MCP Web Tools Server

import streamlit as st import os import sys from pathlib import Path import re # Add the parent directory to the Python path to import utils sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))) from frontend.utils import get_markdown_files st.title("Documentation") # Define the docs directory path docs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))), "docs") # Helper function to calculate the height for a mermaid diagram def calculate_diagram_height(mermaid_code): # Count the number of lines in the diagram line_count = len(mermaid_code.strip().split('\n')) # Estimate the height based on complexity and type base_height = 100 # Minimum height # Add height based on the number of lines line_height = 30 if line_count <= 5 else 25 # Adjust per-line height based on total lines for density height = base_height + (line_count * line_height) # Extra height for different diagram types if "flowchart" in mermaid_code.lower() or "graph" in mermaid_code.lower(): height += 50 elif "sequenceDiagram" in mermaid_code: height += 100 # Sequence diagrams typically need more height elif "classDiagram" in mermaid_code: height += 75 # Extra height for diagrams with many connections if mermaid_code.count("-->") + mermaid_code.count("<--") + mermaid_code.count("-.-") > 5: height += 100 # Extra height if many items in diagram node_count = len(re.findall(r'\[[^\]]+\]', mermaid_code)) if node_count > 5: height += node_count * 20 return height # Helper function to extract and render mermaid diagrams def render_markdown_with_mermaid(content): # Regular expression to find mermaid code blocks mermaid_pattern = r"```mermaid\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*```" # Find all mermaid diagrams mermaid_blocks = re.findall(mermaid_pattern, content) # Replace mermaid blocks with placeholders content_with_placeholders = re.sub(mermaid_pattern, "MERMAID_DIAGRAM_PLACEHOLDER", content) # Split content by placeholders parts = content_with_placeholders.split("MERMAID_DIAGRAM_PLACEHOLDER") # Render each part with mermaid diagrams in between for i, part in enumerate(parts): if part.strip(): st.markdown(part) # Add mermaid diagram after this part (if there is one) if i < len(mermaid_blocks): mermaid_code = mermaid_blocks[i] # Calculate appropriate height for this diagram diagram_height = calculate_diagram_height(mermaid_code) # Render mermaid diagram using streamlit components st.components.v1.html( f""" <div class="mermaid" style="margin: 20px 0;"> {mermaid_code} </div> <script src=""></script> <script> mermaid.initialize({{ startOnLoad: true, theme: 'default', flowchart: {{ useMaxWidth: false, htmlLabels: true, curve: 'cardinal' }} }}); </script> """, height=diagram_height, scrolling=True ) # Check if docs directory exists if not os.path.exists(docs_dir): st.error(f"Documentation directory not found: {docs_dir}") else: # Get list of markdown files markdown_files = get_markdown_files(docs_dir) # Sidebar for document selection with st.sidebar: st.subheader("Select Document") if not markdown_files:"No documentation files found") else: # Create options for the selectbox - use filenames without path and extension file_options = [f.stem for f in markdown_files] # Select document selected_doc = st.selectbox( "Choose a document", file_options, format_func=lambda x: x.replace("-", " ").title(), key="doc_selection" ) # Find the selected file path selected_file_path = next((f for f in markdown_files if f.stem == selected_doc), None) # Store selection in session state if selected_file_path: st.session_state["selected_doc_path"] = str(selected_file_path) # Display the selected markdown file if "selected_doc_path" in st.session_state: selected_path = st.session_state["selected_doc_path"] try: with open(selected_path, 'r') as f: content = # Set style for better code rendering st.markdown( """ <style> code { white-space: pre-wrap !important; } .mermaid { text-align: center !important; } </style> """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) # Use the custom function to render markdown with mermaid render_markdown_with_mermaid(content) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading document: {str(e)}") else: if markdown_files: # Display the first document by default try: with open(str(markdown_files[0]), 'r') as f: content = # Use the custom function to render markdown with mermaid render_markdown_with_mermaid(content) # Store the selected doc in session state st.session_state["selected_doc_path"] = str(markdown_files[0]) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading default document: {str(e)}") else:"Select a document from the sidebar to view documentation")