MCP Project Orchestrator

{ "component_templates": [ { "name": "FactoryComponent", "type": "Factory Method", "description": "Creates objects using the Factory Method.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for FactoryMethodProject showing the factory, product, and client interactions.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: FactoryMethod/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "FactoryMethod/FactoryComponent.js" }, { "name": "AbstractFactoryComponent", "type": "Abstract Factory", "description": "Creates related objects without specifying concrete classes.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for AbstractFactoryProject illustrating families of related objects and their creation process.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: AbstractFactory/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "AbstractFactory/AbstractFactoryComponent.js" }, { "name": "BuilderComponent", "type": "Builder", "description": "Constructs objects using a step-by-step approach.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for BuilderProject that shows the step-by-step construction process of complex objects.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Builder/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Builder/BuilderComponent.js" }, { "name": "PrototypeComponent", "type": "Prototype", "description": "Clones existing objects as prototypes.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for PrototypeProject displaying object cloning and prototype relationships.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Prototype/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Prototype/PrototypeComponent.js" }, { "name": "SingletonComponent", "type": "Singleton", "description": "Manages a single instance across the application.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for SingletonProject illustrating the single instance and global access point.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Singleton/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Singleton/SingletonComponent.js" }, { "name": "AdapterComponent", "type": "Adapter", "description": "Adapts one interface to another.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for AdapterProject showing how incompatible interfaces are adapted to work together.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Adapter/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Adapter/AdapterComponent.js" }, { "name": "DecoratorComponent", "type": "Decorator", "description": "Wraps objects to extend functionality.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for DecoratorProject that shows dynamic addition of behaviors to objects.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Decorator/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Decorator/DecoratorComponent.js" }, { "name": "FacadeComponent", "type": "Facade", "description": "Simplifies interactions with a subsystem.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for FacadeProject showing a simplified interface versus a complex subsystem.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Facade/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Facade/FacadeComponent.js" }, { "name": "ProxyComponent", "type": "Proxy", "description": "Intermediates access to a real object.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for ProxyProject demonstrating the surrogate control pattern.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Proxy/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Proxy/ProxyComponent.js" }, { "name": "ChainComponent", "type": "Chain Of Responsibility", "description": "Processes a request through a chain of handlers.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for ChainOfResponsibilityProject showing the flow of requests through handlers.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: ChainOfResponsibility/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "ChainOfResponsibility/ChainComponent.js" }, { "name": "CommandComponent", "type": "Command", "description": "Encapsulates requests as objects.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for CommandProject outlining encapsulated request objects and their invokers.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Command/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Command/CommandComponent.js" }, { "name": "IteratorComponent", "type": "Iterator", "description": "Enables sequential access to collection elements.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for IteratorProject showing sequential access to a collection.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Iterator/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Iterator/IteratorComponent.js" }, { "name": "MediatorComponent", "type": "Mediator", "description": "Manages communication between objects.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for MediatorProject showing how components communicate via a mediator.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Mediator/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Mediator/MediatorComponent.js" }, { "name": "MementoComponent", "type": "Memento", "description": "Stores and restores object state.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for MementoProject illustrating state capture and restoration processes.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Memento/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Memento/MementoComponent.js" }, { "name": "ObserverComponent", "type": "Observer", "description": "Notifies subscribers of state changes.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for ObserverProject showing one-to-many dependencies between subjects and observers.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Observer/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Observer/ObserverComponent.js" }, { "name": "StateComponent", "type": "State", "description": "Manages state-dependent behavior.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for StateProject outlining state transitions and behavior changes.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: State/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "State/StateComponent.js" }, { "name": "StrategyComponent", "type": "Strategy", "description": "Encapsulates interchangeable algorithms.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for StrategyProject showing interchangeable algorithms and their selection criteria.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Strategy/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Strategy/StrategyComponent.js" }, { "name": "TemplateMethodComponent", "type": "Template Method", "description": "Defines a skeletal algorithm with overrideable steps.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for TemplateMethodProject illustrating the skeletal algorithm with customizable steps.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: TemplateMethod/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "TemplateMethod/TemplateMethodComponent.js" }, { "name": "VisitorComponent", "type": "Visitor", "description": "Separates operations from object structure.", "mermaid": "Generate a Mermaid diagram for VisitorProject showing the separation of operations from object structure.", "directory_structure": "Create directories: Visitor/ with subdirectories src, tests, docs.", "file_path": "Visitor/VisitorComponent.js" } ] }