MCP Web Tools Server

  • frontend
import os import json import json5 import streamlit as st import subprocess import asyncio import sys import shutil from pathlib import Path from mcp import ClientSession, StdioServerParameters from mcp.client.stdio import stdio_client # Define default config path based on OS default_config_path = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json") def load_config(config_path): """Load the Claude Desktop config file""" try: with open(config_path, 'r') as f: # Use json5 to handle potential JSON5 format (comments, trailing commas) return json5.load(f) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading config file: {str(e)}") return None def find_executable(name): """Find the full path to an executable""" path = shutil.which(name) if path: return path # Try common locations for Node.js executables if name in ['node', 'npm', 'npx']: # Check user's home directory for nvm or other Node.js installations home = Path.home() possible_paths = [ home / '.nvm' / 'versions' / 'node' / '*' / 'bin' / name, home / 'node_modules' / '.bin' / name, home / '.npm-global' / 'bin' / name, # Add Mac Homebrew path Path('/usr/local/bin') / name, Path('/opt/homebrew/bin') / name, ] for p in possible_paths: if isinstance(p, Path) and '*' in str(p): # Handle wildcard paths parent = p.parent.parent if parent.exists(): for version_dir in parent.glob('*'): full_path = version_dir / 'bin' / name if full_path.exists(): return str(full_path) elif Path(str(p)).exists(): return str(p) return None def check_node_installations(): """Check if Node.js, npm, and npx are installed and return their versions""" node_installed = bool(find_executable('node')) node_version = None npm_installed = bool(find_executable('npm')) npm_version = None npx_installed = bool(find_executable('npx')) npx_version = None if node_installed: try: node_version = subprocess.check_output([find_executable('node'), '--version']).decode().strip() except: pass if npm_installed: try: npm_version = subprocess.check_output([find_executable('npm'), '--version']).decode().strip() except: pass if npx_installed: try: npx_version = subprocess.check_output([find_executable('npx'), '--version']).decode().strip() except: pass return { 'node': {'installed': node_installed, 'version': node_version}, 'npm': {'installed': npm_installed, 'version': npm_version}, 'npx': {'installed': npx_installed, 'version': npx_version} } async def connect_to_server(command, args=None, env=None): """Connect to an MCP server and list its tools""" try: # Find the full path to the command print(f"Finding executable for command: {command}") full_command = find_executable(command) if not full_command: st.error(f"Command '{command}' not found. Make sure it's installed and in your PATH.") if command == 'npx': st.error("Node.js may not be installed or properly configured. Install Node.js from") return {"tools": [], "resources": [], "prompts": []} # Use the full path to the command command = full_command server_params = StdioServerParameters( command=command, args=args or [], env=env or {} ) print(f"Connecting to server with command: {command} and args: {args}") async with stdio_client(server_params) as (read, write): async with ClientSession(read, write) as session: await session.initialize() # List tools tools_result = await session.list_tools() # Try to list resources and prompts try: resources_result = await session.list_resources() resources = resources_result.resources if hasattr(resources_result, 'resources') else [] except Exception: resources = [] try: prompts_result = await session.list_prompts() prompts = prompts_result.prompts if hasattr(prompts_result, 'prompts') else [] except Exception: prompts = [] return { "tools": if hasattr(tools_result, 'tools') else [], "resources": resources, "prompts": prompts } except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error connecting to server: {str(e)}") return {"tools": [], "resources": [], "prompts": []} async def call_tool(command, args, tool_name, tool_args): """Call a specific tool and return the result""" try: # Find the full path to the command full_command = find_executable(command) if not full_command: return f"Error: Command '{command}' not found. Make sure it's installed and in your PATH." # Use the full path to the command command = full_command server_params = StdioServerParameters( command=command, args=args or [], env={} ) async with stdio_client(server_params) as (read, write): async with ClientSession(read, write) as session: await session.initialize() # Call the tool result = await session.call_tool(tool_name, arguments=tool_args) # Format the result if hasattr(result, 'content') and result.content: content_text = [] for item in result.content: if hasattr(item, 'text'): content_text.append(item.text) return "\n".join(content_text) return "Tool executed, but no text content was returned." except Exception as e: return f"Error calling tool: {str(e)}" def get_markdown_files(docs_folder): """Get list of markdown files in the docs folder""" docs_path = Path(docs_folder) if not docs_path.exists() or not docs_path.is_dir(): return [] return sorted([f for f in docs_path.glob('*.md')])