MCP Web Tools Server

  • frontend
import streamlit as st import os import sys # Add the parent directory to the Python path to import utils sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from frontend.utils import default_config_path, check_node_installations # Set page config st.set_page_config( page_title="MCP Dev Tools", page_icon="🔌", layout="wide" ) # Initialize session state if 'debug_messages' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.debug_messages = [] if 'config_path' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.config_path = default_config_path if 'servers' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.servers = {} if 'active_server' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.active_server = None def add_debug_message(message): """Add a debug message to the session state""" st.session_state.debug_messages.append(message) # Keep only the last 10 messages if len(st.session_state.debug_messages) > 10: st.session_state.debug_messages = st.session_state.debug_messages[-10:] # Main app container st.title("🔌 MCP Dev Tools") st.write("Explore and interact with Model Control Protocol (MCP) servers") # Sidebar for configuration and debug with st.sidebar: st.title("MCP Dev Tools") # Node.js status st.subheader("Environment Status") node_info = check_node_installations() # Display Node.js status if node_info['node']['installed']: st.success(f"✅ Node.js {node_info['node']['version']}") else: st.error("❌ Node.js not found") st.markdown("[Install Node.js](") # Display npm status if node_info['npm']['installed']: st.success(f"✅ npm {node_info['npm']['version']}") else: st.error("❌ npm not found") # Display npx status if node_info['npx']['installed']: st.success(f"✅ npx {node_info['npx']['version']}") else: st.error("❌ npx not found") # Warning if Node.js components are missing if not all(info['installed'] for info in node_info.values()): st.warning("⚠️ Some Node.js components are missing. MCP servers that depend on Node.js (using npx) will not work.") # Debug information section at the bottom of sidebar st.divider() st.subheader("Debug Information") # Display debug messages if st.session_state.debug_messages: for msg in st.session_state.debug_messages: st.text(msg) else: st.text("No debug messages") # Clear debug messages button if st.button("Clear Debug Messages"): st.session_state.debug_messages = [] st.rerun() # Add a message for pages selection"Select a page from the sidebar to get started") # Add welcome info st.markdown(""" ## Welcome to MCP Dev Tools This tool helps you explore and interact with Model Control Protocol (MCP) servers. You can: 1. View and connect to available MCP servers 2. Explore tools, resources, and prompts provided by each server 3. Configure and manage server connections Select an option from the sidebar to get started. """) # Footer st.divider() st.write("MCP Dev Tools | Built with Streamlit")