Redis MCP Server

import { RedisClientType } from 'redis'; import { RedisTool } from './base_tool.js'; import { ScanArgs, ToolResponse } from '../interfaces/types.js'; export class ScanTool extends RedisTool { name = 'scan'; description = 'Scan Redis keys matching a pattern'; inputSchema = { type: 'object', properties: { pattern: { type: 'string', description: 'Pattern to match (e.g., "user:*" or "schedule:*")' }, count: { type: 'number', description: 'Number of keys to return per iteration (optional)', minimum: 1 } }, required: ['pattern'] }; validateArgs(args: unknown): args is ScanArgs { return typeof args === 'object' && args !== null && 'pattern' in args && typeof (args as any).pattern === 'string' && (!('count' in args) || typeof (args as any).count === 'number'); } async execute(args: unknown, client: RedisClientType): Promise<ToolResponse> { if (!this.validateArgs(args)) { return this.createErrorResponse('Invalid arguments for scan'); } try { const { pattern, count = 100 } = args; const keys = await client.keys(pattern); if (keys.length === 0) { return this.createSuccessResponse('No keys found matching pattern'); } // Limit keys to at most 10, or less if count is specified and smaller const maxKeys = Math.min(count || 10, 10); const limitedKeys = keys.slice(0, maxKeys); return this.createSuccessResponse(JSON.stringify(limitedKeys, null, 2)); } catch (error) { return this.createErrorResponse(`Failed to scan keys: ${error}`); } } }