Redis MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides access to Redis database operations through a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server. Includes tools for various Redis commands such as HMSET, HGET, HGETALL, SCAN, SET, GET, DEL, ZADD, ZRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE, ZREM, SADD, and SMEMBERS.

Redis MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides access to Redis database operations.

<a href=""><img width="380" height="200" src="" alt="Redis Server MCP server" /></a>

Project Structure

src/ ├── interfaces/ │ └── types.ts # Shared TypeScript interfaces and types ├── tools/ │ ├── base_tool.ts # Abstract base class for Redis tools │ ├── tool_registry.ts # Registry managing all available Redis tools │ ├── hmset_tool.ts # HMSET Redis operation │ ├── hget_tool.ts # HGET Redis operation │ ├── hgetall_tool.ts # HGETALL Redis operation │ ├── scan_tool.ts # SCAN Redis operation │ ├── set_tool.ts # SET Redis operation │ ├── get_tool.ts # GET Redis operation │ ├── del_tool.ts # DEL Redis operation │ ├── zadd_tool.ts # ZADD Redis operation │ ├── zrange_tool.ts # ZRANGE Redis operation │ ├── zrangebyscore_tool.ts # ZRANGEBYSCORE Redis operation │ └── zrem_tool.ts # ZREM Redis operation └── redis_server.ts # Main server implementation

Available Tools

ToolTypeDescriptionInput Schema
hmsetHash CommandSet multiple hash fields to multiple valueskey: string (Hash key)<br>fields: object (Field-value pairs to set)
hgetHash CommandGet the value of a hash fieldkey: string (Hash key)<br>field: string (Field to get)
hgetallHash CommandGet all fields and values in a hashkey: string (Hash key)
scanKey CommandScan Redis keys matching a patternpattern: string (Pattern to match, e.g., "user:*")<br>count: number, optional (Number of keys to return)
setString CommandSet string value with optional NX and PX optionskey: string (Key to set)<br>value: string (Value to set)<br>nx: boolean, optional (Only set if not exists)<br>px: number, optional (Expiry in milliseconds)
getString CommandGet string valuekey: string (Key to get)
delKey CommandDelete a keykey: string (Key to delete)
zaddSorted Set CommandAdd one or more members to a sorted setkey: string (Sorted set key)<br>members: array of objects with score: number and value: string
zrangeSorted Set CommandReturn a range of members from a sorted set by indexkey: string (Sorted set key)<br>start: number (Start index)<br>stop: number (Stop index)<br>withScores: boolean, optional (Include scores in output)
zrangebyscoreSorted Set CommandReturn members from a sorted set with scores between min and maxkey: string (Sorted set key)<br>min: number (Minimum score)<br>max: number (Maximum score)<br>withScores: boolean, optional (Include scores in output)
zremSorted Set CommandRemove one or more members from a sorted setkey: string (Sorted set key)<br>members: array of strings (Members to remove)
saddSet CommandAdd one or more members to a setkey: string (Set key)<br>members: array of strings (Members to add to the set)
smembersSet CommandGet all members in a setkey: string (Set key)


Configure in your MCP client (e.g., Claude Desktop, Cline):

{ "mcpServers": { "redis": { "command": "npx", "args": ["redis-mcp", "--redis-host", "localhost", "--redis-port", "6379"], "disabled": false } } }

Command Line Arguments

  • --redis-host: Redis server host (default: localhost)
  • --redis-port: Redis server port (default: 6379)

Installing via Smithery

To install Redis Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install redis-mcp --client claude


To add a new Redis tool:

  1. Create a new tool class in src/tools/ extending RedisTool
  2. Define the tool's interface in src/interfaces/types.ts
  3. Register the tool in src/tools/tool_registry.ts

Example tool implementation:

export class MyTool extends RedisTool { name = 'mytool'; description = 'Description of what the tool does'; inputSchema = { type: 'object', properties: { // Define input parameters }, required: ['requiredParam'] }; validateArgs(args: unknown): args is MyToolArgs { // Implement argument validation } async execute(args: unknown, client: RedisClientType): Promise<ToolResponse> { // Implement tool logic } }



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security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Enables users to perform Redis database operations using the Model Context Protocol (MCP) tools, allowing for efficient data management through commands like setting, getting, and scanning hash fields.

  1. Project Structure
    1. Available Tools
      1. Usage
        1. Command Line Arguments
          1. Installing via Smithery
          2. Development
            1. License