directory to the Python path to import utils sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))) from frontend.utils import load_config, connect_to_server, call_tool, default_config_path st.title("My Active MCP Servers") # Configuration and server selection in the sidebar with st.sidebar: st.subheader("Configuration") # Config file path input with unique key config_path = st.text_input( "Path to config file", value=st.session_state.get('config_path', default_config_path), key="config_path_input_sidebar" ) # Update the session state with the new path st.session_state.config_path = config_path if st.button("Load Servers", key="load_servers_sidebar"): if os.path.exists(config_path): config_data = load_config(config_path) if config_data and 'mcpServers' in config_data: st.session_state.config_data = config_data st.session_state.servers = config_data.get('mcpServers', {}) # Add debug message message = f"Found {len(st.session_state.servers)} MCP servers in config" if 'debug_messages' in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages.append(message) st.success(message) else: error_msg = "No MCP servers found in config" if 'debug_messages' in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages.append(error_msg) st.error(error_msg) else: error_msg = f"Config file not found: {config_path}" if 'debug_messages' in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages.append(error_msg) st.error(error_msg) # Server selection dropdown st.divider() st.subheader("Server Selection") if 'servers' in st.session_state and st.session_state.servers: server_names = list(st.session_state.servers.keys()) selected_server = st.selectbox( "Select an MCP server", server_names, key="server_selection_sidebar" ) if st.button("Connect", key="connect_button_sidebar"): server_config = st.session_state.servers.get(selected_server, {}) command = server_config.get('command') args = server_config.get('args', []) env = server_config.get('env', {}) with st.spinner(f"Connecting to {selected_server}..."): # Add debug message debug_msg = f"Connecting to {selected_server}..." if 'debug_messages' in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages.append(debug_msg) # Connect to the server server_info =, args, env)) st.session_state[f'server_info_{selected_server}'] = server_info st.session_state.active_server = selected_server # Add debug message about connection success/failure if server_info.get('tools'): success_msg = f"Connected to {selected_server}: {len(server_info['tools'])} tools" if 'debug_messages' in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages.append(success_msg) else: error_msg = f"Connected but no tools found" if 'debug_messages' in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages.append(error_msg) # Force the page to refresh to show connected server details st.rerun() else:"Load config to see servers") # Main area: Only display content when a server is connected if 'active_server' in st.session_state and st.session_state.active_server: active_server = st.session_state.active_server server_info_key = f'server_info_{active_server}' if server_info_key in st.session_state: st.subheader(f"Connected to: {active_server}") server_info = st.session_state[server_info_key] server_config = st.session_state.servers.get(active_server, {}) # Display server configuration with st.expander("Server Configuration"): st.json(server_config) # Display tools if server_info.get('tools'): st.subheader("Available Tools") # Create tabs for each tool tool_tabs = st.tabs([ for tool in server_info['tools']]) for i, tool in enumerate(server_info['tools']): with tool_tabs[i]: st.markdown(f"**Description:** {tool.description or 'No description provided'}") # Tool schema if hasattr(tool, 'inputSchema') and tool.inputSchema: with st.expander("Input Schema"): st.json(tool.inputSchema) # Generate form for tool inputs st.subheader("Call Tool") # Create a form with st.form(key=f"tool_form_{active_server}_{}"): # Fix duplicate ID error by adding unique keys for form fields tool_inputs = {} # Check if input schema has properties if 'properties' in tool.inputSchema: # Create form inputs based on schema properties for param_name, param_schema in tool.inputSchema['properties'].items(): param_type = param_schema.get('type', 'string') # Create unique key for each form field field_key = f"{active_server}_{}_{param_name}" if param_type == 'string': tool_inputs[param_name] = st.text_input( f"{param_name}", help=param_schema.get('description', ''), key=field_key ) elif param_type == 'number' or param_type == 'integer': tool_inputs[param_name] = st.number_input( f"{param_name}", help=param_schema.get('description', ''), key=field_key ) elif param_type == 'boolean': tool_inputs[param_name] = st.checkbox( f"{param_name}", help=param_schema.get('description', ''), key=field_key ) # Add more types as needed # Submit button submit_button = st.form_submit_button(f"Execute {}") if submit_button: # Get server config command = server_config.get('command') args = server_config.get('args', []) with st.spinner(f"Executing {}..."): # Add debug message if 'debug_messages' in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages.append(f"Executing {}") # Call the tool result =, args,, tool_inputs)) # Display result st.subheader("Result") st.write(result) else: st.warning("No input schema available for this tool") # Display resources if any if server_info.get('resources'): with st.expander("Resources"): for resource in server_info['resources']: st.write(f"**{}:** {resource.uri}") if hasattr(resource, 'description') and resource.description: st.write(resource.description) st.divider() # Display prompts if any if server_info.get('prompts'): with st.expander("Prompts"): for prompt in server_info['prompts']: st.write(f"**{}**") if hasattr(prompt, 'description') and prompt.description: st.write(prompt.description) st.divider() else:"Server {active_server} is selected but not connected. Click 'Connect' in the sidebar.") else: # Initial state when no server is connected"Select a server from the sidebar and click 'Connect' to start interacting with it.")